#memory #peak #tool #search #time #cpu #check

app cgmemtime

Linux tool to check peak memory usage and CPU time

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Mar 26, 2024

#208 in Development tools

Download history 76/week @ 2024-03-22 30/week @ 2024-03-29 10/week @ 2024-04-05 2/week @ 2024-04-12

118 downloads per month


791 lines

Unofficial Rustdoc Search Profiling Tool


$ rustup toolchain install nightly-2023-11-14
$ rustup toolchain install nightly-2023-11-15
$ rustup target add --toolchain=nightly-2023-11-14 thumbv7em-none-eabihf
$ rustup target add --toolchain=nightly-2023-11-15 thumbv7em-none-eabihf
$ cargo run -- nightly-2023-11-14 nightly-2023-11-15

To build with a dev toolchain, you also need to make sure thumbv7em-none-eabihf target is enabled in config.toml.

Then open ./out/index.html

Docs for 0x can be found at https://github.com/davidmarkclements/0x/tree/master/docs

Peak memory usage measurement uses cgmemtime. Grab it from https://github.com/gsauthof/cgmemtime


~20K SLoC