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0.2.15 Jun 19, 2024
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0.2.12 Sep 4, 2022
0.2.11 Jun 17, 2022
0.2.6 Jul 20, 2021

#138 in Command-line interface

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The process memory size listing.

ps-mem command is listing all process memory size.


  • minimum support rustc 1.58.1 (db9d1b20b 2022-01-20)

Command help

ps-mem --help
  ps-mem [options]
  ps-mem [options] <command> {<arg1> <arg2> ...}

print processes memory by sort,
or print one processe memory

  -a, --all             all pid (include kernel threads)
  --sort <order>        sort by <order>: rss|swap|total
  --pid <number>        output only selected pid
  --sleep <number>      sleep <number> milli second
  -l, --cmdline         view command line

  -H, --help        display this help and exit
  -V, --version     display version information and exit
  -X <x-options>    x options. try -X help

  Show all prosesses memory:
    ps-mem --all
  Show one prosess memory:
    ps-mem --pid 1234
  Invoke and show one prosess memory:
    ps-mem -- find / -type f

Quick install

  1. you can install this into cargo bin path:
cargo install ps-mem
  1. you can build debian package:
cargo deb

and install .deb into your local repository of debian package.


Example 1: simple

sudo ps-mem

Example 2: the largest finder

you can see a largest memory process.

sudo ps-mem --sort=total | tail


sudo ps-mem --sort=total | aki-unbody -t 10

Example 3: show one process memory

You see the process memory size of that pid is 1234.

ps-mem --pid 1234

Example 4: show invoked one prosess memory

You see the process memory size of the invoked find command.

ps-mem find / -type f


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~44K SLoC