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#85 in Algorithms
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Used in genetic_algorithm_meta
A genetic algorithm implementation for Rust. Inspired by the book Genetic Algorithms in Elixir
There are three main elements to this approach:
- The Genotype (the search space)
- The Fitness function (the search goal)
- The strategy (the search strategy)
- Evolve (evolution strategy)
- Permutate (for small search spaces, with a 100% guarantee)
- HillClimb (when search space is convex with little local optima or when crossover is impossible/inefficient)
- Population: a population has
number of individuals (called chromosomes). - Chromosome: a chromosome has
number of genes - Allele: alleles are the possible values of the genes
- Gene: a gene is a combination of position in the chromosome and value of the gene (allele)
- Genes: storage trait of the genes for a chromosome, mostly
, but alternatives possible - Genotype: Knows how to generate, mutate and crossover chromosomes efficiently
- Fitness: knows how to determine the fitness of a chromosome
All multithreading mechanisms are implemented using rayon::iter and std::sync::mpsc.
See docs.rs
Quick Usage
use genetic_algorithm::strategy::evolve::prelude::*;
// the search space
let genotype = BinaryGenotype::builder() // boolean alleles
.with_genes_size(100) // 100 genes per chromosome
println!("{}", genotype);
// the search goal to optimize towards (maximize or minimize)
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct CountTrue;
impl Fitness for CountTrue {
type Genotype = BinaryGenotype; // Genes = Vec<bool>
fn calculate_for_chromosome(&mut self, chromosome: &Chromosome<Self::Genotype>) -> Option<FitnessValue> {
Some(chromosome.genes.iter().filter(|&value| *value).count() as FitnessValue)
// the search strategy
let evolve = Evolve::builder()
.with_select(SelectElite::new(0.9)) // sort the chromosomes by fitness to determine crossover order and select 90% of the population for crossover (drop 10% of population)
.with_crossover(CrossoverUniform::new()) // crossover all individual genes between 2 chromosomes for offspring (and restore back to 100% of target population size by keeping the best parents alive)
.with_mutate(MutateSingleGene::new(0.2)) // mutate offspring for a single gene with a 20% probability per chromosome
.with_fitness(CountTrue) // count the number of true values in the chromosomes
.with_target_population_size(100) // evolve with 100 chromosomes
.with_target_fitness_score(100) // goal is 100 times true in the best chromosome
.with_reporter(EvolveReporterSimple::new(100)) // optional builder step, report every 100 generations
println!("{}", evolve);
Run with cargo run --example [EXAMPLE_BASENAME] --release
- N-Queens puzzle https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eight_queens_puzzle.
- See examples/evolve_nqueens
- See examples/hill_climb_nqueens
with a 64x64 chess board setup- custom
- Knapsack problem: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knapsack_problem
- See examples/evolve_knapsack
- See examples/permutate_knapsack
BinaryGenotype<Item(weight, value)>
each gene encodes presence in the knapsack- custom
KnapsackFitness(&items, weight_limit)
- Infinite Monkey theorem: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infinite_monkey_theorem
- See examples/evolve_monkeys
100 monkeys randomly typing characters in a loop- custom fitness using hamming distance
- Permutation strategy instead of Evolve strategy for small search spaces, with a 100% guarantee
- HillClimb strategy instead of Evolve strategy, when crossover is impossible or inefficient
- Explore vector genes (BinaryGenotype) versus other storage (BitGenotype)
- Explore internal and external multithreading options
- Custom Fitness function with LRU cache
- See examples/evolve_binary_lru_cache_fitness
- Note: doesn't help performance much in this case...
- Custom Reporting implementation
Performance considerations
For the Evolve strategy:
- Select: no considerations. All selects are basically some form of in-place sorting of some kind. This is relatively fast compared to the rest of the operations.
- Crossover: the workhorse of internal parts. Crossover touches most genes each generation and clones up to the whole population to restore lost population size in selection. See performance tips below.
- Mutate: no considerations. It touches genes like crossover does, but should be used sparingly anyway; with low gene counts (<10%) and low probability (5-20%)
- Fitness: can be anything. This fully depends on the user domain. Parallelize
it using
in the Builder. But beware that parallelization has it's own overhead and is not always faster.
Performance Tips
- Small genes sizes
- It seems that CrossoverMultiGene with
number_of_crossovers = genes_size / 2
andallow_duplicates = true
is the best tradeoff between performance and effect. CrossoverUniform is an alias for the same approach, taking the genes_size from the genotype at runtime. - Restoring the population doesn't matter that much as the cloning is relatively less pronounced (but becomes more prominent for larger population sizes)
- It seems that CrossoverMultiGene with
- Large genes sizes
- It seems that CrossoverMultiPoint with
number_of_crossovers = genes_size / 9
andallow_duplicates = false
is the best tradeoff between performance and effect. - Restoring the population has major performance effects and should be avoided. Use a high selection_rate or even 100%, so there is little parent cloning. Explore non-Vec based genotypes like BitGenotype.
- It seems that CrossoverMultiPoint with
Run tests with cargo test
Use .with_rng_seed_from_u64(0)
builder step to create deterministic tests results.
Implemented using criterion. Run benchmarks with cargo bench
Implemented using criterion and pprof.
Uncomment in Cargo.toml
debug = 1
Run with cargo run --example profile_evolve_binary --release -- --bench --profile-time 5
Find the flamegraph in: ./target/criterion/profile_evolve_binary/profile/flamegraph.svg
- Target cardinality range for Mutate Dynamic to avoid constant switching
- Default max_stale_generations to 1 for SteepestAscent
- Add scaling permutate? Can be done by grid search and then search within last grid with new scale
- Add scaling helper function
- Add simulated annealing strategy
- Add Roulette selection with and without duplicates (with fitness ordering)
- Add OrderOne crossover for UniqueGenotype?
- Add WholeArithmetic crossover for RangeGenotype?
- Add CountTrueWithWork instead of CountTrueWithSleep for better benchmarks?
- Explore more non-Vec genes:
- PackedSimd, ArrayVec, TinyVec?
- Add MatrixGenotype which stores a
population x genes_size
matrix and keeps the genes internal to the Genotype. Chromosomes just reference the ID using reference-id. Population can be handled very lightly as the Chromosome is just a light pointer. Use nalgebra (2D)? Make sure to allow a dealloc call for chromosomes which are dropped from the population (send the population, and crosscheck reference-ids?)
- Maybe use TinyVec for Population? (it us usually less than 1000 anyway), maybe useful paired with MatrixGenotype, where the chromosomes are lightweight (and Copyable)
- permutate (and possibly others) with gene_size 0 panics. Maybe it should just return a empty chromosome?
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