50 releases (18 breaking)

0.19.4 Oct 23, 2023
0.18.2 Oct 19, 2023

#142 in Machine learning

Download history 3/week @ 2024-07-25 69/week @ 2024-09-19 33/week @ 2024-09-26

102 downloads per month

MIT license

525 lines


A simple optimization package.

Optimization Paradigms

The latest version of QOpt supports the following paradigms.

  • Steepest Descent (Gradient Descent)
  • Newton's Method
  • Genetic Optimization
  • Simulated Annealing

Getting Started

Importing maria-linalg

You must import the latest version of the Rust crate maria-linalg in order to use this package.

Creating an Objective Function

First, you must define an objective function struct. This represents a function that accepts an N-dimensional vector and outputs a scalar.

Optimizer accepts up to three functions.

  • Function::objective (required). Accepts continuous and discrete input. Evaluates to the function output (f64).
  • Function::gradient (optional). Accepts continuous input. Evaluates to the function gradient (Vector<N>).
  • Function::hessian (optional). Accepts continuous input. Evaluates to the function Hessian (Matrix<N>).

See the example below. Note that you must also import maria_linalg::Vector and (only if you implement the Hessian) maria_linalg::Matrix.

use qopt::Function;
use maria_linalg::{Matrix, Veector};

/// Number of continuous variables.
const C: usize = 6;

/// Number of discrete variables.
const D: usize = 0;

fn objective(&self, continuous: Vector<C>, discrete: Vector<D>) -> f64 {
    // Required

fn gradient(&self, continuous: Vector<C>) -> Vector<C> {
    // Optional

fn hessian(&self, continuous: Vector<C>) -> Matrix<C> {
    // Optional

Creating an Optimizer

Once you have an objective function, you can create your Optimizer.

use qopt::Optimizer;

/// Number of individuals per optimization iteration.
/// For deterministic methods (gradient descent or Newton's method), this should be 1.
/// For stochastic methods (genetic optimization or simulated annealing), this should be about 100.
const POPULATION: usize = 100;

fn main() {
    let f = MyFunction::new();
    let optimizer: Optimizer<C, D, POPULATION> = Optimizer::new(objective, Some (gradient), Some (hessian));

    // An initial guess for our continuous variables
    let c = Vector::zero();

    // An initial guess for our discrete variables
    let d = Vector::zero();

    let output = optimizer.optimize(c, d, &[]);

    println!("{}", output);

Running the Optimizer

You are now ready to run the optimizer using command-line arguments.

The structure for a command to execute the optimizer is as follows.

$ cargo run --release --quiet -- [--flag] [--parameter value]

Alternatively, if you have written a binary, you may run the binary according to the same rules. Suppose the binary is named myoptimizer.

$ myoptimizer [--flag] [--parameter value]

Command-Line Arguments

The following are permitted command-line arguments and values. Note that all arguments are optional.


Prints a help menu.


Does not print status updates.


Disables gradient-based convergence criterion.

--print-every [integer]

Number of iterations per status update.

Defaults to 0. This is the "quiet" option. No status will be printed until the optimizer converges or the maximum iteration limit is reached.

Accepts an integer. For example, if this integer is 5, then the optimizer prints a status update every fifth iteration.

--paradigm [string]

Optimization paradigm.

Defaults to steepest-descent.

Accepts the following options.

  • steepest-descent. Steepest (gradient) descent. It is recommended (but not required) to implement Function::gradient for this.
  • newton. Newton's method. It is recommended (but not required) to implement Function::gradient and Function::hessian for this.
  • genetic. Genetic algorithm.
  • simulated-annealing. Simulated annealing.

--criterion [float]

Gradient-based convergence criterion. When the gradient is less than this value, the optimizer halts. Note that this requires a locally convex function.

Defaults to 1.0e-3.

Accepts a floating-point number.

--maxiter [integer]

Maximum number of optimization iterations.

Defaults to 100.

Accepts an integer.

--maxtemp [float]

Maximum temperature. This is only used for the simulated annealing paradigm.

Defaults to 1.0.

Accepts a floating-point number.

--stdev [float]

Standard deviation of mutations. This is only used for stochastic methods (genetic optimization and simulated annealing).

Defaults to 1.0.

Accepts a floating-point number.


~22K SLoC