1 unstable release

0.1.0-alpha0 Aug 30, 2024

#936 in Hardware support

Download history 119/week @ 2024-08-28 11/week @ 2024-09-04 11/week @ 2024-09-11

141 downloads per month
Used in zlgcan

GPL-3.0 license

50 lines

A uniform CAN driver


rs-can is a driver for CAN device.

It is a part of rust-can driver.


  • Rust 1.70 or higher
  • Cargo (included with Rust)

Adding to Your Project

To use rs-can in your Rust project, add it as a dependency in your Cargo.toml:

rs-can = { version="lastest-version" }


We're always looking for users who have thoughts on how to make rs-can better, or users with interesting use cases.

Of course, we're also happy to accept code contributions for outstanding feature requests!


rs-can, A unified CAN driver, just like python-can


~24K SLoC