
  1. proc-macro-crate

    Replacement for crate (macro_rules keyword) in proc-macros

    v3.3.0 9.8M #proc-macro #macro-rules #crates
  2. cargo-edit

    Cargo commands for modifying a Cargo.toml file

    v0.13.2 54K #cargo-subcommand #dependencies #cargo #cli #crates
  3. crates_io_api

    API client for crates.io

    v0.11.0 25K #api-client #io #crates
  4. crates-io-cli

    Interact with crates.io from the command-line

    v4.0.3 1.4K #search #diff #mine #crates #cli
  5. cns

    Search for Rust crates without leaving the terminal

    v0.1.2 #tui #crates-io #search #crates #terminal
  6. cargo-list

    List and update installed crates

    v0.31.3 550 #install-update #update #cargo-install #list #install #cargo #crates
  7. zerus

    Lightweight binary to download only project required crates for offline crates.io mirror

    v0.11.0 #offline #mirror #download #vendor #crates
  8. crates-lsp

    Language Server Protocol implementation for Cargo.toml manifests

    v0.1.6 120 #lsp #cargo #crates
  9. cargo-features-manager

    A tui tool to enable/disable & prune dependency features

    v0.10.0 100 #features #manager #cargo #crates #cli
  10. cargo-groups

    Run cargo commands on a groups of crates in a workspace

    v0.1.9 7.8K #cargo-workspace #group #cargo #workspace #crates
  11. cargo-diet

    Make your crate lean by computing size-optimal include directives for Cargo manifests

    v1.2.7 #cargo-manifest #cargo-subcommand #lean #crates #cli
  12. cargo-show

    Prints package metadata like pip show, apt-cache show, npm view, gem query, etc

    v0.6.0 470 #cargo-metadata #cargo-subcommand #dependencies #cli #crates #cargo
  13. base-ui

    base-ui crate

    v1.0.2 400 #ui #crates #렌더링
  14. releaser

    or workspace releasing tool. All crates from workspace will be released on crates.io

    v0.14.0 #release #tool #tags #version #io #tag #crates
  15. cargo-whatfeatures

    display features, versions and dependencies of crates

    v0.9.13 120 #cargo-subcommand #features #dependencies #cargo #crates
  16. rst-common

    A shortcut to common Rust crates

    v1.5.1 #common #crates #libraries
  17. cargo-feature-aspect

    A Cargo plugin that creates and updates feature aspects across a Cargo workspace

    v0.1.10 #cargo-subcommand #cargo-workspace #features #feature #crates #cargo
  18. crust-trust

    An outstanding Rust crate to manage workspaces with optimal crate handling

    v0.1.0 #automation #workspace #rust #crates #management
  19. cargo-rhack

    Temporarily edit your Cargo dependencies

    v0.1.5 #cargo-dependencies #cargo #dependencies #cargo-cli #cli #crates
  20. unclaimed

    Ahoy! Chart yer course through the high seas of crates.io to discover unclaimed treasure names for yer next Rust venture

    v0.1.0 #discovery #crates #naming #cargo #treasure-map
  21. crates_io_api-wasm-patch

    WASM-compatible patch of crates_io_api

    v0.12.1 #api #crates #crates-io-api
  22. cargo-ls-crates

    easily list installed cargo packages an their descriptions!

    v0.4.7 #cargo-crates #cargo #crates #crate #cli #cargo-cli
  23. cargo-edit-9

    This extends Cargo to allow you to add and remove dependencies by modifying your Cargo.toml file from the command line. It contains cargo add, cargo rm, and cargo upgrade.

    v0.9.3 #cargo-subcommand #dependencies #cargo #cli #crates
  24. cargo-build-deps

    A cargo subcommand to build dependencies, helps speed up docker builds by allowing dependencies to be built earlier and cached

    v0.2.0 950 #cargo-subcommand #dependencies #cargo #cli #crates
  25. rfsignupxx

    A test package for RFsignup functionality

    v0.1.2 #signup #example #crates
  26. cargo-feature

    Cargo plugin to manage dependency features

    v0.7.0 500 #cargo-subcommand #crates #features #cargo #feature #cli
  27. crabst

    download statistics on your cli

    v0.5.0 110 #stats #crates #cli
  28. cargo-nav

    Navigate directly to crate links from your terminal

    v1.2.0 #navigation #crates #jump #shortcut #documentation #terminal #cargo
  29. chit

    help in terminal: A tool for looking up details about rust crates without going to crates.io

    v0.1.15 #search #who #list #command-line-tool #crates
  30. cargo-examples

    Run all examples for any locally cloned crate

    v0.5.0 #cargo-subcommand #example #crates #cargo #cli
  31. ryn

    IRC client written in Rust

    v1.0.0 #client #crates #server
  32. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  33. cargo-with

    A third-party cargo extension to run the build artifacts through tools like gdb

    v0.3.2 #cargo-subcommand #dependencies #cargo #cli #crates
  34. cargo-docco

    cargo docco generates literate programming style documentation pages from source code. Port of Jash Kenas' Docco in Rust.

    v0.1.0 #cargo-subcommand #dependencies #cargo-crates #cargo #crates #cli #cargo-cli
  35. alfred-crates

    Workflow for searching Rust crates from Alfred

    v1.0.2 #alfred #cargo-crates #cargo #mac #crates
  36. crates-query

    query crates.io packages from the command line

    v0.1.2 #crates #index #version #cli
  37. consecrates

    Tiny but virtuous crates.io client

    v0.1.1 390 #api-client #crates-io #client #crates #api
  38. scrutch

    Tiny utility to search rust crates directly from the command line

    v0.0.6 #search #crates #line #query #version #serialization
  39. cargo-publish-workspace-v2

    Cargo command to publish a workspace mono repo

    v0.2.1 #cargo-subcommand #publish #cargo-workspace #crates #cli #cargo
  40. pargo

    private cargo crates registry

    v0.1.0 #cargo-crates #private-registry #alternate-registry #cargo #crates #crates-index

    All My Crates Downloads

    v0.0.2 #download #crates
  42. cargo-my-bin

    a cargo subcommand displaying the contents of ~/.cargo/bin/

    v0.2.1 #cargo-subcommand #rust #crates #cargo #plugins #plugin
  43. cargo-build-dependencies

    A cargo subcommand to build dependencies, helps speed up docker builds by allowing dependencies to be built earlier and cached

    v0.1.3 #cargo-subcommand #dependencies #cargo #crates #cli
  44. cargo_client

    Cargo registry (crates.io) client

    v0.13.0 #api #crates #cargo #cargo-crates
  45. cargo-bdeps

    A cargo subcommand to build dependencies, helps speed up docker builds by allowing dependencies to be built earlier and cached

    v0.1.7 #cargo-subcommand #dependencies #cargo #crates #cli
  46. crate-info-mirroring

    Mirror cargo crate metadata

    v0.1.0 #dependencies #cargo #cargo-cli #cli #crates #process
  47. hairycrab

    Alternative crate Registry

    v0.1.0 #private-registry #cargo-crates #alternate-registry #cargo #crates #crates-index
  48. crate-index

    A small library for managing a Cargo crate index

    v0.1.0 #registry #crates #async #index
  49. crates_cli

    A command line interface for finding and managing crates

    v0.2.2 #search #crates #cli
  50. cargo-bin-lib

    Cargo subcommand for more ergonomically creating a bin or lib crate

    v0.1.0 #cargo-subcommand #crates #cargo #cli
  51. cargo-sym

    Prints various binary symbols in your crate

    v0.0.6 #cargo-subcommand #symbols #crates #debugging #cargo
  52. registry_api

    Registry API implementation for crates.io

    v0.1.5 #crates-io #registry #api #crates #crate
  53. cratesio-dbdump-lookup

    trait for rusqlite connection for working with crates.io dbdump data

    v0.1.1 190 #sqlite #crates #data
  54. cratesio-dbdump-csvtab

    csvtab wrapper for crates.io db dump

    v0.2.2 210 #sqlite #csvtab #crates
  55. cratesiover

    Get crate version from crates.io

    v2.2.1 #version #crates #io #status
  56. cargo-why

    traces dependency paths to show why a crate was required

    v0.2.0 #cargo-subcommand #dependencies #cargo #crates #cli