graphviz-rust is used at run time in 30 crates (of which 13 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 22 crates.

Number of dependers graphviz-rust version Downloads/month
17 0.9.3 7.5K
2 0.7.2 230
9 0.6.6 6.6K
1 0.5.2 0
1 0.1.2 0
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) graphviz-rust version
1.8K netsblox-stateflow ^0.9.3
900 1 speki-core ^0.9.0
2.6K sn_auditor optional ^0.9.0
400 annatto ^0.9.0
120 mdslides ^0.9.3
1 forester-rs ^0.9.0
650 1 egraph-serialize optional ^0.6.2
650 process_mining optional ^0.9.3
shrubbery ^0.9.0
1 conflagrate-macros >=0.2.0
sdml ^0.6.2
digraph-rs ^0.5.0
pipeawesome2 ^0.1.2
glide ^0.7.2
1 kapot-scheduler ^0.9
snoop-cli ^0.9.0
370 1 ballista-scheduler optional ^0.9
1 boomerang_builder optional ^0.6
gctree optional ^0.9.0
graphfind-rs optional ^0.6
hier optional ^0.7.0
xdot optional ^0.6.1