
  1. cargo-edit

    Cargo commands for modifying a Cargo.toml file

    v0.13.1 42K #cargo-toml #cargo-command #cargo #cargo-subcommand #dependencies #crates
  2. crates_io_api

    API client for crates.io

    v0.11.0 18K #api-client #io #async-io #http-client #async-http-client #http-request #crates
  3. crates-io-cli

    Interact with crates.io from the command-line

    v4.0.3 1.4K #search #diff #mine #command-line-interface #crates #cli-interface #cli
  4. cns

    Search for Rust crates without leaving the terminal

    v0.1.2 140 #search #tui #terminal #crates-io #crates
  5. cargo-list

    List and update installed crates

    v0.31.2 500 #cargo-install #list #cargo #update #install #cargo-subcommand #crates
  6. cargo-show

    Prints package metadata like pip show, apt-cache show, npm view, gem query, etc

    v0.6.0 650 #package-metadata #cargo-metadata #cargo-subcommand #cargo #package-manager #dependencies #crates
  7. zerus

    Lightweight binary to download only project required crates for offline crates.io mirror

    v0.11.0 130 #offline #mirror #download #vendor #crates
  8. cargo-features-manager

    A tui tool to enable/disable & prune dependency features

    v0.10.0 #cargo #features #tui #manager #crates #command-line-tool #cli
  9. cargo-diet

    Make your crate lean by computing size-optimal include directives for Cargo manifests

    v1.2.7 #cargo-manifest #cargo-toml #lean #crates
  10. crates-lsp

    Language Server Protocol implementation for Cargo.toml manifests

    v0.1.5 120 #lsp #cargo #cargo-toml #crates #version #language-server #language-server-protocol
  11. cargo-whatfeatures

    display features, versions and dependencies of crates

    v0.9.13 120 #cargo-subcommand #cargo #features #dependencies #crates
  12. base-ui

    base-ui crate

    v1.0.2 #ui #crates #copyright #engine
  13. rst-common

    A shortcut to common Rust crates

    v1.5.1 #crates #common #libraries
  14. crust-trust

    An outstanding Rust crate to manage workspaces with optimal crate handling

    v0.1.0 #workspace #management #automation #crates #rust
  15. cargo-feature-aspect

    A Cargo plugin that creates and updates feature aspects across a Cargo workspace

    v0.1.10 #cargo-workspace #features #cargo #cargo-subcommand #logging-tracing #crates
  16. crates_io_api-wasm-patch

    WASM-compatible patch of crates_io_api

    v0.12.1 650 #crates #api-client #io #api #information #default #rate
  17. cargo-ls-crates

    easily list installed cargo packages an their descriptions!

    v0.4.7 130 #cargo #cargo-install #crates #crate #cli
  18. cargo-edit-9

    This extends Cargo to allow you to add and remove dependencies by modifying your Cargo.toml file from the command line. It contains cargo add, cargo rm, and cargo upgrade.

    v0.9.3 7.5K #cargo-toml #cargo #cargo-command #cargo-subcommand #latest-version #dependencies #crates
  19. unclaimed

    Ahoy! Chart yer course through the high seas of crates.io to discover unclaimed treasure names for yer next Rust venture

    v0.1.0 #cargo #discovery #naming #crates #treasure-map
  20. crates-index

    retrieving and interacting with the crates.io index

    v3.6.0 104K #index #packaging #meta #dependencies #crates
  21. image-pyramid

    A small library to compute image pyramids

    v0.5.1 340 #computer-vision #mipmap #pyramid #subsampling #crates #graphics
  22. cargo-feature

    Cargo plugin to manage dependency features

    v0.7.0 500 #cargo #features #cargo-subcommand #crates #feature #cli
  23. crabst

    download statistics on your cli

    v0.5.0 110 #cli-applications #stats #cli #statistics #crates
  24. cargo-build-deps

    A cargo subcommand to build dependencies, helps speed up docker builds by allowing dependencies to be built earlier and cached

    v0.2.0 330 #cargo-build #docker-build #cargo #cargo-subcommand #build-time #dependencies #crates
  25. cargo-nav

    Navigate directly to crate links from your terminal

    v1.2.0 #navigation #cargo #links #navigate #crates #jump #shortcut
  26. chit

    help in terminal: A tool for looking up details about rust crates without going to crates.io

    v0.1.15 #search #command-line-tool #who #list #crates
  27. cargo-examples

    Run all examples for any locally cloned crate

    v0.5.0 #cargo-toml #cargo #cargo-subcommand #crates #example #cli
  28. cargo-with

    A third-party cargo extension to run the build artifacts through tools like gdb

    v0.3.2 #cargo-build #cargo #cargo-subcommand #run-command #dependencies #crates #cli
  29. cargo-docco

    cargo docco generates literate programming style documentation pages from source code. Port of Jash Kenas' Docco in Rust.

    v0.1.0 #cargo #literate-programming #cargo-subcommand #dependencies #crates #cli
  30. alfred-crates

    Workflow for searching Rust crates from Alfred

    v1.0.2 #alfred #cargo #mac #crates
  31. crates-query

    query crates.io packages from the command line

    v0.1.2 #query #package #io #command-line #crates #latest-version #tool
  32. scrutch

    Tiny utility to search rust crates directly from the command line

    v0.0.6 #search #crates #command-line #tiny #utility #cargo #version
  33. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  34. cargo-publish-workspace-v2

    Cargo command to publish a workspace mono repo

    v0.2.1 #cargo-command #publish #cargo #cargo-subcommand #monorepo #cargo-registry #crates
  35. pargo

    private cargo crates registry

    v0.1.0 #cargo #cargo-registry #crates #private-registry #alternate-registry #crates-index
  36. consecrates

    Tiny but virtuous crates.io client

    v0.1.1 #client #crates-io #api-client #crates #api

    All My Crates Downloads

    v0.0.2 #download #crates #check
  38. cargo_client

    Cargo registry (crates.io) client

    v0.13.0 #cargo-registry #cargo #api #crates
  39. cargo-my-bin

    a cargo subcommand displaying the contents of ~/.cargo/bin/

    v0.2.1 #cargo-subcommand #cargo #crates #rust #plugin #plugins
  40. crate-info-mirroring

    Mirror cargo crate metadata

    v0.1.0 #cargo #dependencies #crates #file-path #cli #config-file #process
  41. cargo-build-dependencies

    A cargo subcommand to build dependencies, helps speed up docker builds by allowing dependencies to be built earlier and cached

    v0.1.3 #cargo-build #cargo #cargo-subcommand #dependencies #crates #cli #performance
  42. cargo-bdeps

    A cargo subcommand to build dependencies, helps speed up docker builds by allowing dependencies to be built earlier and cached

    v0.1.7 #cargo-build #cargo #cargo-subcommand #dependencies #crates #cli #performance
  43. crate-index

    A small library for managing a Cargo crate index

    v0.1.0 #index #registry #crates #async #cargo-registry #cargo-docs
  44. hairycrab

    Alternative crate Registry

    v0.1.0 #cargo #crates #private-registry #alternate-registry #crates-index
  45. crates_cli

    A command line interface for finding and managing crates

    v0.2.2 #search #crates #command-line-interface #cli
  46. cargo-bin-lib

    Cargo subcommand for more ergonomically creating a bin or lib crate

    v0.1.0 #cargo-subcommand #cargo #crates #cli
  47. registry_api

    Registry API implementation for crates.io

    v0.1.5 #registry #api #crates-io #crates
  48. cargo-sym

    Prints various binary symbols in your crate

    v0.0.6 #symbols #cargo #debugging #cargo-subcommand #crates
  49. cratesio-dbdump-lookup

    trait for rusqlite connection for working with crates.io dbdump data

    v0.1.1 190 #sqlite #crates #data #io #rusqlite #connection #download
  50. cratesio-dbdump-csvtab

    csvtab wrapper for crates.io db dump

    v0.2.2 450 #csvtab #sqlite #crates
  51. cratesiover

    Get crate version from crates.io

    v2.2.1 #version #io #crates #status #query #equals #println
  52. cargo-why

    traces dependency paths to show why a crate was required

    v0.2.0 #cargo #cargo-subcommand #dependencies #crates #cli
  53. crates-mirror

    Crates.io mirror

    v0.2.1 #mirror #crates #io #index #remote
  54. cargo-crate-type

    Edits the lib crate type to help building cross-platform libs, by modifying Cargo.toml

    v0.1.0 #cargo-toml #cargo #cargo-subcommand #dependencies #crates #cli