#radio #dsp


A communications library tailored for use with the yttria set of libraries

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jun 5, 2024

#1578 in Math

Used in yttria

MPL-2.0 license

136 lines


Yttria sets out to be an end-to-end wireless communications DSP library for developing custom and novel radio solutions, particularly regarding Software Defined Radios. Yttria-modulation is the subcrate responsible for taking a binary sequence (data) and turning it into in-phase and quadrature samples (IQ) that can be transmitted via Software-Defined-Radio or used in simulations.

This crate hopes to support most common forms of modulation, and hopefully some of the more specific modulation types, such as those developed for use in Amateur Radio applications.

Why Yttria?

Yittrium Iron Garnets (YIGs) are a powerful technology that have been around for many years, but are becoming very powerful and highly relevant in miniaturized SDR applications due to their good filter characteristics and their extremely high agility. This project hopes to extend that power by making the software side as powerful and agile as the hardware is becoming.


  • Analog Modulations
    • AM
    • FM
  • Digital Modulations
    • nASK
    • nPSK
    • nFSK
    • QAM
  • Pulse Shaping
    • Gaussian


~86K SLoC