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#140 in Algorithms

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Rust-powered directed graphs.

Table of Contents


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Arc-Weighted Sparse Digraphs

Unweighted Dense Digraphs

Unweighted Sparse Digraphs


  • Biclique generates a complete bipartite digraph.
  • Circuit generates a circuit digraph.
  • Complete generates a complete digraph.
  • Cycle generates a bidirectional circuit.
  • Empty generates a digraph without arcs.
  • ErdosRenyi generates a random digraph.
  • GrowingNetwork generates a growing network digraph.
  • Path generates a path digraph.
  • RandomTournament generates a random tournament.
  • Star generates a star digraph.
  • Wheel generates a wheel digraph.




The Bellman-Ford-Moore algorithm finds the shortest distances from a source vertex to all other vertices in an arc-weighted digraph with negative weights.

A breadth-first search explores an unweighted digraph's vertices in order of their distance from a source.

A depth-first search explores an unweighted digraph's vertices in order of their depth from a source.

  • Dfs iterates the vertices.
  • DfsDist iterates the vertices and their distance from the source.
  • DfsPred iterates the vertices and their predecessors.
  • DfsPred::predecessors finds the predecessors.


Dijkstra's algorithm finds the shortest paths in an arc-weighted digraph.

Distance Matrix

A DistanceMatrix contains the shortest distances between all vertex pairs in a digraph.


The Floyd-Warshall algorithm finds the distance between each vertex pair in an arc-weighted digraph.

Johnson's Circuit-Finding Algorithm

Johnson's circuit-finding algorithm finds all circuits in a digraph.

Predecessor Tree

A PredecessorTree contains the vertex predecessors.


Tarjan's algorithm finds strongly connected components in a digraph.


See CHANGELOG.md for a list of changes.


Licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0 or MIT license at your option.


Feel free to reach out with questions or suggestions.

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