10 releases

0.1.12 May 12, 2021
0.1.11 May 12, 2021
0.1.8 Feb 15, 2020

#362 in Date and time

MIT license

3.5K SLoC


Command-line client for mite time-tracking


Rust >=1.41.0 (unless you use the pre-compiled binaries)


Simple way

cargo install acari-cli

Alternative: Checkout the project and do

cargo install --path cli --force --locked

Or you can download the pre-compiled statically linked binaries from the releases page.

Shell completions


Copy or symlink cli/shell_completions/acari.fish to ~/.config/fish/completions.


Copy cli/shell_completions/zsh/_acari to somewhere in your $fpath (usually something like /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions or /usr/share/zsh/site-functions).

Note: This is barely tested right now and should probably be done differently.


Right now there are three options:

  • Migrate to the slightly more colorful side of zsh
  • Migrate to the much more colorful side of fish
  • Contribute your own completions. I will gladly accept pull requests.

Basic usage


You need to get an API token from mite. This can be found on your account page. Then you just have to do

acari init

which will ask for your mite domain and token.

Alternatively you simply create a ~/.config/acari/config.toml

domain = '<your-company>.mite.yo.lk'
token = '<your-token>'
cache_ttl_minutes = 1440

After this you may check your connection with

acari check

with will print your account and user information.

Query customers/projects/services

List customers

acari customers

List projects

acari projects

or if you are interested in the projects of a specific customer

acari projects "<customer-name>"

List services

acari services

All of these information will be cached. You can modify the cache duration in your ~/.config/acari/config.toml (default: 1 day).

If you think that something is missing you can try running the above commands with the --no-cache option, or run

acari clear-cache

or simple erase the ~/.cache/acari directory.

Query time entries

acari entries <timespan>

Whereas timespan can be

  • today or now: Just today
  • yesterday: Just yesterday
  • this-week or week: All entries of this week
  • last-week: all entries of last week
  • this-month or month: all entries of this month
  • last-month: all entries of last month
  • YYYY-MM-DD: entries of a specific day
  • YYYY-MM-DD/YYYY-MM-DD: all entries from a specific day up to another day

Tracking time

Start time-tracking

acari start <customer-name> <project-name> <service-name>

optionally you can also add a starting offset

acari start <customer-name> <project-name> <service-name> <minutes>

whereas minutes are either actual minutes or in the form of hh:mm.

Stop time-tracking

acari stop

Show current time tracking

acari tracking

(Note: This might change, have not found a good naming yet)

Modify time entries

Chance an entry for today

acari set <customer-name> <project-name> <service-name> <minutes>

whereas minutes are either actual minutes or in the form of hh:mm.

Chany an entry for a specific day

acari set <customer-name> <project-name> <service-name> <minutes> <date>

Whereas date can be

  • today or now: Change today
  • yesterday: Change yesterday
  • YYYY-MM-DD: Change a specific day

Note: If the specified day contains multiple entries for the same cuatomer, project and service these will be squisched down to a single entry. The idea of the set command is to just set the time spend on a task for the day entirely.

Alternatively, if you simply want to add an entry without regarding any existing entries for that project/service, you can just use:

acari add <customer-name> <project-name> <service-name> <minutes>

Modify the output

The output of all commandy can be modified via the --output or -o option. E.g.

acari --output=json customers

Supported output formats are:

  • pretty: Show pretty tables (this is the default)
  • json: Dump all available information as json
  • flat: Very condensed form of pretty that may be helpful processing information in shell-scripts or awk


In case you have to track your time in multiple mite accounts, it is possible to create a profile for each additional account by using the --profile or -p option. E.g.

acari --profile=<name> init
acari --profile=<name> customers

... this is a pretty exotic use-case, unluckily one of mine, so ...


~299K SLoC