#uefi #embedded-graphics #graphics #no-std

no-std uefi-graphics2

An embedded-graphics display driver for UEFI environments

1 unstable release

new 0.1.0 Apr 16, 2024

#1497 in Embedded development

Download history 119/week @ 2024-04-15

119 downloads per month

GPL-3.0 license

98 lines


A blazingly fast embedded-graphics display driver for UEFI environments, using the embedded-graphics crate as its base.


  • Double buffering
  • Display resizing
  • An extensive draw/render library using the embedded-graphics crate

Why are there 2 other crates for this job?

uefi-graphics and uefi-graphics-driver are 2 crates providing similar purpose, sadly both seem to either lack functionality or are unmaintained


Here is a simple example with utilising the uefi crate on version 0.27.0:


extern crate alloc;

use uefi::prelude::*;
use uefi::proto::console::gop::GraphicsOutput;

use uefi_graphics2::embedded_graphics::pixelcolor::{Rgb888, RgbColor};
use uefi_graphics2::UefiDisplay;

fn main(_image_handle: Handle, mut boot_system_table: SystemTable<Boot>) -> Status {
  uefi_services::init(&mut boot_system_table).unwrap();

  // Disable the watchdog timer
          .set_watchdog_timer(0, 0x10000, None)

  let boot_services = boot_system_table.boot_services();
  let gop_handle = boot_services.get_handle_for_protocol::<GraphicsOutput>().unwrap();
  let mut gop = boot_services.open_protocol_exclusive::<GraphicsOutput>(gop_handle).unwrap();
  let mode = gop.current_mode_info();
  let mut display = UefiDisplay::new(gop.frame_buffer(), mode);

  let _ = display.fill_entire(Rgb888::CYAN);

Contributing and Updating

If any dependencies are outdated, bugs occur or features are requested, please notify me and create an issue.

Contributing is appreciated as well, feel free to create a pull request.


~93K SLoC