#binary-tree #graph-algorithms #graph #heap #queue #dijkstra

bin+lib flex-algo

Rust commonly used data structure and algorithms

8 releases (breaking)

0.7.0 Dec 31, 2022
0.6.0 Dec 26, 2022
0.5.1 Dec 17, 2022
0.4.0 Dec 16, 2022
0.1.0 Dec 14, 2022

#2449 in Data structures

MIT license

828 lines


This crate includes the most commonly used data structures and algorithms in Rust.

To use this crate, simply add the following string to your Cargo.toml:

flex-algo = "0.7.0"

Version numbers follow the semver convention.

Then use the data structure inside your Rust source code as in the following Example.

Remember that, if you need serde support, you should compile using --features serde.


Please read the API documentation here

Dijkstra algorithm

This crate implements a Dijkstra algorithm to compute the shortest path by given graph.

This is inspired by the javascript implementation, please reference here


use flex_algo::Dijkstra;

fn main() {
  let times = vec![
      (1, 2, 9), (1, 4, 2), (2, 5, 1), (4, 2, 4), (4, 5, 6), (3, 2, 3), (5, 3, 7), (3, 1, 5)
  let dijkstra = Dijkstra::new(5, times);
  let (max, path) =  dijkstra.shortest_path(1).unwrap();
  println!("shortest path: {:?}", path);
  assert_eq!(max, 14);


This crate implements a Priority Queue with a function to change the priority of an object. Priorities are stored in a Vec and the queue is implemented as a Heap of indexes.

This is inspired by the javascript implementation, please reference here


use flex_algo::PriorityQueue;

fn main() {
  // priorities
  let distances = [1, 6, 14, 2, 7];
  // queue
  let mut pq = PriorityQueue::new(|a: &usize,b: &usize| distances[*a] < distances[*b]);
  assert_eq!(pq.is_empty(), true);
  let value = pq.pop().unwrap();
  println!("pop priority queue(closure): {:?}", value);


This crate implements a Graph data structure.

This is inspired by the javascript implementation, please reference BFS Topological Sort DFS


use flex_algo::Graph;

fn main() {
    let mut graph = Graph::new(6, vec![(1, 0), (2, 1), (2, 5), (0, 3), (4, 3), (3, 5), (4, 5)]);
    println!("graph: {:?}", graph);
    assert_eq!(graph.is_acyclic_bfs(), true);
    assert_eq!(graph.is_acyclic_top_sort(), true);


This crate implements the BinaryTree data structure.

This is inspired by the javascript and rust implementation below: [JS](https://replit.com/@ZhangMYihua/Maximum-depth#main.js, https://replit.com/@ZhangMYihua/Level-Order, https://replit.com/@ZhangMYihua/Binary-tree-right-side-view-DFS#index.js, https://replit.com/@ZhangMYihua/Number-of-Nodes-in-Complete-Binary-Tree#index.js) Rust

Crete a binary tree

use flex_algo::BinaryTree;

fn main() {
    let mut tree = BinaryTree::new();
    let v = vec![Some(1), Some(2), Some(3), None, None, Some(4), Some(5), Some(6)];

    // print in preorder

    // get the depth of the tree
    let depth = tree.depth();
    println!("depth: {}", depth);
    assert_eq!(depth, 4);

    // get the level order of the tree
    let level_order = tree.level_order();
    println!("level order: {:?}", level_order);
    assert_eq!(level_order, vec![vec![1], vec![2, 3], vec![4, 5], vec![6]].to_vec());

    // get the right side view
    let mut res: Vec<i32> = Vec::new();
    tree.right_side_view(0, &mut res);
    println!("right side view: {:?}", res);
    assert_eq!(res, vec![1, 3, 5, 6]);

    // get the left side view
    let mut res: Vec<i32> = Vec::new();
    tree.left_side_view(0, &mut res);
    println!("left side view: {:?}", res);
    assert_eq!(res, vec![1, 2, 4, 6]);


This crate implements the BinarySearchTree data structure.

This is inspired by the javascript and rust implementation below: JS Rust

Crete a binary tree

use flex_algo::BST;

fn main() {
    let mut bst = BST::new();
    let is_valid = bst.is_valid(i32::MIN, i32::MAX);
    assert_eq!(is_valid, true);


    let none = bst.search(5);
    assert_eq!(none, None);

    let found = bst.search(2);
    assert_eq!(found, Some(2));

No runtime deps