#pololu #g2 #driver #stm32 #rpi #jrk

no-std jrk-g2

A rust embedded driver for pololu Jrk G2

4 stable releases

2.3.0 Aug 24, 2023
2.2.0 Aug 24, 2023
2.1.0 Aug 24, 2023
2.0.0 Jan 10, 2023

#3 in #rpi


374 lines

pololu Jrk G2 rust driver

CI pre-commit.ci status doc

Example with a STM 32:

cargo embed --release --features stm32 --chip STM32F103C8 --example stm32-serial
cargo embed --release --features stm32 --chip STM32F103C8 --example stm32-i2c

Example with a Raspberry Pi:

cargo run --release --features rpi --example rpi-serial
cargo run --release --features rpi --example rpi-i2c

Example with an Arduino UNO:

cd arduino
rustup override set nightly
cargo run --release --example arduino-uno-i2c
cargo run --release --example arduino-uno-serial


~91K SLoC