2 unstable releases

0.1.0 Aug 13, 2024
0.0.1 Jul 30, 2024

#297 in Command-line interface

Download history 59/week @ 2024-07-24 49/week @ 2024-07-31 78/week @ 2024-08-07 47/week @ 2024-08-14

125 downloads per month

Custom license

1.5K SLoC


!!! The project is still in early development so expect breaking changes !!!

A flashcard TUI written in Rust that supports Anki styled repetition and writing flashcards in TOML.


  • Extensive CLI to manage decks, reviews and flashcards
  • Terminal UI (TUI) to review cards using fsrs spaced repetition
  • Write flashcards in any config format
    • Currently available: json and toml but very easily extensible to formats that implement serde
    • Easy import and merge into existing cards
    • Export data into all supported config formats

I used fsrs (SR scheduling), ratatui (UI) and clap (CLI).


# clone this repo
git clone https://gitlab.com/haasal/flashy-rs
cd flashy-rs
cargo run -- help


This project consists of a CLI and a TUI. The CLI is used to import flashcard files, add new flashcards and start the UI.

Adding cards through CLI

cargo run -- new deck --name "my-deck"
cargo run -- new flashcard --deck "my-deck" -q "Question..." -a "Answer..."
cargo run -- new flashcard --deck "my-deck" -q "Question 2..." -a "Answer 2..."
cargo run -- ui --deck "my-deck" # Start the TUI

Loading decks from config file

Create file my-cards.toml:

name = "Deck 1"

q = "Question 1"
a = "Answer 1"

question = "Question 2"
answer = "Answer 2"

q = "Question 4"
a = "Answer 4"

name = "Deck 2"
description = "Description 2"

q = "Question 3"
a = "Answer 3"

Import the deck into the database

cargo run -- file --import -f "my-deck.toml"

Review cards in Deck 1

cargo run -- ui --deck "Deck 1"

Make change to my-config.toml and reimport like above. Reviews are not overwritten.


I'm happy you want to contribute! PRs and issues are very welcome. Please create an issue before beginning to work on a PR so the changes can be discussed beforehand. Take a look at the CONTRIBUTING.md for more info. Please take a look at the TODOs below if you need inspiration ;)



  • Better logging (i.e. return deleted flashcards, ...)
  • Proper error messages instead of raw sql error
  • Log warnings on duplicate questions and upserts
  • Add delete flag for file --import so that decks are mapped 1:1 into db
  • Add tests...
  • Use this algo for spaced repetition
  • More elegant way of displaying controls (directly coupled to actual controls or sth)
  • Only show due flashcards
  • Order flashcards by due date (due in front)
  • Cut down on the unfortunately massive amount of dependencies (mainly caused by missing feature flags in fsrs-rs)
  • Move database to predefined config folder so one can run this outside the project directory
  • Create pipelines (CI/CD)
  • Specify development environment (clippy, formatting etc.)
  • Better documentation
  • Code cleanup and refactor
  • GitLab flags in readme (Crates.io etc.)


  • Ascii-math as UTF-8 support
  • More config formats
  • Write/Render flashcards in markdown
  • Create Flashcards in the ui
  • Integrate toggleable logging windows into Ui
  • Training fsrs-rs parameters
  • Remove rating from db
  • Colorize easy, hard, ...
  • Plugin support
  • Configuration options


~2M SLoC