1 unstable release
0.1.0 | Feb 13, 2025 |
#26 in Geospatial
140 downloads per month
815 lines
Contains (ELF exe/lib, 15MB) deutsch-geo-env-mapper
- rust geospatial mapper using dotenv for deutsch code mapper.
- just put the files in the folder with the same naming convention.
- Geospatial mapping data can be downloaded from here german postcode code to location mapping.
- Deutsch github repositoryrepository link.
- polars analysis can be found here deutsch geospatial mappers.
- to install this just clone the folder and build the cargo or use the pre-compiled binary.
- please see the last commit message and if it says compiled binary then it is completed or else still in development version.
cargo build
deutsch geo-mapper
Usage: deutsch-geo-env-mapper <COMMAND>
plz search according to the plz
note search according to the note
einwohner search according to the einwohner
qkm search according to the qkm
latitude search according to the latitude
longitude search according to the longitude
osm search according to the osm
ags search according to the ags
ord search according to the ort
landkreis search according to the landkries
bundesland search according to the bundesland
general-pattern general pattern search
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
- search according to the plz
gauravsablok@genome deutsch-geo-env-mapper main ?
./target/debug/deutsch-geo-env-mapper plz 99955
99955 99955 Bad Tennstedt 8594 128.78479 51.15747 10.82980
99955 2895776 16064004 Bad Tennstedt Unstrut-Hainich-Kreis Thüringen
99955 2902811 16064005 Ballhausen Unstrut-Hainich-Kreis Thüringen
99955 2903159 16064007 Blankenburg Unstrut-Hainich-Kreis Thüringen
99955 2903160 16064009 Bruchstedt Unstrut-Hainich-Kreis Thüringen
99955 2903161 16064021 Haussömmern Unstrut-Hainich-Kreis Thüringen
99955 2895792 16064022 Herbsleben Unstrut-Hainich-Kreis Thüringen
99955 2903162 16064027 Hornsömmern Unstrut-Hainich-Kreis Thüringen
99955 2903166 16064038 Kutzleben Unstrut-Hainich-Kreis Thüringen
99955 2903167 16064045 Mittelsömmern Unstrut-Hainich-Kreis Thüringen
99955 2903171 16064064 Urleben Unstrut-Hainich-Kreis Thüringen
- search according to the note
21:51:03 gauravsablok@genome deutsch-geo-env-mapper main ?
./target/debug/deutsch-geo-env-mapper note 01067
01067 01067-Dresden 11957 6.866839 51.06019 13.71117
- search according to the longitude
21:51:22 gauravsablok@genome deutsch-geo-env-mapper main ?
./target/debug/deutsch-geo-env-mapper longitude 13.71117
01067 01067 Dresden 11957 6.866839 51.06019 13.71117
- search according to the latitude
21:51:33 gauravsablok@genome deutsch-geo-env-mapper main ?
./target/debug/deutsch-geo-env-mapper latitude 51.06019
01067 01067 Dresden 11957 6.866839 51.06019 13.71117
- search according to the einwohner
21:51:40 gauravsablok@genome deutsch-geo-env-mapper main ?
./target/debug/deutsch-geo-env-mapper einwohner 11957
01067 01067 Dresden 11957 6.866839 51.06019 13.71117
- search according to the osm
23:23:53 gauravsablok@genome deutsch-geo-env-mapper main ?
./target/debug/deutsch-geo-env-mapper osm 1104550
78267 1104550 08335001 Aach Landkreis-Konstanz Baden-Württemberg
The results are: "The searched results are as follows"
- search according to the ags
23:23:58 gauravsablok@genome deutsch-geo-env-mapper main ?
./target/debug/deutsch-geo-env-mapper ags 08335001
78267 1104550 08335001 -A-a-c-h- Landkreis-Konstanz Baden-Württemberg
The results are: "The searched results are as follows"
- search according to the ord
11:48:31 gauravsablok@genome deutsch-geo-env-mapper main ?
./target/debug/deutsch-geo-env-mapper ord Aach
78267 1104550 08335001 "Aach" "Landkreis Konstanz" "Baden-Württemberg"
54298 1255910 07235001 "Aach" "Landkreis Trier-Saarburg" "Rheinland-Pfalz"
The results are: "The searched results are as follows"
- search according to the landkreis. if your landkries has spaces in the name then use the general pattern search
13:21:00 gauravsablok@genome deutsch-geo-env-mapper main ? ./target/debug/deutsch-geo-env-mapper landkreis Neckar-Odenwald-Kreis
74740 403733 08225001 "Adelsheim" "Neckar-Odenwald-Kreis" "Baden-Württemberg"
74858 403747 08225002 "Aglasterhausen" "Neckar-Odenwald-Kreis" "Baden-Württemberg"
74842 403741 08225009 "Billigheim" "Neckar-Odenwald-Kreis" "Baden-Württemberg"
- search according to the bundesland. if your bundesland has spaces in the name then use the general pattern search
13:22:55 gauravsablok@genome deutsch-geo-env-mapper main ? ./target/debug/deutsch-geo-env-mapper bundesland Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
18211 391131 13072001 "Admannshagen-Bargeshagen" "Landkreis Rostock" "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern"
17375 1408072 13075001 "Ahlbeck" "Landkreis Vorpommern-Greifswald" "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern"
18320 374204 13073001 "Ahrenshagen-Daskow" "Landkreis Vorpommern-Rügen" "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern"
18347 374244 13073002 "Ahrenshoop" "Landkreis Vorpommern-Rügen" "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern"
- search according to the general pattern. This means that you have spaces in your name or anything.
13:08:41 gauravsablok@genome deutsch-geo-env-mapper main ?
./target/debug/deutsch-geo-env-mapper general-pattern Konstanz
"2784842 08335043 Konstanz 78462 Landkreis Konstanz Baden-Württemberg"
"2784842 08335043 Konstanz 78464 Landkreis Konstanz Baden-Württemberg"
"2784842 08335043 Konstanz 78465 Landkreis Konstanz Baden-Württemberg
Gaurav Sablok
~81K SLoC