17 releases

0.7.2 May 22, 2023
0.6.2 Jul 6, 2023
0.6.1 Jul 1, 2022
0.6.0 Jan 24, 2022
0.1.1 Jul 28, 2020

#48 in Graphics APIs

Download history 500/week @ 2024-06-08 347/week @ 2024-06-15 455/week @ 2024-06-22 335/week @ 2024-06-29 382/week @ 2024-07-06 333/week @ 2024-07-13 331/week @ 2024-07-20 783/week @ 2024-07-27 808/week @ 2024-08-03 340/week @ 2024-08-10 396/week @ 2024-08-17 292/week @ 2024-08-24 392/week @ 2024-08-31 579/week @ 2024-09-07 1208/week @ 2024-09-14 745/week @ 2024-09-21

2,972 downloads per month
Used in 30 crates (2 directly)


1.5K SLoC

rust-gpu-tools Crates.io

An abstraction library to run kernels on both CUDA and OpenCL.


You need to write the code that interacts with the GPU only once. Below is such code that runs a kernel on CUDA and/or OpenCL. For a full working example, please see the examples directory. You can run it via cargo run --example add.

let closures = program_closures!(|program, _args| -> Result<Vec<u32>, GPUError> {
    // Make sure the input data has the same length.
    assert_eq!(aa.len(), bb.len());
    let length = aa.len();

    // Copy the data to the GPU.
    let aa_buffer = program.create_buffer_from_slice(&aa)?;
    let bb_buffer = program.create_buffer_from_slice(&bb)?;

    // The result buffer has the same length as the input buffers.
    let result_buffer = unsafe { program.create_buffer::<u32>(length)? };

    // Get the kernel.
    let kernel = program.create_kernel("add", 8, 4)?;

    // Execute the kernel.
        .arg(&(length as u32))

    // Get the resulting data.
    let mut result = vec![0u32; length];
    program.read_into_buffer(&result_buffer, &mut result)?;



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~80K SLoC