#clean #latex #cleanup #tex #cli

app texclean

Recursively clean all LaTeX projects in a given directory

2 unstable releases

0.2.0 Mar 17, 2024
0.1.0 Mar 17, 2024

#1462 in Command line utilities


142 lines


Recursively clean all LaTeX projects in a given directory


>texclean --help
Recursively clean all LaTeX projects in a given directory that match the specified criteria

Usage: texclean [OPTIONS]

  -d, --directory <DIR>  The directory in which the projects will be searched [default: .]
  -s, --simulate         Perform a trial run with no changes made
  -h, --help             Print help
  -V, --version          Print version

Just run texclean to recursively search for all potential latex auxiliary files (.aux, .bbl, .blg, .log, latexindent files, latexmk files, synctex files etc.) from the working directory downward and interactively delete them. Pass another directory to search in using --directory. Use texclean --simulate flag if you want to do a dry-run without any actual deletions.

Limitations and possible improvements

As of right now the functionality is pretty bare bones because I just quickly threw everything together to where it was "useful enough" for me. Some potential improvements include:

  • improving "latex project detection" to decrease the number of false positives (for example by searching for potentially related .tex or .bib files). Currently a lot of non-latex .log files might be included for example
  • adding additional files to remove (I think minted generates some directories that people might want to remove for example)


You can install texclean using cargo (which you can in turn install using rustup)

cargo install texclean

If the install fails (shouldn't happen, but sometimes it happens) try cargo install --locked texclean instead to build with versions exactly as specified in the lockfile.


~131K SLoC