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#365 in Game dev

26 downloads per month

MIT license

2.5K SLoC


A simple 3D Game Engine in Rust!


3D Model Support: load and manipulate 3D GLTF models
Customizable: Create your own Nodes and use predefined nodes for more specific functionality
Write Your Own Shaders: write your own shaders with GLSL
Easily Add UI's: using egui you can easily set up a UI

Example Images

Shadows Model Loading This work is based on "Japanese Restaurant Inakaya" by MGuegan, licensed under CC BY 4.0.

Guide to using the Engine

this guide goes over the basic usage of initializing the engine, adding nodes, and defining custom nodes.


to begin initialize the engine with the window title and dimensions:

let mut engine = Engine::init("Title", WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT);

Add a Model

models are rendered objects that you can load from a gltf file or simply a primitive shape:

    .add("model_name", Model::new_gltf("res/path/to/model"))
    .define_ready(|model: &mut Model| {
        //runs when model is ready
        println!("(model_name) Is Ready!")
    .define_ready(|model: &mut Model, context: &mut GameContext| {
        //runs every frame
        if input_manager.keys.contains(&Key::W) {
            //move mode forward when W is pressed
            model.translate(glm::vec3(0.0, 1.0 * fps_manager.time_delta.as_sec_f32(), 0.0));
    .apply_transform(&mut |t| {
        // rotate and scale to your liking
        t.rotate_euler_xyz(glm::vec3(-90.0, 0.0, 0.0));
        t.scale(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)

Add a Camera

add a 3D camera to render the scene from its perspective:

                glm::vec3(10.0, 10.0, 10.0),                // position
                glm::vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0),                   // look direction
                0.78539,                                    // field of view
                WINDOW_WIDTH as f32 / WINDOW_HEIGHT as f32, // aspect ratio
                0.1,                                        // near plane
                1000.0,                                     // far plane
        .define_ready(|camera: &mut Camera3D| {
            //ran before the first frame
            println!("camera ready");
        .define_behavior(|camera: &mut Camera3D, context: &mut GameContext| {
            //ran every frame
            //println!("camera behavior");
            camera.take_input(&context.input, context.frame.time_delta.as_secs_f32()); //basic built in fly movement

add a shader

you can add a configure shaders in the engine:

let mut shader = engine.context.nodes.add_shader(
        Shader::default(), // add the default shader

shader.set_uniform4f("lightColor", 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

Add Lights with Shadows

add a directional light with shadows:

        "Direct Light",
            glm::vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0),   // light direction
            glm::vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0),   // color
            1.0,                        // intensity
            100.0,                      // shadow range
            2048,                       // shadow resolution

Optionally add a UI with Egui

integrate a UI with egui:

let ui = UI::init(&mut engine.window);
    .add("debug_panel", ui)
    .define_ui(move |ctx, context| {
        //ui to be drawn every frame
        egui::Window::new("Debug Panel").show(ctx, |ui| {
            ui.label("Hello World!");


in order to apply transforms to a node and all of its child nodes you can use a special method that traverses the node tree.

node.apply_transform(&mut |t| {

    // move 1 unit in the x direction every frame
    t.translate(glm::vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0))

    // rotate 90 degrees per second
    t.rotate_euler_xyz(glm::vec3(90.0 * context.frame.time_delta.as_secs_f32(), 0.0, 0.0))


Finally Start the Render Loop

start the render loop (this should be last):


Defining your own Nodes

you can define your own nodes using rust traits. when you add a node to the games context it must implement the node trait. using this you can add more functionality

Example: Custom Node

struct CustomNode {
    transform: NodeTransform,
    children: NodeManager,
    /* more optional fields */
// Implement Node for your custom node
impl Node for CustomNode {
    fn get_transform(&mut self) -> &mut NodeTransform {
        &mut self.transform
    fn get_children(&mut self) -> &mut NodeManager {
        &mut self.children
    // nodes that implement the Ready trait need to have a as_ready method to
    // cast to the dyn Ready object so the engine can dynamically dispatch the ready method
    fn as_ready(&mut self) -> Option<&mut (dyn Ready + 'static)> {
    // nodes that implement the Behavior trait need to have a as_behavior method to
    // cast to the dyn Behavior object so the engine can dynamically dispatch the ready method
    fn as_behavior(&mut self) -> Option<&mut (dyn Behavior + 'static)> {

// Optional Ready function that runs when the node it ready
impl Ready for CustomNode {
    fn ready(&mut self) {
        println!("Node ready!");

// Optional Behavior funtion that runs on every frame
impl Behavior for CustomNode {
    fn behavior(&mut self, _ctx: &mut GameContext) {
        println!("Node update!");
impl CustomNode {
    // while a constructor isnt required its always a good Idea to have.
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            transform: NodeTransform::default(),
            children: NodeManager::new(),

Shader Uniforms

for building your own shaders the engine applies these uniforms you can also define your own uniforms with

shader.set_uniform(name, value)
Uniform Name Type Description
diffuse0 sampler2D Diffuse texture sampler
specular0 sampler2D Specular texture sampler
shadowMap sampler2D Shadow map texture sampler
baseColorFactor vec4 Base color factor for the material (RGBA)
useTexture bool Whether to use the texture for the object
useAlphaCutoff bool Whether alpha cutoff is applied
alphaCutoff float Alpha cutoff value for transparency
lightColor vec4 Color of the light (RGBA)
lightPos vec3 Position of the light source in world space
camPos vec3 Camera position in world space
u_directLightDirection vec3 Direction of the directional light (normalized vector)
u_SpecularStrength float Strength of the specular highlights
u_AmbientStrength float Strength of the ambient lighting
u_bias float Bias value for shadow mapping to avoid shadow acne
u_BackgroundColor vec3 Background color of the scene (RGB)
u_VP mat4 View projection matrix (combined model-view-projection matrix)
u_Model mat4 Model matrix for the object
u_lightSpaceMatrix mat4 Light space matrix for shadow mapping


Contributions are welcome! If you have suggestions for improvements, feel free to create a pull request or open an issue.


This project is licensed under the MIT License



~348K SLoC