#devices #pci #hardware #operating-systems #memory-buffer #linux-macos


A crate to enumerate PCI devices on desktop operating systems and/or parse PCI configuration headers

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Apr 29, 2024

#204 in Hardware support

Download history 219/week @ 2024-04-28 138/week @ 2024-05-05 119/week @ 2024-05-12 82/week @ 2024-05-19 97/week @ 2024-06-02 90/week @ 2024-06-09 125/week @ 2024-06-16 67/week @ 2024-06-23 8/week @ 2024-06-30 132/week @ 2024-07-07 206/week @ 2024-07-14

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3.5K SLoC


The pci-info crate provides a simple API to enumerate PCI devices across "desktop" operating systems (Linux, Windows, MacOS, with more to be added), or to parse PCI headers from files or memory buffers.

It supports parsing of PCI metadata and availability of the various fields (including possibly the entire standard PCI configuration space of a device); the level of support is subject to the capabilities of the enumerator in use.

It uses user-mode APIs only, accessible from normal users (i.e. no root/Administrator needed). All code has been implemented from scratch through openly available documentation. As such it usually provides less data than some alternative solutions (e.g. libpci) but with less strict requirements (both in terms of licensing and available properties on some platforms).

PCI device classes, subclassses and interface functions are optionally exposed as rusty enums for quick matching, and have been implemented from publicly available documentation.

PCI vendor and device ids are kept as u16 and have to be manually interpreted or transformed into strings using other crates; the publicly available list of PCI vendors and devices is intentionally not included to contain the crate size (the complete list is large) and to avoid licensing issues (this crate being MIT+Apache dual licensed, the list being GPL+BSD dual licensed).

Summary of provided features

  • Enumeration of devices using OS usermode APIs on Windows, Linux and macOS, with more platforms to be added. See the PciInfo type.
  • Parsing of PCI headers starting from byte arrays of the PCI configuration space. See the pci_headers module.
  • Parsing of PCI device classes, subclasses and interface-functions from their codes. See the pci_enums module.


Using the library with a default enumerator is straightforward:

use pci_info::PciInfo;

pub fn main() {
    // Enumerate the devices on the PCI bus using the default
    // enumerator for the current platform. The `unwrap()` panics if
    // the enumeration fatally fails.
    let info = PciInfo::enumerate_pci().unwrap();

    // Print out some properties of the enumerated devices.
    // Note that the collection contains both devices and errors
    // as the enumeration of PCI devices can fail entirely (in which
    // case `PciInfo::enumerate_pci()` would return error) or
    // partially (in which case an error would be inserted in the
    // result).
    for r in info {
        match r {
            Ok(device) => println!("{device:?}"),
            Err(error) => eprintln!("{error}"),

Using a custom enumerator

If so desired, a custom enumerator can be used, using the enumerate_pci_with_enumerator method of the PciInfo type.

For example:

// NOTE: This example runs only on Windows as it uses a platform
// specific PCI enumerator.

use pci_info::PciInfo;

#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
pub fn main() -> Result<(), PciInfoError> {
    // Enumerate the devices by accessing the `enumerate_pci_with_enumerator`
    // method of the `PciInfo` type.
    let info = PciInfo::enumerate_pci_with_enumerator(enumerators::WindowsWmiPciEnumerator)?;

    for r in info {
        match r {
            Ok(device) => println!("{device:?}"),
            Err(error) => eprintln!("{error}"),

Alternatively, you can directly call the enumerate_pci of the PciEnumerator trait. The recommended syntax is through the PciInfo::enumerate_pci_with_enumerator method, though.

// NOTE: This example runs only on Linux as it uses a platform
// specific PCI enumerator.

use pci_info::PciInfo;

#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
pub fn main() -> Result<(), PciInfoError> {
    // Create a Linux-specific custom enumerator.
    let enumerator = LinuxProcFsPciEnumerator::Fastest;
    // Enumerate the devices by accessing the `enumerate_pci`
    // method of the `PciEnumerator` trait. Works but using
    // `PciInfo::enumerate_pci_with_enumerator` is preferred.
    let info = enumerator.enumerate_pci()?;

    for r in info {
        match r {
            Ok(device) => println!("{device:?}"),
            Err(error) => eprintln!("{error}"),


Properties provided for PCI devices varies among enumerators.

Enumerator Platforms PCI id PCI location Revision Device class PCI subsystem Assigned IRQ OS driver
LinuxProcFsPciEnumerator(Fastest) Linux 2
LinuxProcFsPciEnumerator(HeadersOnly) Linux 2
LinuxProcFsPciEnumerator(SkipNoncommonHeaders) Linux 2
LinuxProcFsPciEnumerator(Exhaustive) Linux 2
MacOsIoKitPciEnumerator3 macOS ⚠️1, 2
WindowsSetupApiPciEnumerator Windows ⚠️1, 2
WindowsWmiPciEnumerator Windows


  • (1) = The PCI location on this enumerator is parsed from human readable strings; that parsing might fail or the information might be incorrect.
  • (2) = The PCI location on this enumerator might not support multiple PCI segments/domains correctly.
  • (3) = Apparently most of the devices in Apple silicon Macs are not PCI/PCIe. As such PCI enumeration on Apple silicon computers return quite a short list.


The crate is configurable with the following features:

Crate feature Default Description
pci_class_debug_strings YES Includes human readable debug strings for variants of pci_enums::PciDeviceClass. Disable to reduce the binary size.
pci_subclass_debug_strings YES Includes human readable debug strings for variants of pci_enums::PciDeviceSubclass. Disable to reduce the binary size.
pci_interface_func_debug_string YES Includes human readable debug strings for variants of pci_enums::PciDeviceInterfaceFunc. Disable to reduce the binary size.

Change log


First version published with basic enumerators for Linux, Windows and MacOS.


~538K SLoC