iced …widgets? …ice? …gui?

  1. iced

    A cross-platform GUI library inspired by Elm

    v0.12.1 19K #cross-platform-gui #gui-applications #widgets #gui #ui #graphics #user-input
  2. iced_aw

    Additional widgets for the Iced GUI library

    v0.8.0 4.3K #widgets #iced #interface #graphics #gui
  3. plotters-iced

    Iced backend for Plotters

    v0.10.0 1.0K #plotters #iced #back-end #plot #chart #charts
  4. iced-x86

    blazing fast and correct x86/x64 disassembler, assembler and instruction decoder written in Rust

    v1.21.0 16K #assembly #x86-64 #x86 #disassembler #codec #amd64 #disassembly
  5. timerys

    cross-platform timer app

    v0.1.0 #timer #cross-platform #iced #duration #applications #study #interface
  6. stun-rs

    Rust framework to manage STUN messages

    v0.1.8 4.8K #stun #turn #ice
  7. mediasoup

    Cutting Edge WebRTC Video Conferencing in Rust

    v0.16.0 550 #web-rtc #sfu #ortc #low-level #webrtc #nodejs
  8. iced_audio

    An extension to the Iced GUI library with useful widgets for audio applications

    v0.12.0 220 #iced #audio #vst #lv2 #gui
  9. gstreamer_iced

    binding for gstreamer for iced

    v0.1.8 #gstreamer #iced #pipe-wire #video-player
  10. Try searching with DuckDuckGo or on

  11. iced_term

    Terminal emulator widget powered by ICED framework and alacritty terminal backend

    v0.4.0 #widgets #terminal #iced #backend #scroll #resize #alacritty
  12. iced_video_player

    A convenient video player widget for Iced

    v0.1.3 #video #iced #gui #file-path
  13. iced_af

    The iced application framework project

    v0.3.0 #applications #window #iced #framework #windows #script #log-level
  14. mdbook-iced

    An mdBook preprocessor to turn iced code blocks into interactive examples

    v0.1.4 380 #mdbook #iced #interactive #book #gui
  15. iced-box

    box for

    v0.5.0 650 #widgets #interface #ui #graphics #gui
  16. iced_style

    The default set of styles of Iced

    v0.12.1 17K #text-input #cross-platform-gui #widgets #ui #graphics #gui #interface
  17. iced_runtime

    A renderer-agnostic runtime for iced

    v0.12.1 12K #graphics #widgets #ui #gui #cross-platform-gui #interface
  18. iced_wgpu

    A renderer for iced on top of wgpu

    v0.12.1 19K #graphics #widgets #ui #graphics-api #gui #interface #background-color
  19. iced_winit

    A runtime for iced on top of winit

    v0.12.2 19K #gui-applications #graphics #widgets #ui #gui #events #interface
  20. iced_tiny_skia

    A software renderer for iced on top of tiny-skia

    v0.12.1 12K #widgets #cross-platform-gui #graphics #ui #gui #interface #web-apps
  21. iced_graphics

    A bunch of backend-agnostic types that can be leveraged to build a renderer for iced

    v0.12.1 16K #widgets #ui #graphics #cross-platform-ui #gui #interface
  22. iced_renderer

    The official renderer for iced

    v0.12.1 12K #cross-platform-gui #widgets #ui #graphics #gui #interface
  23. iced_widget

    The built-in widgets for iced

    v0.12.3 12K #widgets #cross-platform-gui #ui #graphics #gui #interface #derive-debug
  24. iced_lazy

    Lazy widgets for Iced

    v0.6.1 750 #widgets #cross-platform-gui #ui #graphics #gui #text-input #interface
  25. jellyfin-rpc

    Backend for the Jellyfin-RPC-cli and Jellyfin-RPC-Iced projects

    v1.1.0 #discord-rich-presence #rich-presence #discord #jellyfin
  26. iced_highlighter

    A syntax highlighter for iced

    v0.12.0 150 #syntax-highlighter #widgets #graphics #cross-platform-gui #ui #gui #interface
  27. iced_futures

    Commands, subscriptions, and future executors for iced

    v0.12.0 19K #widgets #cross-platform-gui #ui #graphics #gui #interface
  28. rtc-ice

    RTC ICE in Rust

    v0.2.0 120 #ice #web-rtc #protocols
  29. icemelter

    minimize files that trigger internal compiler errors (ICEs)

    v0.3.2 #compiler-error #ice #rustc #debugging #minimize #internal #step
  30. aphorme

    A program launcher for X11 and Wayland

    v0.1.19 260 #desktop-applications #launcher #wayland #x11 #egui #manager #linux-utility
  31. iced_table

    A table widget for Iced

    v0.12.0 #table #iced #widgets
  32. iced_layershell

    layershell binding for iced

    v0.2.2 #wayland #iced #wlroots #bindings #layershell #title
  33. bevy_iced

    Iced integration for Bevy

    v0.4.0 #iced #bevy-ui #bevy #ui #gui #game
  34. shakuntala-devi-trainer

    Brain training tool inspired by Shakuntala Devi's technics

    v2.0.5 #brain-training #gui #cross-platform-gui #program #programs #game #cli
  35. series-troxide

    Modern Series Tracker

    v0.5.1 #series #entertainment #series-tracker #tv-shows #tv-series #gui #tracker
  36. flowr

    Runners for compiled 'flow' programs

    v0.142.0 330 #flow #execution #runner #coordinator #debugging #gui #flows
  37. augmented-iced-editor

    Iced based VST editor

    v1.3.0 #editor #iced #vst #audio #augmented #gui #web-gui
  38. iced_glow

    A glow renderer for iced

    v0.8.0 2.6K #opengl #primitive #renderer #iced #glow #user-interface #iced-native
  39. audio-processor-iced-storybook

    Storybook for Iced GUI • augmented-audio experiments

    v1.0.0 #iced #audio #storybook #stories #experiment #gui #augmented-audio
  40. icee

    A CSS-like style system for the iced ui framework

    v0.1.0-alpha0.2 #ui-framework #iced #style #style-sheet #css #css-like #system
  41. anim

    A framework independent animation library for rust, works nicely with Iced and the others

    v0.1.4 #animation #iced #graphics
  42. cosmic-time

    An animation Crate for Iced and Cosmic DE

    v0.2.0 #animation #iced #widgets #gui #gui-applications #interface
  43. audio-processor-iced-design-system

    Iced GUI styles for augmented-audio experiments

    v1.0.0 #iced #style #audio #gui #experiment #augmented-audio #ui
  44. jolly

    a bookmark manager meets an application launcher, developed with iced

    v0.3.0 #launcher #bookmarks #iced #run-command #local-file
  45. iced_gif

    A GIF widget for Iced

    v0.4.0 #gif #iced #widgets
  46. ontv

    A rich desktop application for tracking tv shows

    v0.1.3 #desktop-applications #tmdb #iced #tvdb #gui
  47. iced_web

    A web backend for Iced

    v0.4.0 2.0K #widgets #ui #gui #web-gui #web-apps #back-end #web-ui
  48. audio-processor-standalone-gui

    generic iced GUI for implementations of audio_processor_traits::parameters::AudioProcessorHandle

    v0.10.0 #editor #standalone #audio #gui #iced #processor #parameters
  49. iced_solstice

    A solstice renderer for iced

    v0.2.0 #iced #renderer #solstice #glow #ecosystem #native #path
  50. iced-pancurses

    Toy renderer for iced based on pancurses

    v0.1.2 #iced #ncurses #tui #pancurses #gui
  51. lembas

    easy to use plugin manager for the MMORPG Lord of the Rings Online

    v0.4.0 #gaming #plugin #lotro #plugins #iced
  52. flowr-utilities

    A set of utilities for tests and examples

    v0.142.0 160 #flow #testing #distributed-computing #helper #iced #utilities #running
  53. iced-hex-color

    Generate Iced color structs using hex color codes

    v0.1.1 #hex-color #iced #color #hex #graphics
  54. iced_core

    The essential ideas of iced

    v0.12.3 19K #widgets #ui #cross-platform-gui #graphics #gui #public-api #foundation
  55. iced_pure

    Pure widgets for Iced

    v0.2.2 290 #widgets #cross-platform-gui #ui #graphics #gui #interface #derive-debug
  56. ice_code

    A macro to mark code paths as cold, allowing the common case to be inlined

    v0.1.4 1.5K #optimization #cold #inlining #inline
  57. iced_glutin

    A glutin runtime for Iced

    v0.8.0 1.2K #ui #widgets #graphics #gui #cross-platform-gui #events #interface
  58. iced_views

    Stacked views logic for Iced application

    v0.1.0 #applications #views #iced #stacked #logic
  59. nuhxboard

    A Linux port of NohBoard

    v0.5.3 #keyboard #virtual #overlay #nohboard #linux
  60. librice

    ICE (RFC8445) implementation

    v0.0.3 #ice #stun #protocols #traversal #nat #rfc8445 #translator
  61. marcel

    Dynamic theme library for the iced GUI framework

    v0.1.1 #themes #gui-framework #applications #graphics #gui #application
  62. augmented_iced_baseview

    baseview runtime for iced, published fork of for augmented-audio

    v0.1.0 #widgets #ui #graphics #gui #interface
  63. wgpu_glyph

    A fast text renderer for wgpu, powered by glyph_brush

    v0.22.0 8.4K #wgpu #true-type #text #font
  64. sniffnet

    Application to comfortably monitor your network traffic

    v1.3.0 700 #network #packet #networking #filter #sniffer #cross-platform-gui #gui
  65. minicount

    A small refund application

    v0.2.2 #applications #refund #yaml
  66. webrtc

    A pure Rust implementation of WebRTC API

    v0.10.1 39K #data-channel #stack #media #pure #pion #ice #applications
  67. flemish

    An Elmish architecture for fltk-rs

    v0.4.2 #ui #bindings #widgets #gui #graphics
  68. youtube-dl-gui

    Cross-platform GUI for youtube-dl made with Iced

    v0.2.1 #cross-platform-gui #youtube-dl #youtube #gui
  69. iced-tic-tac-toe

    Try out iced by making a simple game of tic tac toe

    v0.1.0 #tic-tac-toe #iced #desktop #operating-system #game #undo #moves
  70. typetest

    An offline keyboard typing test

    v1.0.2 #typing #offline #iced #test #keyboard
  71. datachannel

    Rust wrappers for libdatachannel

    v0.12.1 460 #web-rtc #p2p #webrtc #define
  72. just-webrtc

    Just simple, fast and easy WebRTC peers for both native and wasm

    v0.1.1 310 #remote-peer #peer #web-rtc #peer-to-peer #networking #wasm
  73. mni2mz3

    Brain imaging surface mesh file format converter

    v1.0.0 #mesh #surface #obj #mz3 #mni #neuroscience #file-format
  74. iced_focus

    A proc-macro to derive a focus chain for Iced applications

    v0.1.1 #focus #interface #ui #graphics #gui
  75. libscemu

    x86 32/64bits and system internals emulator, for securely emulating malware and other stuff

    v0.16.1 270 #malware #emulator #x86 #internals #emu #maps #set
  76. asoiaf-api

    Rust wrapper for the api of ice and fire

    v0.1.1 #api-wrapper #api-client #api #wrapper #asoiaf
  77. remit

    Rust generators implemented through async/await syntax

    v0.1.4 #generator #yield #async-await #syntax #implemented #values #feature
  78. stun_codec

    Encoders and decoders for STUN (RFC 5389) and its extensions

    v0.3.5 51K #codec #stun #rfc #attributes #decoder #encoder #transaction-id
  79. slicec

    The Slice parser and other core components for Slice compilers

    v0.3.1 190 #slice #ice #icerpc #generate-documentation
  80. iced_style_config

    Create Iced style sheets from configuration files

    v0.2.1 #style-sheet #iced #configuration #gui #schema #hot-reloading
  81. soft-serve

    Easily serve your filesystem

    v0.0.8 #serve #ftp #soft #http #trivial #port #ip
  82. pros-devices

    High level device for pros-rs

    v0.2.0 190 #v5 #vex #robotics #bindings #pros #api-bindings #high-level
  83. simsimd

    Fastest SIMD-Accelerated Vector Similarity Functions for x86 and Arm

    v4.3.1 1.0K #simd-vector #vector-search #simd #linear-algebra #machine-learning #search #vector
  84. h3o-ice

    Frozen{Map,Set} for H3 cells, based on finite state transducers

    v0.1.3 550 #h3 #finite-state #set #map #fst #data-structures
  85. overworld_demo_typegame

    A typing game demo using the Overworld library

    v0.2.0 #typing #overworld-demo #game
  86. iced_searchable_picklist

    A picklist widget that is searchable

    v0.2.0 #widgets #iced #interface #graphics #gui #text-input
  87. install-framework-gui

    [Install Framework] GUI interface powered by iced

    v1.0.0 #framework #install #interface #gui #install-framework #iced
  88. tiny2

    OBSBot Tiny2 GUI control panel for Linux

    v0.1.0 #camera-control #camera #webcam #obsbot
  89. iced_native

    A renderer-agnostic library for native GUIs

    v0.10.3 8.2K #widgets #native #events #cross-platform-gui #layout #renderer #user-interface
  90. xgadget

    Fast, parallel, cross-variant ROP/JOP gadget search for x86/x64 binaries

    v0.11.1 #gadget #x86-64 #x86 #rop #jop

Narrow the search: iced widgets, …ice, …gui, …applications, …web-rtc, …back-end, …x86, …native, …bindings, …text