30 releases

0.7.5 Apr 23, 2024
0.7.4 Mar 25, 2024
0.7.0 Feb 24, 2024
0.6.2 May 7, 2023
0.0.6 Jul 26, 2021

#16 in Command-line interface

Download history 38368/week @ 2024-04-04 41835/week @ 2024-04-11 41351/week @ 2024-04-18 39284/week @ 2024-04-25 43137/week @ 2024-05-02 45390/week @ 2024-05-09 53797/week @ 2024-05-16 49043/week @ 2024-05-23 51475/week @ 2024-05-30 54861/week @ 2024-06-06 56854/week @ 2024-06-13 53561/week @ 2024-06-20 51678/week @ 2024-06-27 39695/week @ 2024-07-04 40943/week @ 2024-07-11 31945/week @ 2024-07-18

174,827 downloads per month
Used in 393 crates (361 directly)

MIT license

10K SLoC

Latest Version Build status Supported platforms License

inquire is a library for building interactive prompts on terminals.

It provides several different prompts in order to interactively ask the user for information via the CLI. With inquire, you can use:

  • Text to get text input from the user, with built-in autocompletion support;
  • Editor* to get longer text inputs by opening a text editor for the user;
  • DateSelect* to get a date input from the user, selected via an interactive calendar;
  • Select to ask the user to select one option from a given list;
  • MultiSelect to ask the user to select an arbitrary number of options from a given list;
  • Confirm for simple yes/no confirmation prompts;
  • CustomType for text prompts that you would like to parse to a custom type, such as numbers or UUIDs;
  • Password for secretive text prompts.


Animated GIF making a demonstration of a questionnaire created with this library. You can replay this recording in your terminal with asciinema play command - asciinema play ../assets/expense_tracker.cast Source


  • Cross-platform, supporting UNIX and Windows terminals (thanks to crossterm);
  • Several kinds of prompts to suit your needs;
  • Support for fine-grained configuration for each prompt type, allowing you to customize:
    • Default values;
    • Input validators and formatters;
    • Help messages;
    • Autocompletion for Text prompts;
    • Custom list filters for Select and MultiSelect prompts;
    • Custom parsers for Confirm and CustomType prompts;
    • Custom extensions for files created by Editor prompts;
    • and many others!


Put this line in your Cargo.toml, under [dependencies].

inquire = "0.7.5"

* This prompt type is gated under a feature flag, e.g.:

inquire = { version = "0.7.5", features = ["date", "editor"] }


~122K SLoC