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#6 in #cellular

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Used in 4 crates

GPL-2.0 license

678 lines

This crate encapsulates concepts which govern an agent-based model specified by cellular_raza. To learn how to design your own concepts please refer to the cellular_raza book.


The Cycle trait is responsible for the implementation of cycles and updates them incrementally. The main update function is responsible for returning an optional cycle event. These events can have different effects. For example a cell-division event triggers the divide method. A mapping of events and functions is depicted in the table below.

| Event | Effect | | ----- -------- | ------ | | Division | The divide function returns (creates) a new cell and modifies the existing cell in-place. This means, that the user is responsible to make sure, that every field of the cell struct is modified correctly in order to simulate cell-division. | | PhasedDeath | The cell enters a dying process and is still continuously updated via update_conditional_phased_death. Once the corresponding function returns true the process is considered complete and the cell is removed. | | Remove | This event removes the cell from the simulation without any further actions. |


In order to make sure that results are reproducible, the provided rng parameter should be used. Should a user fall back to the option to use the threaded rng, this simulation cannot guarantee deterministic results anymore. We plan to include the stochastic aspect into individual Event variants such that the correct handling of integrating the underlying stochastic process can be carried out by the backend.

Example implementation

This could be an example of a very simplified cell-agent. The user is free to do anything with this function that is desired but is also responsible for keeping track of all the variables. This means for example that intracellular values might need to be adjusted (most often halfed) and new positions need to be assigned to the cells such that the cells are not overlapping ...

use rand::Rng;
use rand_chacha::ChaCha8Rng;
use cellular_raza_concepts::{Cycle, CycleEvent, DivisionError};

// We define our cell struct with all parameters needed for this cell-agent.
struct Cell {
    // Size of the cell (spherical)
    radius: f64,
    // Track the age of the cell
    current_age: f64,
    // Used in cycle later. Divide cell if older than maximum age.
    maximum_age: f64,
    // The position of the cell. We cannot have two positions which are the same. Thus we need
    // to update the position as well.
    position: [f64; 2],

impl Cycle<Cell> for Cell {
    fn update_cycle(rng: &mut ChaCha8Rng, dt: &f64, cell: &mut Cell) -> Option<CycleEvent> {
        // Increase the current age of the cell
        cell.current_age += dt;

        // If the cell is older than the current age, return a division event
        if cell.current_age > cell.maximum_age {
            return Some(CycleEvent::Division)

    fn divide(rng: &mut ChaCha8Rng, cell: &mut Cell) -> Result<Cell, DivisionError> {
        // Prepare the original cell for division.
        // Set the radius of both cells to half of the original radius.
        cell.radius *= 0.5;

        // Also set the current age of the cell to zero again
        cell.current_age = 0.0;

        // Clone the existing cell
        let mut new_cell = (*cell).clone();

        // Define a new position for both cells
        // To do this: Pick a random number as an angle.
        let angle = rng.gen_range(0.0..2.0*std::f64::consts::PI);

        // Calculate the new position of the original and new cell with this angle
        let pos = [
            cell.radius * angle.cos(),
            cell.radius * angle.sin()
        let new_pos = [
            cell.radius * (angle+std::f64::consts::FRAC_PI_2).cos(),
            cell.radius * (angle+std::f64::consts::FRAC_PI_2).sin()

        // Set new positions
        cell.position = pos;
        new_cell.position = new_pos;

        // Finally return the new cell
        return Ok(new_cell);


For Backends it may be useful to define a singular error type (eg. SimulationError) which should be derivable from errors arising during the simulation process. It is required for custom error types MyCustomError of the engine to implement the From<MyCustomError> for SimulationError. Errors should be seperated by their ability to be recovered, ignored or handled otherwise. Since this crate aims to provide an adaptive solving aproach, it is desired to have a fallback mechanism which can be called for errors which may arise due to precision problems.

The following table shows a summary of the errors currently supported. Backends need to be aware of them and implement custom handling schemes to overcome or work around them. Aborting the simulation is an option but must be documented well without introducing undefined behaviour.

| ErrorType | Possible Error Reasons | | --- | --- | --- | | BoundaryError | Solver Accuracy, Domain Implementaion bug, Internal engine error | | CalcError | Solver Accuracy, Bug by user implementation of corresponding function, Internal engine error | Captures traits and types related to interactions between cells.


Interactions can arise due to many different mechanisms. The following table shows a short summary of the possible traits which can be used. Some of them should not make sense to use in combination. An engine may chose to implement only certain traits while omitting others.

Interaction Trait Description
[Interaction] Cells are interacting by forces which can have a range larger than the cell itself. Foe example, users can choose to implement their own repulsive and attractive forces.
[CellularReactions] Intracellular reactions may be coupled to an extracellular environment. We can model these reactions via ODEs.


Defines how to adjust position,force and velocity of the individual cells.

This concept is extremely central to every cell-agent since it defines the spatial representation of the cell which can be seen by other cells. This means that as long as all cells which should be included in the simulation can be represented by this shared trait, cellular_raza should be able to simulate them.

While a point of the simulation in general is not additive in the general theoretical formulation (due to boundaries for example), it is necessary to have an additive type to effectively use adaptive solvers. We thus need to check and apply boundary conditions independantly.


Visualize components of the simulation directly via the plotters library.


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