#api-client #api #client #hungarian #kreta

bin+lib rsfilc

A Kréta API and console client: cli and todo!("TUI"), written entirely in Rust from the ground up

18 releases (6 breaking)

0.8.14 Jun 12, 2024
0.7.4 May 14, 2024
0.6.0 May 4, 2024
0.5.29 May 4, 2024
0.2.0 Apr 9, 2024

#153 in Command-line interface

Download history 376/week @ 2024-04-08 175/week @ 2024-04-15 1066/week @ 2024-04-29 253/week @ 2024-05-06 219/week @ 2024-05-13 13/week @ 2024-05-20 6/week @ 2024-05-27 148/week @ 2024-06-10 2/week @ 2024-07-01

150 downloads per month

MIT license

2.5K SLoC

RozsdásFilc: E-Kréta console client in Rust

E-Kréta is an awful Hungarian electronic school administration system

Magyar leírás

dependency status


When upgrading from v0.5.21, credentials have to be recreated. It's necessary, as from v0.5.22, encoding is used for storing passwords.

  1. You have to manually find and delete them. A user called Alice would find credentials under:
    • linux: /home/alice/.config/rsfilc/credentials.toml
    • windows: C:\Users\Alice\AppData\Roaming\rsfilc\credentials.toml
    • mac: /Users/Alice/Library/Application Support/rsfilc/credentials.toml
  2. recreate all users with rsfilc user --create


  • Rust

  • cargo install --locked rsfilc

    for latest, beta builds: cargo install --locked --git "https://codeberg.org/jark/rsfilc"


  • lynx: for enjoyable (html) message previews
  • w3m: for enjoyable (html) message previews

Shell completions:


Add this to the end of your config file (usually ~/.bashrc):

eval "$(rsfilc completions bash)"

Add this to the end of your config file (usually ~/.zshrc):

eval "$(rsfilc completions zsh)"

For completions to work, the above line must be added after compcompletions is called. You may have to rebuild your completions cache by running rm ~/.zcompdump*; compcompletions.


Add this to the end of your config file (usually ~/.config/fish/config.fish):

rsfilc completions fish | source

Add this to the end of your config file (find it by running echo $profile in PowerShell):

Invoke-Expression (& { (rsfilc completions powershell | Out-String) })

Add this to the end of your config file (usually ~/.elvish/rc.elv):

eval (rsfilc completions elvish | slurp)

Note RsFilc only supports elvish v0.18.0 and above.


rsfilc --help



cross-platform: not tested thoroughly but should run on

  • linux
  • windows
  • macOS
  • android via Termux
  • everything else that Rust supports


  • Kréta API URL fetching (no clue what they do)

  • school fetching from reFilc API

  • user info fetch (json)

    • token
    • basic information
    • evaluations/grades
    • timetable
    • messages
      • attachments
    • announced test
    • absences
  • usable user info (in structs)

    • token
    • basic information
    • evaluations/grades
    • timetable
    • messages
      • attachments
    • announced test
    • absences


  • basic usage of API
  • filtering what to show
  • multi-user feature
  • somehow rendering html that messages return
  • render html messages with w3m or lynx if possible
  • shell completions: [bash, zsh, fish, elvish, powershell]
  • logger: fern maybe
  • helpful crashes
  • caching everything so that life remains enjoyable
    • token
    • timetable
    • evals
    • user info
    • absences
    • announced tests
    • messages
    • note messages
  • encoding passwords
  • sending messages
  • class averages
  • fetching administrational processes
  • starting new administrational processes


  • multiple pages

    • evaluations
    • timetable
    • ...
  • beautifully displaying data

    • timetable in nice table
    • plotting evaluations
    • ...



~319K SLoC