4 releases (breaking)
0.4.0 | Jan 4, 2024 |
0.3.0 | Jan 3, 2024 |
0.2.0 | Dec 23, 2023 |
0.1.0 | Dec 23, 2023 |
#64 in Rendering engine
118 lines
GPU pixel buffer (using pixels
), windowing (using winit
), nice input handling and frame-rate-independent game loop all wrapped up in a neat little package.
The game loop is based on https://gafferongames.com/post/fix_your_timestep.
The 'win-loop' part of the crate has moved on to the (unexpectedly named) win-loop
crate in case you want to use another rendering, but want to keep the game loop.
v0.3.0 and further uses win-loop
, but still keeps the 0.2 API.
Small example
use pix_win_loop::*;
struct Application;
impl App for Application {
fn update(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context) -> Result<()> {
if ctx.input.is_logical_key_pressed(NamedKey::Escape) {
fn render(&mut self, pixels: &mut Pixels, _blending_factor: f64) -> Result<()> {
// do rendering using pixels.
let mut frame = pixels.frame_mut();
// draw a 400x12 green line
for pixel in frame.chunks_exact_mut(4).take(PIX_WIDTH as usize * 12) {
pixel[1] = 255;
pixel[3] = 255;
// you can use pixels.render_with() for custom rendering
const PIX_WIDTH: u32 = 400;
const PIX_HEIGHT: u32 = 300;
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let window_builder = WindowBuilder::new()
.with_title("win-pix-loop example")
.with_inner_size(PhysicalSize::new(800, 600));
// Pixel buffer will be scaled to the window size.
// So e.g. this will result in 2x scaling.
let pixel_buffer_size = PhysicalSize::new(PIX_WIDTH, PIX_HEIGHT);
// Minimum time between updates.
// See https://gafferongames.com/post/fix_your_timestep.
let target_frame_time = Duration::from_secs_f32(1. / 120.); // 120 fps
// Maximum time between updates.
// The real time can still exceed this value.
// See https://gafferongames.com/post/fix_your_timestep.
let max_frame_time = Duration::from_secs_f32(0.1);
pix_win_loop::start(window_builder, Application, pixel_buffer_size, target_frame_time, max_frame_time)
~708K SLoC