#plot #python #source-file #graphics #json-file #api-bindings


Quick-and-dirty plotting in Rust using Python and Matplotlib

3 unstable releases

0.2.0 Oct 25, 2024
0.1.1 Oct 21, 2024
0.1.0 Aug 1, 2024

#69 in Visualization


4.5K SLoC


Quick-and-dirty plotting in Rust using Python and Matplotlib, strongly inspired by the Haskell package matplotlib.


Both this crate and matplotlib internally use an existing Matplotlib installation by generating a temporary Python source file, and simply calling the system's Python interpreter. This approach affords a number of advantages. The most significant is to use more familiar/convenient construct to separate the logic and data surrounding plotting commands from the canvases on which the data is eventually draw, leading to more modular code overall. matplotlib provides an elegant model to monoidally compose plotting commands, and this crate attempts to emulate it.

However, neither this crate nor matplotlib are safe libraries. In particular, both allow for the injection of arbitrary Python code from bare string data. This allows for much flexibility, but of course makes a large class of operations opaque to the compiler. Users are therefore warned against using this crate in complex programs. Instead, this library targets small programs that only need to quickly generate a plot.

You should use this library if you:

  • want an easy way to put some data in a nice-looking plot
  • like and/or are familiar with Matplotlib, but don't want to use Python directly

You should not use this library if you:

  • want assurances against invalid Python code output
  • want robust handling of errors generated by Python

You may also be interested in:

  • Plotpy, a Rust library with a similar strategy and safer constructs, but more verbose building patterns and less flexibility.
  • Plotters, a pure-Rust plotting library with full control over everything that goes on a figure.

How it works

The main two components of the library are the Mpl type, representing a plotting script, and the Matplotlib trait, representing an element of the script. A given Mpl object can be combined with any number of objects whose types implement Matplotlib, which allows for significant flexibility when it comes to library users defining their own plotting elements. When ready to be executed, the Mpl object's run method can be called to save the output of the script to a file, launch Matplotlib's interactive Qt interface, or both. The operations listed above have also been overloaded onto Rust's & and | operators to mimic matplotlib's API just for the fun of it.

When Mpl::run is executed, any larger data structures associated with plotting commands (mostly numerical arrays) are serialized to JSON. This data, along with the plotting script itself, are written to the OS's default temp directory (e.g. /tmp on Linux), and then the system's default python3 interpreter is called on the script using std::process::Command, which blocks the calling thread. Obviously, an existing installation of Python 3 and Matplotlib are required. After the script exits, both the script and the JSON file are deleted.

Although many common plotting commands are defined in mpl::commands, users can define their own by simply implementing Matplotlib. This requires declaring whether the command should be counted as part of the script's prelude (in which case it is automatically sorted to the top of the script), what data should be included in the JSON file, and what Python code should eventually be included in the script. This library does not validate any Python code whatsoever. Users may also wish to implement MatplotlibOpts to add optional keyword arguments.

use matplotlib::{

// example impl for a basic call to `plot`

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Plot {
    x: Vec<f64>,
    y: Vec<f64>,
    opts: Vec<Opt>, // optional keyword arguments

impl Plot {
    /// Create a new `Plot` with no options.
    fn new<X, Y>(x: X, y: Y) -> Self
        X: IntoIterator<Item = f64>,
        Y: IntoIterator<Item = f64>,
        Self {
            x: x.into_iter().collect(),
            y: y.into_iter().collect(),
            opts: Vec::new(),

impl Matplotlib for Plot {
    // Commands with `is_prelude == true` are run first
    fn is_prelude(&self) -> bool { false }

    fn data(&self) -> Option<Value> {
        let x: Vec<Value> = self.x.iter().copied().map(Value::from).collect();
        let y: Vec<Value> = self.y.iter().copied().map(Value::from).collect();
        Some(Value::Array(vec![x.into(), y.into()]))

    fn py_cmd(&self) -> String {
        // JSON data is guaranteed to be loaded in a variable called `data`
        format!("ax.plot(data[0], data[1], {})", self.opts.as_py())

// allow for keyword arguments to be added
impl MatplotlibOpts for Plot {
    fn kwarg<T>(&mut self, key: &str, val: T) -> &mut Self
    where T: Into<PyValue>
        self.opts.push((key, val).into());


use std::f64::consts::TAU;
use matplotlib::{ Mpl, Run, MatplotlibOpts, commands as c };

let dx: f64 = TAU / 50.0;
let x: Vec<f64> = (0..50_u32).map(|k| f64::from(k) * dx).collect();
let y1: Vec<f64> = x.iter().copied().map(f64::sin).collect();
let y2: Vec<f64> = x.iter().copied().map(f64::cos).collect();

    & c::DefPrelude // a bunch of imports
    & c::rcparam("axes.grid", true) // global rc parameters
    & c::rcparam("axes.linewidth", 0.65)
    & c::rcparam("lines.linewidth", 0.8)
    & c::DefInit // fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    & c::plot(x.clone(), y1) // the basic plotting command
        .o("marker", "o") // pass optional keyword arguments
        .o("color", "b")  // via `MatplotlibOpts`
        .o("label", r"$\\sin(x)$")
    & c::plot(x,         y2) // `&` is overloaded to allow for Haskell-like
        .o("marker", "D")    // patterns, can also use `Mpl::then`
        .o("color", "r")
        .o("label", r"$\\cos(x)$")
    & c::legend()
    & c::xlabel("$x$")
    | Run::Show // `|` consumes the final `Mpl` value; this calls
                // `pyplot.show` to launch an interactive interface


~39K SLoC