
  1. itertools

    Extra iterator adaptors, iterator methods, free functions, and macros

    v0.13.0 19.0M #iterator #product #zip #data-structures #no-alloc
  2. enum-iterator

    Tools to iterate over all values of a type (e.g. all variants of an enumeration)

    v2.1.0 679K #enums #variant #iterator #cardinality #enumerate #enum #variants
  3. embedded-graphics

    Embedded graphics library for small hardware displays

    v0.8.1 30K #2d-graphics #pixel #graphics #display #embedded-devices #iterator #hardware
  4. globwalk

    Glob-matched recursive file system walking

    v0.9.1 1.3M #glob-pattern #filesystem #pattern #glob #walk #iterator #pattern-match
  5. streaming-iterator

    Streaming iterators

    v0.1.9 156K #iterator #streaming #elements #create #infinite #next #convert
  6. jwalk

    Filesystem walk performed in parallel with streamed and sorted results

    v0.8.1 127K #filesystem #directory #parallel #recursion #walk #iterator #walk-dir
  7. ffmpeg-sidecar

    Wrap a standalone FFmpeg binary in an intuitive Iterator interface

    v2.0.5 11K #ffmpeg #video #frame #codec #iterator #binary #standalone
  8. utf16_iter

    Iterator by char over potentially-invalid UTF-16 in &[u16]

    v1.0.5 3.1M #utf-16 #character-encoding #iterator #unicode #encoding #unicode-characters #replace
  9. fallible-iterator

    Fallible iterator traits

    v0.3.0 2.9M #iterator #fallible #traits #iteration #value #std #btree-map
  10. iter-read

    A Read implementation for iterators over u8 and related types

    v1.1.0 141K #io-read #iterator #read #reader #byte-reader
  11. tuples

    many useful tools related to tuples

    v1.16.0 4.4K #tuple #iterator #meta
  12. walkdir

    Recursively walk a directory

    v2.5.0 6.9M #directory #recursion #directory-tree #walk #iterator #symbolic-links #cross-platform
  13. core_extensions

    Extensions for core/std library types, and other miscelaneous features

    v1.5.3 53K #extension #traits #string #macro #slice #generics #iterator
  14. jiter

    Fast Iterable JSON parser

    v0.8.2 80K #json-parser #json #deserialize-json #parser #deserialize #iterator
  15. utf8_iter

    Iterator by char over potentially-invalid UTF-8 in &[u8]

    v1.0.4 4.0M #utf-8 #iterator #unicode #encoding
  16. yap

    Parser library. A lightweight, dependency free, parser combinator inspired set of utility methods to help with parsing strings and slices.

    v0.12.0 156K #parser-combinator #string-parser #tokens #slice #iterator #free #methods
  17. internal-iterator

    Internal iteration equivalent of std::iter::Iterator

    v0.2.3 17K #iterator #iteration #tree #closures #internal #data-structures #element
  18. winter-utils

    Winterfell STARK prover/verifier

    v0.11.0 5.6K #stark #serialization #transmute #prover #iterator #verifier #winterfell
  19. fallible-streaming-iterator

    Fallible streaming iteration

    v0.1.9 1.2M #iterator #error #streaming #fallible #iteration #element #traits
  20. joinery

    A small crate for generically joining iterators with a separator

    v3.1.0 143K #join #string #iterator #separator #iterable #joining #elements
  21. lender

    A lending-iterator trait based on higher-rank trait bounds, with full std::iter::Iterator functionality

    v0.2.9 700 #lending-iterator #iterator #lending #mutable-borrow
  22. utf8-chars

    Char-by-char iterator and read_char method for BufRead

    v3.0.5 6.9K #utf-8 #iterator #chars #read-char #utf8
  23. orx-iterable

    Defines and implements Iterable, Collection and CollectionMut traits to represent types that can be iterated over multiple times

    v1.1.1 700 #iterable #collection #iterator #object-safe #intoiterator #enumerable
  24. orx-parallel

    A performant and configurable parallel computing library for computations defined as compositions of iterator methods

    v1.12.0 1.2K #parallel-iterator #parallel-processing #parallel #iterator #thread #concurrency #performance
  25. orx-concurrent-iter

    A thread-safe and ergonomic concurrent iterator trait and efficient lock-free implementations

    v1.29.0 #iterator #concurrency #iteration #parallelism #atomic #send-sync
  26. itermore

    🤸‍♀️ More iterator adaptors

    v0.7.1 1.4K #iterator #chunks #windows
  27. paralight

    A lightweight parallelism library for indexed structures

    v0.0.5 130 #thread-pool #worker-thread #parallelism #iterator #range-strategy #items #input
  28. mitsein

    Strongly typed APIs for non-empty collections, slices, and iterators

    v0.4.1 290 #non-empty #collection #iterator #slice #strongly-typed #one-or-more #no-alloc
  29. peeking_take_while

    Like Iterator::take_while, but calls the predicate on a peeked value. This allows you to use Iterator::by_ref and Iterator::take_while together, and still get the first value…

    v1.0.0 1.8M #iterator #peek #take-while #by-ref
  30. leveldb

    An interface for leveldb

    v0.8.6 28K #database-interface #bindings #snappy #iterator #kv #iterable
  31. exhaust

    Trait and derive macro for working with all possible values of a type (exhaustive enumeration)

    v0.2.1 4.0K #exhaustive #brute-force #iterator #enums #macro-derive #enumeration #values
  32. argv

    Command line arguments by reference: Iterator<Item = &'static OsStr>

    v0.1.11 2.7K #command-line-arguments #osstr #reference #iterator #args #static #string
  33. iterate-trait

    Experiment with methods on IntoIterator

    v1.0.1 #experiment #iterator #methods #into-iterator #collect #items #yield
  34. resiter

    Helper crate for handling iterators over result

    v0.5.0 5.9K #iterator #utilities #result #adaptor
  35. gat-lending-iterator

    iterators who's items can [mutably] reference the iterator

    v0.1.6 1.8K #lending-iterator #iterator #lending #iterator-adapter #iterator-extension
  36. tqdm

    Python tqdm in Rust

    v0.7.0 94K #progress-bar #progress #iterator #command-line #python #iterable #meter
  37. anyinput

    A macro for easier writing of functions that accept any string-, path-, iterator-, array-, or ndarray-like input

    v0.1.8 500 #iterator #generics #macro #ndarray #function #array-string
  38. metastruct

    Abstractions for iterating and mapping over struct fields

    v0.1.3 7.8K #struct-fields #macro-derive #proc-macro #macro #field #iterator
  39. get_chunk

    File iterator or stream with auto or manual chunk size selection

    v1.2.2 #chunk #async-io #chunks #iterator #read-file #file-io #filesize
  40. many-unzip

    multiunzip from itertools but with support for larger than 12-tuples

    v0.1.1 12K #iterator #unzip #itertools #zip
  41. hexdump

    Easy hexdump to stdout or as an iterator

    v0.1.2 11K #stdout #iterator #prints
  42. peekmore

    Iterator adapter like Peekable, but for peeking forward multiple elements

    v1.3.0 3.1K #iterator-adapter #iterator #peekable #peek #lookahead #multipeek
  43. pariter

    Parallel iterator processing

    v0.5.1 6.3K #parallel-iterator #parallel-processing #iterator #parallel #parallel-map
  44. rayon-cond

    Experimental iterator wrapper that is conditionally parallel or serial

    v0.3.0 232K #parallel-iterator #iterator #parallel
  45. iter-identify_first_last

    A helper iterator, flagging first and last elements

    v0.2.3 2.9K #iterator #first #last #iter #is-last
  46. polars-rows-iter

    easy and convenient row iteration of polars dataframes

    v0.9.1 750 #polars #rows #iterator #dataframe #row
  47. importunate

    Methods for returning random elements from an iterator

    v0.1.2 #iterator #random #min-max #max #min
  48. list-fn

    A generic lazy list

    v0.20.1 #functional-programming #iterator #lazy-evaluation #generator #list #continuation #immutability
  49. counting_sort

    Counting sort implementation for Iterators

    v1.0.10 #sorting #iterator #counting
  50. iter-chunks

    Extend Iterator with chunks

    v0.2.2 4.5K #iterator #chunks #loop
  51. supply-chain-trust-example-crate-000021

    regular expressions for Rust. This implementation uses finite automata and guarantees linear time matching on all inputs.

    v1.11.1 #regex #string #match #iterator #matching #automata #finite
  52. iterator_ilp

    Iterator extensions for instruction-parallel reductions

    v2.1.2 390 #iterator #simd #ilp #instruction-parallel #no-alloc #unroll
  53. async-iterator

    An async version of iterator

    v2.3.0 #async #iterator #async-version #safe
  54. subnetwork

    Return all ip addresses of a subnetwork

    v0.4.8 440 #ip-address #subnet #net #iterator
  55. dpc-pariter

    Parallel iterator processing

    v0.5.1 430 #parallel-iterator #parallel-processing #iterator #parallel #parallel-map
  56. blobby

    Iterator over simple binary blob storage

    v0.3.1 7.6K #binary #iterator #byte #numbers #stored #sequence #entry
  57. minimizer-iter

    Iterate over minimizers of a DNA sequence

    v1.2.1 #dna #bioinformatics #iterator #minimizer #data-structures
  58. par-iter-sync

    Parallel Iterator With Sequential Output

    v0.1.11 210 #parallel-iterator #iterator #sequential #synchronization #concurrency #parallelism #sync
  59. jwalk-meta

    Filesystem walk performed in parallel with streamed and sorted results

    v0.9.4 #filesystem #directory #parallel #walk #recursion #iterator #walk-dir
  60. alternating-iter

    Provide an iterator adaptor which alternate between two iterators

    v0.3.1 #iterator #adaptor #interleave #altnerate
  61. iter_fixed

    Iterator of fixed length

    v0.4.0 120 #fixed-size #fixed-length #iterator #array #compile-time #zip #data-structures
  62. peek-again

    A performant iterator providing double peek functionality

    v0.4.0 350 #peek #iterator #no-std #no-alloc #iterator-adapter
  63. spiral

    Iterate over a 2D structure in a spiral pattern

    v0.2.1 #2d-array #iterator #2d #distance
  64. ref_wrapper

    Wrapper of dynamically borrowed data

    v0.3.0 180 #refcell #reference-data #ref #iterator #wrapper #ref-mut
  65. iter_num_tools

    Create simple iterators over non integer ranges. itertools + num = iter_num_tools

    v0.7.1 480 #range-iterator #iterator #math #numeric #mathematics #numerics #extension
  66. ref_iter

    Dynamic borrowing iterator

    v0.1.0 150 #iterator #ref #refcell #ref-mut
  67. printable

    std::fmt::Display wrapper for iterators and tuples

    v2.2.0 400 #iterator #display #tuple #formatting
  68. has-some

    The opposite of is_empty (and is_empty for filters)

    v2.0.1 270 #iterator #slice #collection #collections
  69. iter-comprehensions

    iterator comprehensions

    v1.0.0 #iterator #comprehension #range-iterator #comprehensions
  70. streaming-decompression

    Fallible streaming iterator specialized for decompression

    v0.1.2 89K #streaming #data-streaming #iterator #fallible #vec-u8 #buffer #items
  71. iterlist

    Linked list with a cursor based api

    v0.5.0 #linked-list #cursor #data-structures #iterator #atomic #lock-free #doubly
  72. sumtype

    Generate zerocost sumtype of iterators or closures

    v0.2.5 170 #iterator #zero-cost #enums #union-types #compile-time #no-alloc #heap-memory
  73. iter-tree

    Convert between iterators and tree structures in both directions

    v0.1.10 #tree-structure #iterator #data-structures #parser #node-tree #nested #convert
  74. type-toppings

    Opinionated extensions to standard types

    v0.2.1 1.3K #extension #opinionated #standard #iterator #types #toppings #future
  75. ftl-jiter

    Fast Iterable JSON parser (preview build)

    v0.6.0 #json-parser #json #deserialize-json #deserialize #iter #iterator #deserialization
  76. rev_lines

    Rust Iterator for reading files line by line with a buffer in reverse

    v0.3.0 8.5K #file-line #line #reverse #iterator #file-reader #buffer #reader
  77. event_iterator

    Asynchronous lending iterator

    v0.2.2 #lending-iterator #iterator #lending #async-stream #async #stream #gat
  78. iterstats

    Statistics for rust iterators

    v0.6.0 490 #iterator #statistics #mean #methods
  79. extsort-iter

    external sorting for all types for all iterators

    v0.3.1 #sorting #iterator #external
  80. itybity

    An itty bitty crate providing bit iterators and bit iterator accessories

    v0.2.1 2.9K #bit #iterator #convert #bitvec #bitstring #no-alloc #integer
  81. hrtb-lending-iterator

    A lending iterator trait based on higher-rank trait bounds (HRTBs)

    v0.3.1 #lending-iterator #iterator #traits #bounds
  82. dir-iterator

    Iterator that recursively scans and filters files from a directory

    v0.1.4 350 #directory #iterator #filter #recursion #scan #walk-dir #wildcard
  83. shiftnanigans

    contains different iteration data structures for either iterating or for shifting iteratively forward and backward

    v0.3.5 200 #tree-traversal #algorithm #iterator #data-structures #graph-traversal #tree-structure #graph-algorithms
  84. timeout-iterator

    TimeoutIterator is a wrapper over any iterator that adds peek_timeout and next_timeout functions. The canonical use-case is parsing multi-line free-form records (such as tailing a log fime)…

    v1.1.7 #timeout #log-parser #iterator #peek #buffer #wrapper
  85. validiter

    Iterator adapters for validating iterations

    v0.3.0 #iterator-adapter #iterator #validation #error #sanitize
  86. zzz

    Fast progress bar with sane defaults

    v0.3.1 140 #progress-bar #iterator #stream #low-overhead #tqdm
  87. tick-queue

    Tick ordered queue

    v0.0.3 #tick #queue #items #iterator #ordered #order
  88. fmt-interspersed

    write an iterator's items, interspersed with a separator, to a destination

    v0.5.0 #iterator #write #fmt #separator #items #interspersed #allocations
  89. ordes

    treating arrays and tuples a little bit more like vectors

    v0.4.1 #tuple #array #bit-vector #iterator #push #little #const-generics
  90. seqgen

    Sequence generation library

    v0.3.3 210 #sequence #generation #lazy-evaluation #iterator #generator #generate #elements
  91. slice-utils

    A collection of slice utils, like itertools

    v2.2.1 #slice #iterator #utilities #collection #non-contiguous #chain #api
  92. alpha-counter

    Alphabetic counter

    v0.2.1 #alphabet #iterator #counter #ascii #alphabetic #constructor #methods
  93. small_iter

    A 3-pointer iterator that moves out of a Vec<T> or Box<[T]>

    v0.1.2 #iterator #memory #vec #boxed #slice #double-ended
  94. first-err

    Find the first Err in Iterator<Item = Result<T, E>> and allow iterating continuously

    v0.2.2 #iterator #collect #no-alloc
  95. parametrized

    Supply useful iterating methods for user-defined types which are parametrized by type parameters

    v0.1.5 #data-structures #systems-programming #iterator #ast #syntax-tree #parameters #architecture
  96. atree

    An arena based tree structure with removal support

    v0.5.2 200K #tree-structure #node-tree #tree-traversal #removal #arena #iterator #immutability
  97. aglet

    Opinionated integer-based coordinates and directions and utilities

    v0.5.2 #math #direction #gamedev #coordinates #grid #iterator #opinionated
  98. take-until

    A take_until extension for iterators

    v0.2.0 38K #iterator-extension #iterator #take #until
  99. iterextd

    This trait provides additional methods for working with iterators, enhancing their functionality

    v0.7.0 460 #iterator-adapter #iterator #adapter #collect
  100. iter-group

    grouping (key,value) iterators into maps of collections

    v0.3.0 #key-value #iterator #collection #grouping #group #mapping #extend
  101. leveldb-rs-binding

    An interface for leveldb

    v0.8.8 #leveldb #database #bindings #database-interface #iterator #kv #snappy
  102. arbutus


    v0.1.5 #tree #node #iterator #constructing #data #structure #b-tree
  103. jsonit

    A way to parse Json Items using iterators from streams

    v0.2.10 #json-parser #parse-json #deserialize-json #json #json-stream #iterator #deserialize
  104. itertools-num

    Numerical iterator tools. Extra iterators and iterator methods and functions.

    v0.1.3 18K #iterator #numerical #methods #adaptor #functions #features #numeric
  105. gobble

    A Combinator based parser for strings that gets out of the way, and leaves your code looking like a grammer

    v0.6.3 #parser-combinator #string-parser #combinator #iterator #parser #grammar #simple
  106. serde_json_any_key

    Workaround for "key must be a string" error with serde_json. De/serialize any HashMap<K,V>, Vec<K,V>, Iter<(&K,&V)>, or Iter<&(K,V)> as a JSON map.

    v2.0.0 19K #serde-json #json-key #iterator #string-key #serialize-deserialize #key #hash-map
  107. ord_subset

    Tools for working with the Ord subset of certain PartialOrd types, like floats

    v3.1.1 4.1K #partial-ord #ord #slice #float #iterator
  108. filters

    Build filters/predicates with the builder pattern

    v0.4.0 700 #builder-pattern #filter #iterator #builder #utilities #predicate
  109. shadow_counted

    An iterator that counts every iteration in a hidden counter, nested iterators may commit the count to parents

    v0.3.1 490 #iterator #count #shadow
  110. double-ended-peekable

    An adapter providing peeking features to double-ended iterators

    v0.1.0 2.9K #iterator #peekable #iterator-adapter #peek #lookahead #no-alloc #no-std
  111. parseq

    Parallel sequential iterator

    v0.1.4 #parallel-iterator #iterator #parallel #sequential #iterator-extension #ordered
  112. split-every

    Split for every n occurrences of a pattern iteratively!

    v3.1.0 #string-pattern #pattern #split #string #occurrence #iterator #occurrences
  113. uints

    Unsigned Integer Properties

    v0.11.2 #unsigned-integer #functional-programming #traits #bit-vector #properties #lazy-evaluation #iterator
  114. slippery-iter

    Easy to use abstinential (slippery), N-peekable and rewindable wrapper over an iterator. (Nightly Rust)

    v0.1.2 330 #iterator #nightly #slippery #n-peekable #rewindable #abstinential #slippery-iterator
  115. multidimension

    High-level manipulation of multi-dimensional arrays

    v0.3.3 #array #multi-dimensional #arrays #iterator
  116. rs-leveldb

    Almost-complete bindings for leveldb for Rust

    v0.1.5 2.2K #leveldb #bindings #database #iterator #github #error #git
  117. itermaps

    Implement commonly used combinations of Iterator::map

    v0.2.10 #iterator-extension #iterator #extension #adapter
  118. rasterization

    Iterator and iterator adapters for rasterizing a circle and its parts

    v0.2.0 #iterator-adapter #iterator #circle #adapter #bresenham #generate
  119. ordered-parallel-iterator

    Performs tasks in parallel returning completed tasks in order of appearance

    v0.2.0 #parallel-iterator #parallel #ordered #iterator #thread
  120. simple_scan

    Iterator extensions for simple scan operation

    v0.3.1 #iterator-extension #scan #iterator #extension
  121. comma-separated

    Iterator over a comma-seperated string, ignoring any commas inside quotes

    v0.1.0 #comma #quote #iterator #string #separated #comma-seperated #ignoring
  122. supply-chain-trust-example-crate-000032

    Extra iterator adaptors, iterator methods, free functions, and macros

    v0.13.0 #iterator #zip #product #data-structures #no-alloc
  123. advancedresearch-path_iter

    A cocategory enumeration library based on path semantics

    v0.5.0 #path #iterator #enumeration #iter #advanced-research #research
  124. iter-set-ops

    Fast set operations on an arbitrary number of sorted deduplicated iterators

    v0.2.3 #set-operations #iterator #sorting #set #operator #dedup #sort
  125. combin-iterator

    Some usefull facilities for combining iterators

    v0.2.2 #iterator #iteration #sequence #tool #sequencial
  126. genmesh

    A package for generating 3D meshes

    v0.6.2 3.5K #mesh-generation #vertex #pipeline #polygon #3d #lru-cache #iterator
  127. poly_it

    A no-std library for manipulating polynomials with slice support and minimal allocation

    v0.2.3 #polynomial #slice #allocation #iterator
  128. iterator-sorted

    Stable functions for checking iterator sorting

    v0.2.0 10K #sorting #iterator #iota
  129. bin-tree

    Building Binary Tree

    v0.10.1 #binary-tree #node-tree #iterator
  130. fastpeek

    A different way to peek iterators

    v0.2.6 350 #iterator #iterator-adapter #peek #no-alloc
  131. monadic

    macros to define Haskell style monadic action blocks for IntoIterators, Reader, Writer, State, and macros for the transformers ReaderT and WriterT over Vec, LinkedList and VecDeque

    v0.5.5 #monads #reader-writer #iterator #transformer #macro #state #vec-deque
  132. bit-iter

    Iterate forward or backwards over the positions of set bits in a word

    v1.2.0 4.6K #set-bit #bit-manipulation #bits #bit-set #bit #iterator #flags
  133. rblist

    A block-based, non-circular double-linked list implementation for Rust

    v0.1.0 #linked-list #data-structures #structure #node #deletion #iterator #memory
  134. primitive-byte-iter

    An Iterator which can load primitive types and glam types from bytes

    v0.1.2 #type #byte #glam #iter #num #iterator
  135. split-paragraphs

    Iterator over paragraphs of a string

    v0.2.0 150 #iterator #split #paragraphs #no-alloc #paragraph #no-std
  136. fmttools

    Tools for modifying text without allocating any intermediate buffers or unsafe code

    v0.2.2 #text-formatting #string-formatting #formatting #iterator #join #replace #format-text
  137. grid-iter

    Ideomatic Grid operations via Iterators

    v0.1.2 #iterator #grid #no-std
  138. number_range

    parse list of numbers from/to human readable string

    v0.3.2 5.6K #human-readable #numbers #iterator #string-parser #convert-string #parser #range-iterator
  139. tryiter

    functions for Iterators of Results

    v0.3.0 #iterator #traits #result #try #extension
  140. steepen

    Create multiple iterators from a single iterator by separating elements

    v0.1.1 #iterator #flatten #elements #steepenable #blocks #vec #convert
  141. iterators_extended

    Some useful extensions to Rust's iterators

    v0.1.0 130 #iterator #extension #buffered #stateful #threaded #error #memory
  142. chasa

    A parser combinator with many taking iterator, conditional branching, and method chain

    v0.1.13 #parser-combinator #iterator #expression-parser #syntax #branch #conditional #chain
  143. lim-bit-vec

    Limited bit vectors

    v0.8.2 #bit-vector #functional-programming #limited #capacity #256-bit #lazy-evaluation #iterator
  144. out

    fast min and max functionality for collections

    v8.0.0 130 #min-max #min #max #slice #iterator
  145. i2c-write-iter

    Exports iterator based parallels to embedded-hal & embedded-hal-async for Write & WriteRead

    v1.0.0 320 #embedded-hal-async #embedded-hal-i2c #iterator #write #embedded-devices #byte #read-write
  146. dyn-iter

    Wrapper around Box<dyn Iterator<Item = V> + 'iter> to simplify your code

    v1.0.1 2.0K #iterator #dynamic #traits #trait-object #dyn #wrap #box-dyn
  147. kermit

    Relational data structures, iterators and algorithms

    v0.0.8-dev 430 #relational #algorithm #structures #iterator #data-structures #benchmarking #research
  148. lazysort

    Lazy sorting for iterators

    v0.2.1 1.1K #sorting #iterator #lazy-evaluation #algorithm #quick-sort #data #lazily
  149. reltester

    Automatically verify the correctness of [Partial]Eq/Ord implementations

    v2.0.0 #partial-eq #testing #test-framework #correctness #traits #iterator #automatic
  150. structdb

    Persistent data structures using RocksDB

    v0.17.0 #write-ahead-log #data-structures #persistent #rocks-db #iterator #snapshot #read
  151. empty-fallback-chain

    Iterator adaptor like chain, but conditional on empty first iterator

    v1.0.1 #iterator #chain #fallback #data-structures #iter #no-alloc
  152. error-iter

    Error::sources on stable Rust

    v0.4.1 1.7K #error-context #error #iterator #recursion #source #iter
  153. flipflop

    Stress-tester for double-ended iterators

    v0.1.0 #iterator #double-ended #stress-tester
  154. arbitrary-chunks

    An iterator that allows specifying an input array of arbitrary chunk-sizes with which to split a vector or array

    v0.4.1 1.0K #iterator #chunk #parallel-iterator #chunks
  155. iter-scanb

    Extend Iterator::scan, but use B, instead of Option<B>

    v0.3.1 #iterator #scan #adapter #extension #no-std
  156. pusherator

    Push-based version of Rust iterators

    v0.0.9 #iterator #arguments #data #version #appear #push-based
  157. transactional_iterator

    Iterator that allows to commit or abort progress

    v0.4.0 #iterator #transaction #commit #backtracking #parser #rollback #undo
  158. apodize

    iterators that yield generalized cosine, hanning, hamming, blackman, nuttall and triangular windows

    v1.0.0 1.8K #iterator #hamming #fft #hanning #blackman #window
  159. checked_sum

    safely summing up iterators

    v0.1.0 100 #iterator #checked #up #sum #integer #implemented #safely
  160. chain_from_last

    Iterator adaptor for chaining from last item

    v0.2.0 230 #iterator #chain #data-structures #no-alloc
  161. async_to_iter

    Convert async functions to generators on stable Rust

    v0.1.0 #async #generator #iterator #async-await #stable #convert #sink
  162. linedance

    iterator that streams lines either from files or stdin (like Python's fileinput)

    v0.2.0 #file-input #read-line #text-input #cli-input #file-line #text-file #iterator
  163. peeking-iter

    An iterator adapter that allows infinitely-deep peeking

    v0.2.0 #iterator-adapter #iterator #peek #multipeek
  164. lcct_iterator

    learning iterator concept

    v0.1.0 #iterator #learning #concepts
  165. iter-n

    functions returning impl Iterator to return one of several distinct types

    v0.1.0 #iterator #impl #enums #either
  166. iter_enumeration

    Unifies Iterators over Same Type

    v0.1.0 #iterator #branch #different #problem #dealing #enumeration #no-alloc
  167. combinatory

    Create every combination possible of values of 2D collections / iterators

    v1.0.0 #logic #combination #collection #math #iterator #values #2d
  168. adjacent-pair-iterator

    An iterator over adjacent pairs in another iterator

    v1.0.0 3.8K #iterator #pair #adjacent #iter #no-std
  169. compound_factor_iter

    Iterator types for output permutations from a function combining multiple discrete factors

    v0.1.1 #probability-distribution #iterator #search #probabilities #manhattan #search-algorithms #algorithm
  170. structinator_traits

    traits allowing transfer of data from iterators to structs

    v0.2.0 360 #data-transfer #iterator #struct #traits #conversion #data-conversion #convenience
  171. voluntary-servitude

    Thread-safe appendable list with lock-free iterator

    v4.0.8 140 #lock-free #thread-safe #iterator #data-structures #vector
  172. iter-set

    Set operations on sorted, deduplicated iterators

    v2.0.2 290 #iterator #sorting #operations #deduplicated #elements #order
  173. seraphine-core

    Core of the seraphine programming language

    v0.1.1 #programming-language #seraphine #arithmetic-operations #statement #object #iterator #member
  174. yaml-split

    iterator over individual YAML documents in a YAML file or stream

    v0.4.0 180 #yaml #document #file #stream #iterator #individual #serde-yaml
  175. structured-map

    generating structured maps with a set of known keys

    v0.1.5 480 #set-key #structured #map #maps #generate #macro #iterator
  176. serde_json_merge

    Merge, index, iterate, and sort a serde_json::Value (recursively)

    v0.0.4 #serde-json #json #sorting #merge #serde #iter #iterator
  177. elastic_responses

    Parses search results from Elasticsearch and presents results using convenient iterators

    v0.21.0-pre.4 #elasticsearch #search #results #iterator #parser #http-client #query
  178. cycle_cursor

    Cyclic cursor implementation over generic iterators

    v0.1.1 #cursor #iterator #linked-list #cycle #vec
  179. interleave_n

    A generic iterator interleaving extension for iterators of iterators, based on itertools

    v1.0.0 #iterator #generic #extension #interleaving #itertools
  180. zip_clone

    Zip an iterator to a repeately cloned object

    v0.1.1 170 #iterator #clone #object #zip #cloning #iteration #cloned
  181. iter-progress

    Calculate progress of your iterators

    v0.8.1-rc1 190 #iterator #progress #iter #iteration #performance #state #calculate
  182. iter-python

    Python generator expressions and 'list' comprehensions

    v0.10.1 #python #iterator #comprehension #generator #list
  183. line_2d

    Bresenham's line algorithm as a rust iterator

    v0.5.3 180 #line #iterator #bresenham
  184. quasi_iter

    that contains supplementary iterator objects and methods

    v0.1.4 #iterator #methods #supplementary #objects
  185. fgoxide

    Utility/QoL code for writing command-line / file processing tools

    v0.4.0 #file-processing #utilities #command-line #serialization #pattern #projects #iterator
  186. prepeek

    Peekable iterators without mutation

    v0.1.2 #iterator #peekable #mutation
  187. iter_peek_end

    current element the last one of a peekable iterator ? (is_last() and is_not_last())

    v0.1.0 #iterator #peekable #peek #is-last #is-not-last
  188. clipv

    Command line interpretor parser (and future validator)

    v0.2.0 #command-line #arguments-parser #parser #enums #iterator #struct #validation
  189. malloc-array

    libc heap array allocator

    v1.4.4 #heap-memory #malloc #memory-allocator #array #libc #free #iterator
  190. zero_v

    implementing iterators over function outputs for collections of types implementing a common trait, without using vtables/ dynamic polymorphism

    v0.2.0 #collection #traits #compile-time #iterator #vtable #event-logging #user
  191. array-tools

    A little collection of array-related utils aiming to make life easier

    v0.3.2 #array #fixed-size #iterator #stack-allocated #chunks #collection #structure
  192. const-combinations

    const fn combinations iter adapter

    v2.0.3 #const-fn #combinations #iterator #adapter
  193. iter_ref

    Traits for iterating over referenced data without consuming the iterator

    v0.2.0 #iterator #data #iterating #consuming #traits #referenced
  194. oni-comb-crond-rs

    CROND parser

    v0.0.48 #format-string #parser #time-parser #date-time #crond #calculations #iterator
  195. magnesium

    A minimal XML iterator

    v1.3.0 #xml-parser #xml #xml-data #iterator #processing #simplistic #fail
  196. all_combinations

    brute force iterator

    v0.1.0 #brute-force #force #brute #iterator
  197. netascii

    Iterator adaptors for encoding and decoding netascii as according to RFC 854

    v0.1.0 #codec #encoding #iterator #byte #rfc #decoding #iterator-adapter
  198. prev-iter

    Iterator which allows you to view the previous element

    v0.2.0 #iterator #element #previous #view #documentation
  199. bit-list

    A lazy list of bits

    v0.28.2 #bit #bit-vector #lazy-evaluation #list #iterator #functional-programming #first
  200. ordered_iter

    Ordered iterators

    v0.1.2 8.1K #iterator #ordered #data-structures
  201. allwords

    Generate all the words over a given alphabet

    v0.1.2 #words #alphabet #brute-force #iterator #word #fuzzy #password
  202. grouping_by

    allows the user to group an iterator by various ways

    v0.2.2 450 #iterator #traits #grouping #user-group #ways #i32 #import
  203. sliding_window_alt

    A structure that holds the last N items pushed to it

    v0.1.2 #sliding-window #data-structures #structure #control #iterator #last #items
  204. sortby

    adds convenient sort functions for Iterators

    v0.1.3 650 #sorting #iterator #data-structures #sort
  205. reaclib

    A parsing library for the reaclib format

    v0.1.3 #parser #physics #data #reaction #deserialize #iterator #set
  206. iterpipes

    Compositional, pipes-style stream processing

    v0.2.0 #stream-processing #pipe #iterator #pipeline #compositional #input #next
  207. fuzed-iterator

    Iterator wrapper for detecting incorrect use of non-fused iterators

    v1.0.1 #iterator #debugging #non-fused #panic #detecting #incorrect #testing
  208. regex-chunker

    Iterate over the data in a Read type in a regular-expression-delimited way

    v0.3.0 #regex #read #read-stream #byte-stream #data-stream #iterator #chunking
  209. fused_error

    working with composable errors

    v0.1.2 #error #error-handling #composable #accumulator #iterator #proc-macro #fused
  210. kermit-ds

    Data structures used in Kermit

    v0.0.8-dev 290 #structures #kermit #iterator #algorithm #data-structures #relational #containing
  211. iterator_item

    a generator syntax experiment

    v0.2.0 #iterator #generator #stream
  212. kermit-algos

    Algorithms used in Kermit

    v0.0.8-dev 280 #algorithm #kermit #iterator #structures #relational #data-structures #leapfrog
  213. merging-iterator

    An iterator to return the elements of two independently ordered iterators in order

    v1.3.0 #iterator #sorting #merging #elements #ordered #order #input
  214. owned_chars

    Owned iterators with the same output as Chars and CharIndices

    v0.3.2 350 #iterator #string #chars #owned
  215. itrs

    command-line access to several useful Rust iterator and string methods

    v0.1.3 #command-line #command-line-tool #iterator #string #trim #line-string #white-space
  216. utf8-decode

    UTF-8 incremental decoding iterators

    v1.0.1 46K #utf-8 #iterator #decode #utf8
  217. aabel-identifier-rs

    defines identifier behavior, such comparing them, or generating sequences of identifiers

    v0.1.2 #identifier #iterator #partial-ord #sequence #generate #behavior #defines
  218. kermit-kvs

    Key-value stores used in Kermit

    v0.0.8-dev 270 #key-value-store #iterator #benchmarking #research #structures #algorithm #relational
  219. fts

    high performance directory walking using libc fts

    v0.3.0 #directory #libc #recursion #walk #iterator #recursive
  220. equidistributed-colors

    Iterator over colors which are distributed evenly according to the equidistribution theorem

    v0.1.0 #color #theorem #distributed #iterator #evenly #equidistribution #attempt
  221. pem-iterator

    Iterate over PEM-encoded data

    v0.2.0 #iterator #pem #parser #decode #private-key #crypto
  222. aaru

    Actionable Area Routing Utilities for OSM and MVT

    v0.1.9 130 #osm #routing #routes #utilities #iterator #tile #area
  223. wrappinghashset

    HashSet that remembers the last key it returned with its iterator and subsequently will wrap around and only return all of the keys once per call. This is useful if you want to use a set both via hashing…

    v0.5.0 110 #hash-set #round-robin #iterator #last #key #hashing #wrap
  224. unzip-n

    Procedural macro to generate unzip for iterators over n-sized tuples

    v0.1.2 86K #iterator #unzip #tuple #proc-macro #collection #procedural #generate
  225. read_chunk_iter

    Iterator adapters over a reader that yield fixed-size chunks at a time

    v0.2.0 #iterator-adapter #iterator #fixed-size #chunks #reader #read #yield
  226. colourado-iter

    A small and minimalistic library to generate a random color palette of infinite size

    v1.2.0 #color-palette #rgb #hex-color #random #iterator #hsv #generator
  227. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  228. linq

    Language Integrated Query in Rust

    v0.0.1-release #functional #iterator #query #integrated #language #macro #expression
  229. kermit-iters

    Iterators used in Kermit

    v0.0.8-dev 310 #iterator #kermit #algorithm #structures #relational #data-structures
  230. asynciter

    Asynchronous iterator

    v0.1.0 #async-stream #iterator #async #stream
  231. iterslide

    A "sliding window" iterator

    v1.0.1 230 #iterator #sliding #sliding-window #slide #iter #window
  232. try_zip

    Zip with a shorter or optional second iterator

    v0.2.1 #zip #iterator #second #optional #irc #ends #tuple
  233. rax

    Rust wrapper for the ANSI C Radix Tree "rax" https://github.com/antirez/rax implementation used in Redis

    v0.1.5 #radix-tree #key #iterator #ansi #memory #seek #lookup
  234. rect-iter

    Iterator for 2D rectangle areas

    v0.3.0 #iterator #geometry #utility #2d-array
  235. sliding_windows

    a non-copying implementation of a sliding windows iterator adaptor

    v3.0.0 460 #iterator #sliding #adaptor #non-copying #elements #backing #iter-ext
  236. const-chunks

    Extension trait to chunk iterators into const-length arrays

    v0.3.0 #iterator #const-generics #chunk #chunks #iteration #adaptor #no-alloc
  237. small_iter_fields

    get an iterator, or get the length, or convert to a hashmap from an enum

    v0.1.5 #enums #hash-map #iterator #derive #fields #length #convert
  238. wikipedia-wasm

    Access wikipedia articles from Rust

    v0.1.1 #wikipedia #wasm #api #async-io #article #tokio #iterator
  239. rs_transducers

    transducers for Rust

    v0.0.3 #transducer #higher-order #iterator #stream #channel #applications #clojure
  240. qip-iterators

    Iterators for tensor product matrix multiplication

    v1.4.0 #matrix-multiplication #quantum-computing #iterator #quantum-circuit #tensor #quantum-simulation #product
  241. rayon-par-bridge

    Process Rayon parallel processing with a traditional sequential Iterator

    v0.1.0 4.4K #parallel-processing #rayon #iterator #parallel-iterator #sequential #process
  242. finder

    Recursive find files in folders with filtering

    v0.1.6 #recursion #file-search #font #iterator #recursive
  243. fibs

    Get a Fibonacci number or sequence

    v0.2.8 #fibonacci-number #fibonacci-sequence #numbers #iterator #value
  244. map-ok

    Mapping of Ok variants in an iterator

    v1.0.0 #iterator #map #mapping #ok #variant #traits #parser
  245. lazy_transducer

    Lazy, parallel, indexable, generic data iterators

    v0.2.1 #lazy-evaluation #parallel-iterator #iterator #parallel #data #data-transformation #lazy
  246. iterator-ext

    An extension to Rust's Iterator

    v0.2.1 120 #iterator #extension #ext #traits #ok #adaptor #map
  247. fmap

    Functors in Rust

    v0.8.3 1.6K #monads #functor #collection #traits #bounds #iterator #functions
  248. struct-iter

    A very naughty proc macro to generate an iterator over the fields of your struct as a trait object

    v1.0.0 150 #struct #traits #iterator #object #fields #generate #proc