#watch #url #webpage #anything #selector #content #add

app sukurappa

Watch for changes on a webpage and do anything with it!

2 unstable releases

0.2.0 Aug 21, 2022
0.1.0 Aug 14, 2022

#15 in #webpage

MIT license

329 lines


GitHub Actions workflow status LICENSE Minimum rustc version Conventional commits

Watch for changes on a webpage and do anything with it!


With cargo:

cargo install sukurappa

Or use the install-script and add $HOME/.sukurappa/bin to your $PATH.

curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aeyoll/sukurappa/main/install.sh | bash


# Add an url + selector to watch
sukurappa add --url https://example.org --selector "h1"

# Remove an url + selector to watch
sukurappa remove --url https://example.org --selector "h1"

# List watched urls + selectors
sukurappa list

# Watch for changes every 5 seconds and send an email with the new content every times it changes
# URL will be replaced with the actual url
# NEW_CONTENT will be replaced with... the new content
sukurappa watch --command='mail -s "[Sukurappa] Content changed in URL" my@email.com <<< NEW_CONTENT' --frequency=5

Rust version requirements

Rust >= 1.57.0+


~727K SLoC