#time-tracking #track #api-bindings #cli #time

app toggl

Unofficial command-line interface for Toggl Track using the v9 API

13 releases

0.4.9 Dec 11, 2024
0.4.7 Nov 4, 2024
0.4.4 May 27, 2024
0.4.2 Dec 22, 2023
0.1.0 May 15, 2019

#69 in Date and time

MIT license

2.5K SLoC


Unofficial CLI for Toggl Track written in Rust, using the v9 API.


Building the binary.

cargo build # or cargo build --release

Installing the binary.

From crates.io

cargo install toggl

From Arch Linux aur

toggl-cli toggl-cli-bin

toggl-cli is available on the AUR:

You can install it using your AUR helper of choice.


$ yay -Sy toggl-cli

From source

cargo install --path .

This places the release optimized binary at ~/.cargo/bin/toggl. Make sure to add ~/.cargo/bin to your $PATH so that you can run the binary from any directory.

You can invoke the binary using the toggl command now. Alternatively you can also run the command directly using cargo run

cargo run [command]

# To list the last 3 time-entries
cargo run list -n 3

The first command you need to run is auth to set up your Toggl API token.

cargo run auth [API_TOKEN] # or toggl auth [API_TOKEN]

The API token is stored securely in your Operating System's keychain using the keyring crate.

Note: On some linux environments the keyring store is not persistent across reboots. We recommend exporting the api token as TOGGL_API_TOKEN in your shell profile. The CLI will use this environment variable if it is set. You don't need to run the auth command if you have the environment variable set.


Run the help command to see a list of available commands.

$ toggl help
toggl 0.4.9
Toggl command line app.


        --fzf        Use fzf instead of the default picker
    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -C <directory>         Change directory before running the command
        --proxy <proxy>    Use custom proxy

    auth        Authenticate with the Toggl API. Find your API token at https://track.toggl.com/profile#api-token
    config      Manage auto-tracking configuration
    help        Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    logout      Clear stored credentials
    start       Start a new time entry, call with no arguments to start in interactive mode

You can also run the help command on a specific subcommand.

$ toggl help start
toggl-start 0.4.9
Start a new time entry, call with no arguments to start in interactive mode

    toggl start [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [--] [description]

    -b, --billable
    -h, --help           Prints help information
    -i, --interactive
    -V, --version        Prints version information

    -p, --project <project>    Exact name of the project you want the time entry to be associated with
    -t, --tags <tags>...       Space separated list of tags to associate with the time entry, e.g. 'tag1 tag2 tag3'

    <description>    Description of the time entry


To run the unit-tests

cargo test


Common lint tools

cargo fmt # Formatting the code to a unified style.

cargo clippy --fix # To automatically fix common mistakes.

The CI will also run the lint commands for all pull-requests. See pull_request.yml for more details.


To create a new release, first bump the package version. We have a handy script at pkg/autodoc.rs. Running it with no arguments, bumps the current patch version, in Cargo.toml and Cargo.lock files. It also updates the help documentation in this README to match the current version of the command. Commit and push the updated changes and a new release will show up under the releases page.

Built by the Watercooler Studio


~506K SLoC