#lox #modeling #ecosystem #time


Time modelling tools for the Lox ecosystem

1 unstable release

0.1.0-alpha.0 Jul 19, 2024

#205 in Date and time

Used in 3 crates

MPL-2.0 license

16K SLoC

lox-time defines an API for working with instants in astronomical time scales.


lox_time exposes:

  • the marker trait [TimeScale] and zero-sized implementations representing the most common, continuous astronomical time scales;
  • the concrete type [Time] representing an instant in a [TimeScale];
  • [Utc], the only discontinuous time representation supported by Lox;
  • the [TryToScale] and [ToScale] traits, supporting transformations between pairs of time scales;
  • standard implementations of the most common time scale transformations.

Continuous vs discontinuous timescales

Internally, Lox uses only continuous time scales (i.e. time scales without leap seconds). An instance of [Time] represents an instant in time generic over a continuous [TimeScale].

[Utc] is used strictly as an I/O time format, which must be transformed into a continuous time scale before use in the wider Lox ecosystem.

This separation minimises the complexity in working with leap seconds, confining these transformations to the crate boundaries.


~292K SLoC