#linear-algebra #matrix


A Rust library for matrix operations and linear algebra

1 stable release

1.0.1 Dec 25, 2024

#516 in Math

25 downloads per month

MIT license


matrix [Rust Implementation]

The project consists on developing a Library for a Vector and Matrix with several operations


You can visit the documentation:


Both Matrix and Vector should support data type generics, for instance f64 or f32 as well as a complex number (for the bonus)


The project is divided in 16 modules.

# Name Example
0 Add, Sub & Scl v1 + v2, m1 - m2 & v * 3.0
1 Linear Combination Providing a list of objects and an instance of the same object, compute all the combinations
2 Linear Interpolation To compute the instance object defined between two objects (or beyond)
3 Dot Product Compute the dot product of two vectors, uses fma
4 Norm Compute the norm for the following kinds of norms: Manhattan, Euclidean & Supremum/maximum
5 Cosine Compute the cosine between two vectors
6 Cross Product Compute the cross product between two 3-dimentional vectors
7 Linear map, Matrix multiplication Multiply a Matrix by a Vector, and by another Matrix
8 Trace Calculate a sqare matrixe's trace
9 Transpose Transpose a Matrix
10 Row Echelon Get the Gauss Jordan (row echelon) of a rectangular matrix
11 Determinant Compute the determinant of a square matrix
12 Inverse Compute the inverse of a square matrix
13 Rank Compute the rank of a rectangular matrix
14 Projection Matrix Compute a projection Matrix
15 Complex numbers Develop a Complex number to use with your library

