#iterator #atomic #iteration #parallelism


A thread-safe, ergonomic and lightweight concurrent iterator trait and efficient implementations

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orx-concurrent-iter crate orx-concurrent-iter documentation

A thread-safe, ergonomic and lightweight concurrent iterator trait and efficient implementations.

  • ergonomic: An iterator implementing ConcurrentIter can safely be shared among threads as a shared reference. It may be iterated over concurrently from multiple threads with for syntax. It further provides higher level methods such as for_each and fold which allow for safe, simple and efficient parallelism.
  • efficient and lightweight: All concurrent iterator implementations provided in this crate extend atomic iterators, which are lock-free and depend only on atomic primitives.


Basic Usage

A ConcurrentIter can be safely shared among threads and iterated over concurrently. As expected, it will yield each element only once and in order. The yielded elements will be shared among the threads which concurrently iterates based on first come first serve. In other words, threads concurrently pull remaining elements from the iterator.

use orx_concurrent_iter::*;
use std::fmt::Debug;

fn fake_work<T: Debug>(_x: T) {

/// `process` elements of `con_iter` concurrently using `num_threads`
fn process_concurrently<T, ConIter, Fun>(
    process: &Fun,
    num_threads: usize,
    concurrent_iter: ConIter,
) where
    T: Send + Sync,
    Fun: Fn(T) + Send + Sync,
    ConIter: ConcurrentIter<Item = T>,
    // just take a reference and share among threads
    let iter = &concurrent_iter;

    std::thread::scope(|s| {
        for _ in 0..num_threads {
            s.spawn(move || {
                // concurrently iterate over values in a `for` loop
                for value in iter.values() {

/// just fix process and num_threads for brevity
fn con_run<T: Send + Sync + Debug>(concurrent_iter: impl ConcurrentIter<Item = T>) {
    process_concurrently(&fake_work, 8, concurrent_iter)

// non-consuming iteration over references
let names: [String; 3] = [

let values: Vec<i32> = (0..8).map(|x| 3 * x + 1).collect();

let slice: &[i32] = values.as_slice();

// consuming iteration over values

// any Iterator into ConcurrentIter
let values: Vec<i32> = (0..1024).collect();

let iter_ref = values.iter().filter(|x| *x % 2 == 0);

let iter_val = values
    .filter(|x| *x % 2 == 0)
    .map(|x| (7 * x + 3) as usize)


ConcurrentIter::next method is the concurrent counterpart of Iterator::next method, which can be called by a shared reference. Note that regular Iterators cannot be consumed by multiple threads due to &mut self requirement, and hence, ConcurrentIter does not implement Iterator. However, it can be used in a similar way as follows:

while let Some(value) = con_iter.next() {

Or even with for loop using the values method:

for value in con_iter.values() {

Parallel Computing, Almost Trivial

Considering the elements of the iteration as inputs of a process, ConcurrentIter conveniently allows distribution of tasks to multiple threads.

use orx_concurrent_iter::*;

fn compute(input: u64) -> u64 {

fn fold(aggregated: u64, value: u64) -> u64 {
    aggregated + value

fn parallel_fold(num_threads: usize, inputs_iter: impl ConcurrentIter<Item = u64>) -> u64 {
    let inputs = &inputs_iter;
    let mut global_result = 0u64;

    std::thread::scope(|s| {
        let handles: Vec<_> = (0..num_threads)
            .map(|_| s.spawn(move || inputs.values().map(compute).fold(0u64, fold)))

        for h in handles {
            let thread_result = h.join().expect("o");
            global_result = fold(global_result, thread_result);

// test
for num_threads in [1, 2, 4, 8] {
    let values = (0..1024).map(|x| 2 * x);
        parallel_fold(num_threads, values.into_con_iter()),
        1023 * 1024

Higher level functions may provide further simplifications. For instance, the handles above could also be collected as follows using the concurrent fold method:

fn map_fold(aggregated: u64, input: u64) -> u64 {
    fold(aggregated, compute(input))

// ...

let handles: Vec<_> = (0..num_threads)
    .map(|_| s.spawn(move || inputs.fold(1, 0u64, map_fold)))

Parallel map can also be implemented by merging returned transformed collections, such as vectors. Especially for larger data types, a more efficient approach could be to pair ConcurrentIter with a concurrent collection such as orx_concurrent_bag::ConcurrentBag which allows to efficiently collect results concurrently without copies.

use orx_concurrent_iter::*;
use orx_concurrent_bag::*;

type Input = u64;
type Output = [u64; 1];

fn map(input: Input) -> Output {

fn parallel_map(
    num_threads: usize,
    inputs_iter: impl ConcurrentIter<Item = u64>,
) -> SplitVec<Output> {
    let output_bag = ConcurrentBag::new();
    let outputs = &output_bag;
    let inputs = &inputs_iter;

    std::thread::scope(|s| {
        for _ in 0..num_threads {
            s.spawn(move || {
                for output in inputs.values().map(map) {

// test
for num_threads in [1, 2, 4, 8] {
    let inputs = (0..1024).map(|x| 2 * x);
    let outputs = parallel_map(num_threads, inputs.into_con_iter());
    assert_eq!(1024, outputs.len())

Note that due to parallelization, outputs is not guaranteed to be in the same order as inputs. In order to preserve the order of the input in the output, ConcurrentIter::ids_and_values method can be used, rather than the values, to get indices of values while iterating (see the explanation in the next section). Similarly, ConcurrentBag can be replaced with orx_concurrent_bag::ConcurrentOrderedBag to guarantee that the order is preserved.

Iteration with Indices

In a single-threaded regular Iterator, values can be paired up with their indices easily by calling enumerate on the iterator. We can also call inputs.values().enumerate(); however, this would have a different meaning in a multi-threaded execution. It would pair up the values with the indices of the iteration local to that thread. In other words, the first value of every thread will be zero.

Actual iteration index of values can be obtained simply by using ConcurrentIter::ids_and_values instead of ConcurrentIter::values.

use orx_concurrent_iter::*;

fn get_all_indices(num_threads: usize, inputs_iter: impl ConcurrentIter) -> Vec<usize> {
    let mut all_indices = vec![];
    let inputs = &inputs_iter;

    std::thread::scope(|s| {
        let handles: Vec<_> = (0..num_threads)
            .map(move |_| {
                s.spawn(|| {
                        .map(|(i, _value)| i)

        for handle in handles {
            let indices_for_thread = handle.join().expect("-");


// test
let inputs = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'];
let indices = get_all_indices(4, inputs.into_con_iter());
assert_eq!(indices, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);

Notice that:

  • indices_for_thread vectors collected for each thread are internally in ascending order. In other words, each thread receives elements in order.
  • However, indices_for_thread vectors have gaps corresponding to indices of elements pulled by other threads.
  • No index appears more than once in any of the indices_for_thread vectors.
  • And union of these vectors give the indices from 0 to n-1 where n is the number of yielded elements.

Iteration in Chunks

In the default iteration using for together with values and ids_and_values methods, the threads pull elements one by one. Note that these iterators internally call ConcurrentIter::next and ConcurrentIter::next_id_and_value methods, respectively.

Further, it is also possible to iterate in chunks with ConcurrentIter::next_chunk and ExactSizeConcurrentIter::next_exact_chunk methods. These methods differ from next and next_id_and_value in the following:

  • They receive the chunk_size parameter.
  • They return an Iterator or ExactSizeIterator which yields the next chunk_size or fewer consecutive elements.
  • Further, they additionally return the index of the first element that the returned iterator will yield. Note that the index of the remaining elements can be known since the iterator will return consecutive elements.

The advantage of ExactSizeConcurrentIter over ConcurrentIter, or next_exact_chunk over next_chunk is that it returns an iterator with an exact known size, which allows to return None when the iterator is empty. This has ergonomic benefits such as allowing if let Some or while let Some as demonstrated below. However, as expected, sources only with known lengths allow for it.

use orx_concurrent_iter::*;

fn lag(millis: u64) {

let inputs = vec!['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h'];
let characters = &inputs.con_iter();

let [first, second] = std::thread::scope(|s| {
    let first = s.spawn(move || {
        let mut chars: Vec<char> = vec![];
        while let Some(chunk) = characters.next_exact_chunk(3) {

    let second = s.spawn(move || {
        let mut chars: Vec<char> = vec![];
        while let Some(chunk) = characters.next_exact_chunk(3) {

    let first = first.join().expect("-");
    let second = second.join().expect("o");
    [first, second]

// Events in chronological order:
// * first pulls 3 consecutive elements [a, b, c]
// * second pulls 3 consecutive elements [d, e, f]
// * first pulls remaining 2 consecutive elements [h, i]

assert_eq!(first, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'g', 'h']);
assert_eq!(second, ['d', 'e', 'f']);

Traits and Implementors

As discussed so far, the trait defining types that can be safely be iterated concurrently by multiple threads is ConcurrentIter.

Further, there are two traits which define types that can provide a ConcurrentIter.

  • A ConcurrentIterable type implements the con_iter(&self) method which returns a concurrent iterator without consuming the type itself.
  • On the other hand, types implementing IntoConcurrentIter trait has the into_con_iter(self) method which consumes and converts the type into a concurrent iterator. Additionally there exists IterIntoConcurrentIter trait which is functionally identical to IntoConcurrentIter and only implemented by regular iterators, separated only to allow for special implementations for vectors and arrays.

The following table summarizes the implementations of the standard types in this crate.

Type ConcurrentIterable
con_iter element type
into_con_iter element type
&'a [T] &'a T &'a T
Range<Idx> Idx Idx
Vec<T> &T T
[T; N] &T T
Iter: Iterator<Item = T> - T


This library is licensed under MIT license. See LICENSE for details.
