#qdrant #directory #embedding


Rust implementation of Qdrant's BM42

7 releases

0.0.0-alpha-rc.7 Jul 8, 2024
0.0.0-alpha-rc.6 Jul 7, 2024
0.0.0-alpha-rc.5 Jul 6, 2024

#6 in #qdrant

Download history 357/week @ 2024-07-06 6/week @ 2024-07-13

231 downloads per month


482 lines

BM42-rs 🦀

Rust implementation of Qdrant BM42

Crates.io Apache Licensed Licensed

🔍 Not looking for Rust?

📥 Installation

Run the following command in your project directory:

cargo add bm42

Or add the following line to your Cargo.toml:

bm42 = "0"

📖 Usage

Generating Sparse Embeddings

use bm42::{BM42Options, BM42};

// With default InitOptions
let bm42 = BM42::try_new(Default::default()).unwrap();

// With custom BM42Options
let bm42_options = BM42Options {
    alpha: 0.5,
    show_download_progress: true,

let texts = vec![
    "It's a truth universally acknowledged that a zombie in possession of brains must be in want of more brains.",
    "We're not in Infinity; we're in the suburbs.",
    "I was a thousand times more evil than thou!",
    "History is merely a list of surprises... It can only prepare us to be surprised yet again.",

// Generate embeddings for indexing
let doc_embeddings = bm42.embed(texts).unwrap();

// Generate embeddings for querying
let query_embeddings = bm42.query_embed(texts).unwrap();


Apache 2.0 © 2024


~602K SLoC