#plot #parallel #data-file #gnuplot

app parallel-gnuplot

Parallel calls to GNUPlot. Calls the same GNUPlot script once for each data file block.

9 releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.2.2 Jul 17, 2018
0.2.1 Jan 1, 2018
0.2.0 Dec 30, 2017
0.1.7 Dec 27, 2017

#665 in Science

27 downloads per month

MIT license

338 lines


Version info Build Status Build status

Parallel calls to GNUPlot. Calls the same GNUPlot script once for each data file block. Please, note GNUPlot has copyrights, and parallel-gnuplot is not a modified version of GNUPlot.

GNUPlot variables

parallel-gnuplot sets some GNUPlot variables:

  • INDEX: block index, starting at 0 if --initial was not set;
  • CONTINUOUSINDEX: block index, starting at 0;
  • DATAFILE: path of a data file containing only a single block.


parallel-gnuplot -d datafilename0 -d datafilename1 [-d ...] -g gpfilename


program_outputing_data | parallel-gnuplot -g gpfilename


cargo run --release -- -d datafilename0 -d datafilename1 [-d ...] -g gpfilename

Use flag -h for more help.



# block 0:
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4

# block 1:
0 0
1 2
2 4
3 6
4 8


set terminal png size 800,600
set encoding utf8

set xrange [0:4]
set yrange [0:8]

set key left top
set output sprintf("%d", INDEX).'.png'

plot DATAFILE0 with lp lw 2 pt 7 ps 3 title sprintf("Block %d", INDEX)

You can call: parallel-gnuplot -d data.txt --g script.gp or cargo run --release -- -d data.txt -g script.gp or something like cat data.txt | parallel-gnuplot -g script.gp


  • Tested with the Operating Systems:
    • MS Windows (works since v0.1.4),
    • GNU/Linux.
    • (Let me know if works in other OSs.)
  • Can receive data through pipe (since v0.1.5).
  • Check vality of script (since v0.1.6).
  • Skip single line comments capability.


~33K SLoC