Cargo Features

stm32f1xx-hal has no features set by default.

stm32f1xx-hal = { version = "0.10.0", features = ["device-selected", "rt", "stm32f100", "stm32f101", "stm32f103", "stm32f107", "doc", "medium", "high", "xl", "connectivity", "has-can", "rtic"] }
device-selected stm32f100? stm32f101? stm32f103? stm32f105? stm32f107?

Affects stm32f1xx-hal::adc, stm32f1xx-hal::afio, stm32f1xx-hal::backup_domain, stm32f1xx-hal::bb, stm32f1xx-hal::crc, stm32f1xx-hal::dma, stm32f1xx-hal::flash, stm32f1xx-hal::gpio, stm32f1xx-hal::i2c, stm32f1xx-hal::prelude, stm32f1xx-hal::qei, stm32f1xx-hal::rcc, stm32f1xx-hal::rtc, stm32f1xx-hal::serial, stm32f1xx-hal::spi, stm32f1xx-hal::time

rt rtic?

Enables rt of stm32f1

stm32f100 = device-selected

Enables stm32f100 of stm32f1

stm32f101 = device-selected

Enables stm32f101 of stm32f1

stm32f103 = device-selected, has-can, stm32-usbd

Enables stm32f103 of stm32f1

Affects rcc::UsbPre, rcc::Config.usbpre

stm32f105 stm32f107 = connectivity, device-selected

Enables stm32f107 of stm32f1

medium connectivity? high?

Devices with 64 or 128 Kb ROM

high xl? = medium

Devices with 256 or 512 Kb ROM

xl = high

Devices with 768 Kb ROM or more

connectivity stm32f105? stm32f107? = has-can, medium

Connectivity line devices (stm32f105xx and stm32f107xx)

Affects rcc::UsbPre, rcc::Config.usbpre

has-can connectivity? stm32f103?

Devices with CAN interface

Affects stm32f1xx-hal::can

rtic = rt, rtic-monotonic

Affects timer::monotonic

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

rtic-monotonic rtic?
stm32-usbd stm32f103?

Affects stm32f1xx-hal::usb