#camera #bevy #controller #cad


A camera controller for editors and CAD

19 releases

0.3.1 Jul 11, 2024
0.3.0-rc.0 Jun 30, 2024
0.2.0 Mar 19, 2024

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A production-ready camera controller for 2D/3D editors and CAD.

CI docs.rs crates.io


Bevy Version Support

bevy bevy_editor_cam
0.14 0.3
0.13 0.2
0.12 0.1


A production-ready camera controller for 3D editors; intended for anyone who needs to rapidly and intuitively navigate virtual spaces.

Camera controllers are very subjective! As someone who has spent years using camera controllers in mechanical engineering CAD software, I've developed my own opinions about what matters in a camera controller. This is my attempt to make the controller I've always wanted, that fixes the annoyances I've encountered.

Because camera controllers are so subjective, I felt the need to write out the impetus for making this thing, what matters to me, and how I decided between conflicting goals. Somehow, this ended up as a manifesto of sorts. If you came here to learn how to use or extend this plugin, I've boiled the manifesto down into two sentences:

A camera controller needs to be responsive, robust, and satisfying to use. When there is conflict between these needs, they should be prioritized in that order.

Now that you've absorbed my wisdom, feel free to skip ahead to the Usage section.

Or don't. It's up to you.


These are the properties of a good editor camera controller, in order of importance. These are the driving values for the choices I've made here. You might disagree and have different values or priorities!


A good camera controller should never feel floaty or disconnected. It should go exactly where the user commands it to go. Responsiveness isn't simply "low latency", it's about respecting the user's intent.

First-order input

The most precise inputs are first-order, that is, controlling the position of something directly, instead of its velocity (second-order) or acceleration (third-order). An example of this is using a mouse vs. a gamepad for controlling the rotation of a first person view. The mouse is first order, the position of the mouse on the mousepad directly corresponds with the direction the player is facing. Conversely, a joystick controls the velocity of the view rotation. All that is to say, where possible, the camera controller should use pointer inputs directly.

Pixel-perfect panning

When you click and drag to pan the scene, the thing you click on should stick to your pointer, and never drift. This should hold true even if inputs are being smoothed.

Intuitive zoom

The camera should zoom in and out in the direction you are pointing. If the user is hovering over something, the speed of the camera should automatically adjust to quickly zoom up to it without clipping through it.

Predictable rotation

When you click and drag to orbit the scene in 3d, the center of rotation should be located where your pointer was when the drag started.

Intuitive perspective toggle

Toggling between different fields of view, or between perspective and orthographic projections, should not cause the camera view to jump or change suddenly. The view should smoothly warp, keeping the last interacted point stationary on the screen.


A camera controller should work in any scenario, and handle failure gracefully and unsurprisingly when inputs are ambiguous.

Works in all conditions:

All of features in the previous section should work regardless of framerate, distance, scale, camera field of view, and camera projection - including orthographic.

Graceful fallback

if nothing is under the pointer when a camera motion starts, the last-known depth should be used, to prevent erratic behavior when the hit test fails. If a user was orbiting around a point on an object, then clicks to rotate about empty space, the camera should not shoot off into space because nothing was under the cursor.


The controller should feel good to use.


Panning and orbiting should support configurable momentum, to allow you to "flick" the camera through the scene to cover distance and make the feel of the camera tunable. This is especially useful for trackpad and touch users.


The smoothness of inputs should be configurable as a tradeoff between fluidity of motion and responsiveness. This is particularly useful when showing the screen to other people, where fast motions can be disorienting or even nauseating.


This plugin only requires three things to work. The bevy_mod_picking plugin for hit tests, the DefaultEditorCamPlugins plugin group, and the EditorCam component. Controller settings are configured per-camera in the EditorCam component.

Getting Started

1. Add bevy_mod_picking

The camera controller uses bevy_picking_core for pointer interactions. If you already use the picking plugin, then using this camera controller is essentially free because it can reuse those same hit tests you are already running.

If you are not using the picking plugin yet, all you need to get started are the default plugins:


2. Add DefaultEditorCamPlugins

This is a plugin group that adds the camera controller, as well as all the [extensions]. You can instead add controller::MinimalEditorCamPlugin, though you will need to add your own input plugin if you do.


3. Insert the EditorCam component

Finally, insert controller::component::EditorCam onto any cameras that you want to control. This marks the cameras as controllable and holds all camera controller settings.

    // Camera

Other notable features

I've also implemented a few other features that are handy for a camera controller like this.

Compatible with floating origins and other controllers

This controller does all computations in view space. The result of this is that you can move the camera wherever you want, update its transform, and it will continue to behave normally, as long as the camera isn't being controlled by the user while you do this. This means you can control this camera with another camera controller, or use it in a floating origin system.

Independent skybox

When working in a CAD context, it is common to use orthographic projections to remove perspective distortion from the image. However, because an ortho projection has zero field of view, the view of the skybox is infinitesimally small, i.e. only a single pixel of the skybox is visible. To fix this, an extension is provided to attach a skybox to a camera that is independent from that camera's field of view.

Pointer and Hit Test Agnostic

Users of this library shouldn't be forced into using any particular hit testing method, like CPU raycasting. The controller uses bevy_picking_core to work with:

  • Arbitrary hit testing backends, including those written by users. See bevy_picking_core::backend for more information.
  • Any number of pointing inputs, including touch.
  • Viewports and multi-pass rendering.


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