#calculator #score #hand #mahjong #cli-tool #fu #yaku

bin+lib mahc

cli riichi mahjong calculator, which spits out yaku and fu for a given hand

12 stable releases

1.8.0 Sep 8, 2024
1.7.0 Sep 8, 2024
1.5.1 Aug 3, 2024
1.4.1 Jul 31, 2024

#100 in Math

Download history 237/week @ 2024-07-24 340/week @ 2024-07-31 20/week @ 2024-08-07 2/week @ 2024-08-14 164/week @ 2024-08-28 384/week @ 2024-09-04 94/week @ 2024-09-11

642 downloads per month

MIT license


Riichi Mahjong Calculator Via the Terminal

CLI tool that calculates the score of a hand in riichi mahjong.

  • Manual mode (Calculator Mode): given han and fu, calculates the score
  • Normal mode: given a hand, calculates the score with included yaku and fu

demo gif


Calculator Mode

~/$ mahc -m 4 30 --ba 3
> Dealer:    12500 (4200) 
  non-dealer: 8600 (2300/ 4200)

Normal Mode

note: the winning group has to go last (this is to calculate fu correctly)

~/$ mahc --tiles 777z 111z 234p 234p 11p -w 1p -p Ew -s Ew
> 7 Han/ 50 Fu
  Dealer: 18000 (6000)
  Non-dealer: 12000 (3000/6000)
    Iipeikou: 1
    Honitsu: 3
    Yakuhai: 1
    Yakuhai: 1
    Yakuhai: 1
    BasePoints: 20
    ClosedRon: 10
    NonSimpleClosedTriplet: 8
    NonSimpleClosedTriplet: 8
    SingleWait: 2

Using file input

# hands.txt
--tiles 1p 9p 1s 9s 1m 9m rd gd wd Ew Sw Nw WWw -w Ww -p Ew -s Ew
--tiles 11z NNw SSw WWw rrd wwd ggd -w gd -p Ew -s Ew -d Ew Ew
-m 4 30 --ba 3
~/$ mahc -f hands.txt

 Dealer: 96000 (32000)
  Non-dealer: 64000 (16000/32000)
    KokushiMusou Yakuman
    KokushiMusou Yakuman 13 sided wait
  Dealer: 144000 (48000)
  Non-dealer: 96000 (24000/48000)
    Tsuuiisou Yakuman
    Daichiishin Yakuman
    Shousuushii Yakuman
  4 Han/ 30 Fu/ 3 Honba
  Dealer: 12500 (4200)
  non-dealer: 8600 (2300/4200)

Json out

in normal mode

~/$ mahc --tiles 123p 456p 789p rrrdo 99p -w 9p -p Ew -s Ew -d 9p --json


    "fuString":[ "BasePoints: 20", "NonSimpleOpenTriplet: 4", "SingleWait: 2"
    "yakuString":["Honitsu: 2","Ittsuu: 1","Yakuhai: 1"]}

and in calculator mode

~/$ mahc -m 4 30 --ba 3 --json


        "dealer":{ "ron":12500, "tsumo":4200 },
        "non-dealer":{ "ron":8600, "tsumo":{ "dealer":4200, "non-dealer":2300 }



Type Notation
Man (Characters) 1m, 2m, 3m, 4m, 5m, 6m, 7m, 8m, 9m
Pin (Circles) 1p, 2p, 3p, 4p, 5p, 6p, 7p, 8p, 9p
Sou (Bamboos) 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s, 9s


Type Notation MPSZ Notation
Winds Ew, Sw, Ww, Nw 1z, 2z, 3z, 4z
Dragons wd, gd, rd 5z, 6z, 7z

Special Notation

Description Example
Open Sets 234po (an open sequence of 2, 3, 4 in Pin suit)
akadora 0m, 0p, 0s
  • eg: EEEw (triplet of east wind)
  • eg: 234m (sequence of 2 3 4 Man)
  • eg: 406s (sequence of 4 5 6 Sou with the akadora 5 sou)
  • eg: rrrrdo (open quad of red dragon)
  • eg: 11s (pair of 1 sou)
  • eg: 8m (8 man tile)


using cargo

cargo install mahc
mahc --version

build from source

git clone https://github.com/DrCheeseFace/mahc
cd mahc
cargo build
./target/debug/mahc --version

from latest release

curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/DrCheeseFace/rusty-riichi-mahjong-calculator/releases/latest | grep "browser_download_url" | cut -d '"' -f 4 | wget -i -
unzip mahc-v1.1.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.zip -d mahc
cd mahc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/release
./mahc --version

Implemented hand validations as of yet

One Han Yaku
  • Tanyao
  • Iipeikou
  • Yakuhai
  • MenzenTsumo
  • Pinfu
  • Riichi
  • Ippatsu
  • Haitei
  • RinshanKaihou
  • Chankan
Two Han Yaku
  • DoubleRiichi
  • Toitoi
  • Ittsuu
  • SanshokuDoujun
  • Chantaiyao
  • Sanankou
  • SanshokuDoukou
  • Sankantsu
  • Honroutou
  • Shousangen
  • Chiitoitsu
Three Han Yaku
  • Honitsu
  • JunchanTaiyao
  • Ryanpeikou
Six Han Yaku
  • Chinitsu
  • KazoeYakuman
  • KokushiMusou
  • KokushiMusou 13 sided wait
  • Suuankou
  • Suuankou tanki wait
  • Daisangen
  • Shousuushii
  • Daisuushii
  • Tsuuiisou
  • Daiichishin
  • Chinroutou
  • Ryuuiisou
  • ChuurenPoutou
  • ChuurenPoutou 9 sided wait
  • Suukantsu
  • Tenhou
  • Chiihou


  • validation a hand is possible (eg not having 20 east tiles :)
  • add all da yaku
  • validation on if yaku is there
  • validate winning tile
  • propogate the errors up for a nice printout
  • validate stuff like cant riichi and double riichi. all that haitei, chankan rinshan shizz
  • file stdIn
  • json out flag
  • tile input for --dora flag
  • add more comprehensive tests
  • document the undocumented


  • If you spot a bug (which there probabably are many), put in an issue with how to reproduce it
  • if youd like to contribute, DO IT (send a PR)
  • keep in mind, we pretty far from finishing it currently. so FUCK validation (for the time being)



~51K SLoC