#expect #assertions #test-framework #lets-expect #equals #write


lets_expect assertions. This crate is internal to the lets_expect crate and should not be used directly.

9 releases (4 breaking)

0.5.1 Feb 20, 2023
0.5.0 Feb 15, 2023
0.4.0 Jan 10, 2023
0.3.1 Nov 19, 2022
0.1.1 Oct 27, 2022

#1045 in Testing

Used in 2 crates

MIT license


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Let's Expect

Clean tests in Rust.

expect(a + 2) {
    when(a = 2) {
        to equal(4)

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Assertions
  5. Supported libraries
  6. More examples
  7. Known issues and limitations
  8. Debugging
  9. License


How often when you see a Rust test you think to yourself "wow, this is a really beautifully written test"? Not often, right? Classic Rust tests do not provide any structure beyond the test function itself. This often results in a lot of boilerplate code, ad-hoc test structure and overall poor quality.

Tests are about verifying that a given piece of code run under certain conditions works as expected. A good testing framework embraces this way of thinking. It makes it easy to structure your code in a way that reflects it. Folks in other communities have been doing this for a long time with tools like RSpec and Jasmine.

If you want beautiful, high-quality tests that are a pleasure to read and write you need something else. Using Rust's procedural macros lets_expect introduces a syntax that let's you clearly state what you're testing, under what conditions and what is the expected result.

The outcome is:

  • easy to read, DRY, TDD-friendly tests
  • less boilerplate, less code
  • nicer error messages
  • more fun


expect(posts.create_post(title, category_id)) {
    before { posts.push(Post {title: "Post 1" }) }
    after { posts.clear() }

    when(title = valid_title) {
        when(category_id = valid_category) to create_a_post {
            have(as_ref().unwrap().title) equal(valid_title),
            change(posts.len()) { from(1), to(2) }

        when(category_id = invalid_category) to return_an_error {
            have(as_ref().unwrap_err().message) equal("Invalid category"),

    when(title = invalid_title, category_id = valid_category) to be_err

Now let's compare it to a classic Rust test that does the same thing:

fn run_setup<T>(test: T) -> ()
where T: FnOnce(&mut Posts) -> () + panic::UnwindSafe
    let mut posts = Posts { posts: vec![] };
    posts.push(Post { title: "Post 1" });
    let posts = Mutex::new(posts);
    let result = panic::catch_unwind(|| {

fn creates_a_post() {
    run_setup(|posts: &mut Posts| {
        let before_count = posts.len();
        let result = posts.create_post(VALID_TITLE, VALID_CATEGORY);
        let after_count = posts.len();
        assert_eq!(VALID_TITLE, result.unwrap().title);
        assert_eq!(after_count - before_count, 1);

fn returns_an_error_when_category_is_invalid() {
    run_setup(|posts: &mut Posts| {
        let before_count = posts.len();
        let result = posts.create_post(VALID_TITLE, INVALID_CATEGORY);
        let after_count = posts.len();
        assert_eq!("Invalid category", result.unwrap_err().message);
        assert_eq!(after_count, before_count);

fn returns_an_error_when_title_is_empty() {
    run_setup(|posts: &mut Posts| {
        let result = posts.create_post("", VALID_CATEGORY);


Add the following to your Cargo.toml:

lets_expect = "0"


How does it work?

Under the hood lets_expect generates a single classic test function for each to block. It names those tests automatically based on what you're testing and organizes those tests into modules. This means you can run those tests using cargo test and you can use all cargo test features. IDE extensions will also work as expected.

Where to put my tests?

lets_expect tests need to be placed inside of a lets_expect! macro, which in turn needs to be placed inside of a tests module:

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use lets_expect::lets_expect;

    lets_expect! {
        expect(subject) {
            to expectation

It might be a good idea to define a code snippet in your IDE to avoid having to type this piece of boilerplate every time.

The examples here omit the macro for brevity.

expect and to

expect sets the subject of the test. It can be any Rust expression (including a block). to introduces expectations. It can be followed by a single expectation or a block of expectations. In the latter case you must provide a name for the test, which needs to be a valid Rust identifier.

expect(2) {
    to equal(2)

If there are multiple assertions in a to block they need to be separated by a comma.

expect({ 1 + 1 }) {
    to be_actually_2 {

One to block generates a single test. This means the subject will be executed once and then all the assertions inside that to block will be run. If you want to generate multiple tests you can use multiple to blocks:

expect(files.create_file()) {
    to make(files.try_to_remove_file()) be_true
    to make(files.file_exists()) be_true

If your expect contains a single item you can omit the braces:

expect(a + 2) when(a = 2) {
    to equal(4)


Inside the top level lets_expect! macro as well as expect and when blocks you can use let to define variables.

expect(a) {
    let a = 2;

    to equal(2)

Variables can be overwritten in nested blocks. New definitions can use values from outer blocks.

expect(a) {
    let a = 2;

    when a_is_4 {
        let a = a + 2;

        to equal(4)

Variables don't have to be defined in the order they're used.

expect(sum) {
    let sum = a + b;
    let a = 2;

    when b_is_three {
        let b = 3;

        to equal(5)


when sets a value of one or more variables for a given block. This keyword is this library's secret sauce. It allows you to define values of variables for multiples tests in a concise and readable way, without having to repeat it in every test.

expect(a + b + c) {
    let a = 2;

    when(c = 5) {
        when(b = 3) {
            to equal(10)

        when(a = 10, b = 10) {
            to equal(25)

You can use similar syntax as in let to define variables. The only difference being the let keyword itself is ommited.

expect(a += 1) {
    when(mut a: i64 = 1) {
        to change(a.clone()) { from(1), to(2) }

You can also use when with an identifier. This will simply create a new context with the given identifier. No new variables are defined.

expect(login(username, password)) {
    when credentials_are_invalid {
        let username = "invalid";
        let password = "invalid";

        to be_false

If your when contains only one item the braces can be ommited:

expect(a + 2) when(a = 2) to equal(4)

when blocks do not have to be placed inside of expect blocks. Their order can be reversed.

when(a = 2) {
  expect(a + 2) to equal(4)


have is used to test values of attributes or return values of methods of the subject.

let response = Response { status: 200, content: ResponseContent::new("admin", "123") };

expect(response) {
    to be_valid {
        have(status) equal(200),
        have(is_ok()) be_true,
        have(content) {
            have(username) equal("admin".to_string()),
            have(token) equal("123".to_string()),

Multiple assertions can be provided to have by wrapping them in curly braces and separating them with commas.


make is used to test values of arbitrary expressions.

expect(posts.push((user_id, "new post"))) {
    let user_id = 1;

    to make(user_has_posts(user_id)) be_true

Multiple assertions can be provided to make by wrapping them in curly braces and separating them with commas.


change is used to test if and how a value changes after subject is executed. The expression given as an argument to change is evaluated twice. Once before the subject is executed and once after. The two values are then provided to the assertions specified in the change block.

expect(posts.create_post(title, category_id)) {
    after { posts.clear() }

    when(title = valid_title) {
        when(category_id = valid_category) {
            to change(posts.len()) { from(0), to(1) }

        when(category_id = invalid_category) {
            to not_change(posts.len())

before and after

The contents of the before blocks are executed before the subject is evaluated, but after the let bindings are executed. The contents of the after blocks are executed after the subject is evaluated and the assertions are verified.

before blocks are run in the order they are defined. Parent before blocks being run before child before blocks. The reverse is true for after blocks. after blocks are guaranteed to run even if assertions fail. They however will not run if the let statements, before blocks, subject evaluation or assertions panic.

let mut messages: Vec<&str> = Vec::new();
before {
    messages.push("first message");
after {
expect(messages.len()) { to equal(1) }
expect(messages.push("new message")) {
    to change(messages.len()) { from(1), to(2) }

Explicit identifiers for expect and when

Because lets_expect uses standard Rust tests under the hood it has to come up with a unique identifier for each test. To make those identifiers readable lets_expect uses the expressions in expect and when to generate the name. This works well for simple expressions but can get a bit messy for more complex expressions. Sometimes it can also result in duplicated names. To solve those issues you can use the as keyword to give the test an explicit name:

expect(a + b + c) as sum_of_three {
    when(a = 1, b = 1, c = 1) as everything_is_one to equal(3)

This will create a test_named:


instead of



lets_expect promotes tests that only test one piece of code at a time. Up until this point all the test we've seen define a subject, run that subject and verify the result. However there can be situations where we want to run and test multiple pieces of code in sequence. This could be for example because executing a piece of code might be time consuming and we want to avoid doing it multiple times in multiple tests.

To address this lets_expect provides the story keyword. Stories are a bit more similar to classic tests in that they allow arbitrary statements to be interleaved with assertions.

Please note that the expect keyword inside stories has to be followed by to and can't open a block.

story login_is_successful {
    expect(page.logged_in) to be_false

    let login_result = page.login(&invalid_user);

    expect(&login_result) to be_err
    expect(&login_result) to equal(Err(AuthenticationError { message: "Invalid credentials".to_string() }))
    expect(page.logged_in) to be_false

    let login_result = page.login(&valid_user);

    expect(login_result) to be_ok
    expect(page.logged_in) to be_true

NOTE: For now expect blocks can't be placed inside of loops or closures. They need to be top-level items in a story.

Mutable variables and references

For some tests you may need to make the tested value mutable or you may need to pass a mutable reference to the assertions. In expect, have and make you can use the mut keyword to do that.

expect(mut vec![1, 2, 3]) { // make the subject mutable
    to have(remove(1)) equal(2)

expect(mut vec.iter()) { // pass a mutable reference to the iterator to the assertion
    let vec = vec![1, 2, 3];
    to all(be_greater_than(0))

expect(vec![1, 2, 3]) {
    to have(mut iter()) all(be_greater_than(0)) // pass a mutable reference to the iterator to the assertion

let and when statements also support mut.



expect(2 == 2) to be_true
expect(2 != 2) to be_false


expect(2) to be_actually_two {


expect(2.1) {
   to be_close_to(2.0, 0.2)
   to be_greater_than(2.0)
   to be_less_or_equal_to(2.1)


match_pattern! is used to test if a value matches a pattern. It's functionality is similar to matches! macro.

expect(Response::UserCreated) {
    to match_pattern!(Response::UserCreated)

expect(Response::ValidationFailed("email")) {
    to match_email {

Option and Result

lets_expect provides a set of assertions for Option and Result types.

expect(Some(1u8) as Option<u8>) {
    to be_some_and equal(1)

    to be_some {

expect(None as Option<String>) {
    to be_none {

expect(Ok(1u8) as Result<u8, ()>) {
    to be_ok_and equal(1)

    to be_ok {

expect(Err(2) as Result<(), i32>) {
    to be_err_and equal(2)

    to be_err {


expect(panic!("I panicked!")) {
    to panic

expect(2) {
    to not_panic

panic and not_panic assertions can be the only assertions present in a to block.


expect(vec![1, 2, 3]) {
   to have(mut iter()) all(be_greater_than(0))
   to have(mut iter()) any(be_greater_than(2))

Custom assertions

lets_expect provides a way to define custom assertions. An assertion is a function that takes the reference to the subject and returns an AssertionResult.

Here's two custom assertions:

use lets_expect::*;

fn have_positive_coordinates(point: &Point) -> AssertionResult {
    if point.x > 0 && point.y > 0 {
    } else {
            "Expected ({}, {}) to be positive coordinates",
            point.x, point.y

fn have_x_coordinate_equal(x: i32) -> impl Fn(&Point) -> AssertionResult {
    move |point: &Point| {
        if point.x == x {
        } else {
                "Expected x coordinate to be {}, but it was {}",
                x, point.x

And here's how to use them:

expect(Point { x: 2, y: 22 }) {
    to have_valid_coordinates {

Remember to import your custom assertions in your test module.

Custom change assertions

Similarly custom change assertions can be defined:

use lets_expect::*;

fn by_multiplying_by(x: i32) -> impl Fn(&i32, &i32) -> AssertionResult {
    move |before, after| {
        if *after == *before * x {
        } else {
                "Expected {} to be multiplied by {} to be {}, but it was {} instead",
                before * x,

And used like so:

expect(a *= 5) {
    let mut a = 5;

    to change(a.clone()) by_multiplying_by(5)


This library has fairly few builtin assertions compared to other similar ones. This is because the use of have, make and match_pattern! allows for expressive and flexible conditions without the need for a lot of different assertions.

The full list of assertions is available in the assertions module.

Supported libraries


lets_expect works with Tokio. To use Tokio in your tests you need to add the tokio feature in your Cargo.toml:

lets_expect = { version = "*", features = ["tokio"] }

Then whenever you want to use Tokio in your tests you need to add the tokio_test attribute to your lets_expect! macros like so:

lets_expect! { #tokio_test

This will make lets_expect use #[tokio::test] instead of #[test] in generated tests.

Here's an example of a test using Tokio:

let value = 5;
let spawned = tokio::spawn(async move {

expect(spawned.await) {
    to match_pattern!(Ok(5))

More examples

lets_expect repository contains tests that might be useful as examples of using the library. You can find them here.

Known issues and limitations

  • rust-analyzer's auto-import doesn't seem to work well from inside of macros. It might be necessary to manually add use statements for types from outside of the module.
  • Syntax highlighting doesn't work with lets_expect syntax. Currently there's no way for Rust macros to export their syntax to language tools.
  • Shared contexts (similar to RSpec) seem to be impossible to implement without eager macro expansion.


If you're having trouble with your tests you can use cargo-expand to see what code is generated by lets_expect. The generated code is not always easy to read and is not guaranteed to be stable between versions. Still it can be useful for debugging.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.


~88K SLoC