1. crypto-common

    Common cryptographic traits

    v0.2.0-pre.5 6.0M #traits #cryptography #crypto
  2. google-apis-common

    Shared functionality among the google-api crates

    v6.0.3 42K #google-api #google #web-api #web #common #api
  3. swc_common

    Common utilities for the swc project

    v0.33.26 393K #javascript-compiler #typescript #swc #emitter #source-map #parser #web
  4. rst-common

    A shortcut to common Rust crates

    v1.3.0 #crates #common #libraries
  5. cc-traits

    Common collection traits

    v2.0.0 8.7K #collection #traits #data-structure #common
  6. google-clis-common

    Shared functionality among the google-api CLI crates

    v6.0.0 1.2K #google-api #google #api #cli #web-api #web #common
  7. wayland-commons

    Common types and structures used by wayland-client and wayland-server

    v0.29.5 186K #wayland #api-bindings #interface #user-interface #wayland-server #wayland-client #object
  8. claudiofsr_lib

    General-purpose library used by my programs

    v0.5.1 330 #general #library #common
  9. cmn

    accessing a collection of mathematical and cryptographic constants

    v0.0.3 #constants #constant #configuration #config #common
  10. tremor-common

    Tremor common functions

    v0.13.0-rc.20 370 #tremor #functions #shared
  11. eva-common

    Commons for EVA ICS v4

    v0.3.51 500 #scada #industrial #iot #eva-ics #cloud
  12. icann-rdap-common

    Common RDAP data structures

    v0.0.16 #rdap #data-structures #protocols #name #data-access #response #information
  13. bgpkit-commons

    common BGP-related data and functions

    v0.5.2 100 #bgp #bgpkit #data-structures #function #collector #collection #country
  14. anni-common

    Common library used by Project Anni

    v0.1.4 290 #flac #tags #anni #audio #split #music
  15. datafusion-common

    Common functionality for DataFusion query engine

    v37.1.0 253K #arrow #query #sql-query #sql #apache-arrow #query-execution #utilities
  16. moon_common

    Common utilities

    v0.0.5 360 #moon #workspace #task #nodejs #typescript #build-system #javascript
  17. datafusion-common-runtime

    Common Runtime functionality for DataFusion query engine

    v37.1.0 77K #sql-query #query #arrow #sql #apache-arrow
  18. neotron-common-bios

    Contains the BIOS API and common routines for all Neotron systems

    v0.12.0 #bios #neotron #routines #api #systems
  19. rphonetic

    Rust port of phonetic Apache commons-codec algorithms

    v2.2.0 290 #phonetic #algorithm #soundex #metaphone #apache #port #caverphone
  20. lwk_common

    Liquid Wallet Kit - Common utilities

    v0.3.0 170 #utilities #liquid #wallet #kit #signer #methods #xpub
  21. rs-plugin-common-interfaces

    Common description for plugin creation

    v0.13.3 2.0K #interface #plugin #creation
  22. fluvio-extension-common

    Fluvio extension common

    v0.14.1 470 #fluvio #extension #stream-processing #event-driven-architecture #real-time #distributed-systems #streaming
  23. swc_macros_common

    Common utilities for swc macros

    v0.3.11 327K #swc #typescript #macro #compiler #javascript #typescript-compiler #web
  24. ruma-common

    Common types for other ruma crates

    v0.12.1 5.6K #ruma #chat #messaging #matrix-chat #matrix
  25. smol_db_common

    A common library shared between packages that use smol_db

    v1.5.0-beta.1 210 #db #database #database-server #library #database-client #read-write #access-key
  26. swc_ecma_compat_common

    Commons for compat transforms

    v0.5.1 11K #typescript #swc #typescript-compiler #javascript-compiler #transform #web #compat
  27. rust_icu_common

    Native bindings to the ICU4C library from Unicode. Commonly used types

    v5.0.0 1.5K #icu #unicode #localization #internationalization #native-bindings #internationalisation #date-time
  28. enum_common_fields

    Macro for easy access to common fields of enums

    v0.7.0 4.2K #enums #key-string #accessor #macro #code-generation #enum #field-manipulation
  29. minidump-common

    Some common types for working with minidump files

    v0.21.1 112K #crash-reports #header #file-format #breakpad #traits #extension #definition
  30. below-common

    Common below code

    v0.8.1 400 #below #system #data #information #cgroup #interactive #historical
  31. swc_nodejs_common

    Common code for SWC bindings

    v0.0.8 2.4K #swc #javascript-compiler #typescript #web #bindings #babel
  32. ruma-identifiers-validation

    Validation logic for ruma-common and ruma-macros

    v0.9.3 5.9K #validation #chat #networking #logic #matrix-org #ruma-common #ruma-macros
  33. qcs-api-client-common

    Common code for QCS API clients

    v0.7.12 1.8K #quantum #qcs #api-client #rigetti #auth-token #api
  34. crev-common

    Scalable, social, Code REView system that we desperately need - common code

    v0.25.4 480 #review #distributed #trust #code
  35. common-testing

    Common testing shortcuts and utilities reused across projects

    v1.1.1 #testing #testing-utilities #file #assertions #setup #projects #filesystem
  36. atuin-common

    common library for atuin

    v18.2.0 2.1K #shell-history #atuin #sqlite #command #sync #bash #encrypted
  37. matrix-sdk-common

    Collection of common types and imports used in the matrix-sdk

    v0.7.0 2.4K #ruma #messaging #chat #matrix-chat #nio #matrix
  38. k8s-openapi-codegen-common

    Common code for the k8s-openapi code generator and k8s-openapi-derive

    v0.21.1 200 #kubernetes #k8s #http-client #client #http #api-client #api-bindings
  39. deterministic-wasi-ctx

    A wasi-common WasiCtx implementation that is fully deterministic

    v0.1.20 18K #wasi #deterministic #context #system #invoking #wasm #return
  40. walker-common

    A common functionality for SBOM and CSAF walker

    v0.6.0 1.1K #csaf #walker #sbom #data #policy #provider #openpgp
  41. oro-common

    Common types and utilities for Orogene

    v0.3.34 450 #nodejs #package-manager #orogene #typescript #javascript #utilities #type
  42. bevy_common_assets

    Bevy plugin adding support for loading your own asset types from common file formats such as json and yaml

    v0.10.0 4.0K #assets #bevy #file-format #yaml #gamedev #json-file
  43. bc-crypto

    A uniform API for cryptographic primitives used in Blockchain Commons projects

    v0.3.4 500 #primitive #blockchain #provider #key #sha-2 #projects #sha-256
  44. lunatic-common-api

    Common functionality for building lunatic host function APIs

    v0.13.2 280 #lunatic #run-time #server-side #wasm #erlang #language #run-wasm
  45. claw-common

    The Claw language common types and functions

    v0.2.5 #wasm-component #claw #programming-language #function #values #types #compile
  46. symbolic-common

    Common types and utilities for symbolic, a library to symbolicate and process stack traces from native applications, minidumps or minified JavaScript

    v12.8.0 494K #stack-trace #path #symbolic #javascript #name #applications #process
  47. erg_common

    A common components library of Erg

    v0.6.35 1.6K #erg #component #vm #compiler #programming-language #python #transpiler
  48. wasmer-middleware-common

    Wasmer runtime common middlewares

    v0.17.1 320 #middleware #wasm #metering #webassembly
  49. tantivy-common

    common traits and utility functions used by multiple tantivy subcrates

    v0.7.0 129K #search-engine #tantivy #full-text-search #configurable #stemming #function #traits
  50. bootloader-x86_64-common

    Common code for the x86_64 bootloader implementations

    v0.11.7 1.1K #bootloader #x86-64 #kernel #systems #bios #uefi #experimental
  51. foyer-common

    common utils for foyer - the hybrid cache for Rust

    v0.6.4 17K #cache #foyer #hybrid #user-friendly #hybrid-cache #memory #facebook-cache-lib
  52. swc_node_comments

    Comments of swc_common

    v0.20.20 9.6K #typescript #comments #swc #compiler #javascript #parser #web
  53. cj_common

    Collection of common functions used by cubicle-jockey projects

    v1.0.0 #hex #base64 #bit #range #inset
  54. shuttle-common

    Common library for the shuttle platform (https://www.shuttle.rs/)

    v0.44.0 12K #shuttle #platform #deployment #devops #back-end #infrastructure #web
  55. rekt-protocol-common

    Common lib to use the rekt-protocol. See the crate homepage to check the protocol RFC.

    v0.1.1 #pub-sub #broker #rek-t-protocol #networking #masivement-online
  56. minify-html-common

    Common code and data for minify-html*

    v0.0.2 10K #minify-html #white-space #html-css #nodejs #js #bindings #speed
  57. bootloader-x86_64-bios-common

    Common code for BIOS stages of the bootloader crate

    v0.11.7 1.1K #bootloader #x86-64 #bios #stage
  58. ibdl-common

    Common functions and data structs for parsing and downloading posts from imageboards

    v1.8.0 #download #post #image-board #website #authentication #rate-limiting #parser
  59. mediasan-common

    Common library shared by the mediasan media file sanitizer tools

    v0.5.1 3.5K #media-file #media #sanitizer #shared #file-format #mediasan #parser
  60. ark-srs

    that simplifies reuse of Common/Structured Reference String (CRS/SRS) from past trusted setup ceremonies, especially for SNARK

    v0.3.2 2.4K #zk-snarks #srs #trusted-setup #cryptography #zksnark
  61. http-types

    Common types for HTTP operations

    v2.12.0 619K #http #http-response #http-request #type #request-response #response #h2
  62. gcd

    Calculate the greatest common divisor

    v2.3.0 92K #divisor #calculate #math #greatest #numbers #calculating
  63. wasi-common

    WASI implementation in Rust

    v20.0.0 93K #wasi #wasm #run-time #wasmtime #webassembly #hostcalls #sandbox
  64. Try searching with DuckDuckGo or on crates.io.

  65. twitch_types

    common types for Twitch

    v0.4.5 800 #twitch #api #strongly-typed #string #type #aliri-braid
  66. rs_algo

    Common sorting algorithms and other common computer science algorithms

    v0.2.1 #sorting #quick #merge #insertion #binary-search
  67. mc-sgx-dcap-types

    Rust wrapper for common DCAP types

    v0.11.0 2.4K #sgx #ffi #wrapper
  68. mc-sgx-core-types

    Rust wrapper for common SGX types

    v0.11.0 2.7K #sgx #ffi #wrapper #api-bindings
  69. bdrck

    Generic common foundational utilities

    v0.20.3 470 #utilities #testing-utilities #applications #configuration #http #generic #http-client
  70. cargo-options

    Reusable common Cargo command line options

    v0.7.4 34K #cargo-command #command-line #cargo #clap #cargo-toml #cli
  71. common_x


    v0.3.4 #common #common-x #root
  72. rustpython-common

    General python functions and algorithms for use in RustPython

    v0.3.1 900 #python #rustpython #interpreter #functions #projects #python-3 #compiler
  73. cvss

    Common Vulnerability Scoring System parser/serializer

    v2.0.0 73K #vulnerabilities #security #advisory #cvssv3
  74. lk_math

    Common mathematical tools

    v0.4.0 #math #geometry #algebra #gamedev #pixel #algorithm
  75. roles_logic_sv2

    Common handlers for use within SV2 roles

    v1.0.0 #handlers #role #mining #sv2 #properties #css-selectors #merkle-root
  76. gloo-utils

    Convenience crate for common web_sys features

    v0.2.0 356K #wasm #web-sys #api #api-bindings #web-apps #toolkit #modular
  77. cranelift

    Umbrella for commonly-used cranelift crates

    v0.107.0 2.8K #compiler #jit #compile
  78. x-common-lib

    DXMesh rust dxc develop library

    v0.1.8 #dx-mesh #protocols #serial #protobuf #dxc #reader #json
  79. cl-format

    Use Common Lisp format in Rust

    v0.2.3 #string-format #lisp #directive #arguments #control #loops #macro
  80. tantivy-analysis-contrib

    A set of analysis components for Tantivy

    v0.12.0 240 #tantivy #icu #localization
  81. markdown

    CommonMark compliant markdown parser in Rust with ASTs and extensions

    v1.0.0-alpha.17 27K #markdown-html #parse-markdown #markdown-parser #common-mark #parse #render #tokenize
  82. futures-test

    Common utilities for testing components built off futures-rs

    v0.3.30 57K #future #testing #asynchronous-programming #component #built #off
  83. futures-util

    Common utilities and extension traits for the futures-rs library

    v0.3.30 7.5M #future #stream #async-io #async-write #async-read #sink #traits
  84. swc_ecma_parser

    Feature-complete es2019 parser

    v0.144.1 327K #javascript-parser #javascript-compiler #swc #typescript-parser #syntax #lexer #error
  85. cdr

    A serialization/deserialization implementation of Common Data Representation

    v0.2.4 23K #deserialize #encode-decode #serialization #decode #encode #serializes
  86. sensirion-i2c

    Common functionality for I2C based sensors from Sensirion

    v0.3.0 370 #i2c #sensirion #sensors #crc-8
  87. frunk_proc_macro_helpers

    Common internal functions for frunk's proc macros

    v0.1.2 184K #proc-macro #frunk #functional-programming #macro #internal
  88. sylvia-iot-corelib

    Common libraries of Sylvia-IoT core modules

    v0.0.36 600 #iot #module #sylvia-iot #platform
  89. egui_commonmark

    Commonmark viewer for egui

    v0.15.0 12K #common-mark #egui #commonmark #format #svg
  90. accesskit_atspi_common

    AccessKit UI accessibility infrastructure: core AT-SPI translation layer

    v0.3.0 8.8K #accessibility #ui #gui
  91. wasmtime-cli-flags

    Exposes common CLI flags used for running Wasmtime

    v20.0.0 1.7K #wasmtime #flags #command-line-interface #running #wasm #run-time #wasi
  92. json-commons

    A set of JSON common tools in Rust

    v0.3.0 #json #json-parser #reading #serialization #commons #vec
  93. libherokubuildpack

    Opinionated common code for buildpacks implemented with libcnb.rs

    v0.20.0 550 #buildpack #helpers #write #download #utilities #io-write #cnb
  94. rio_api

    Common data structures for RDF formats parsers and serializers

    v0.8.4 4.3K #rdf #parser #structures #file-format #low-level #triple #n-triples
  95. sentry-types

    Common reusable types for implementing the sentry.io protocol

    v0.32.3 496K #sentry #protocols #sdk #types #io #json #server
  96. wasmedge-types

    The common data structures for WasmEdge Rust bindings

    v0.4.4 2.8K #data-structures #wasm-edge #bindings #run-time #defines #wasmedge-sdk #host
  97. cargo-mono

    Cargo subcommand to manage mono repository

    v0.3.8 #repository #cargo #mono #cargo-subcommand #management #bump #manage
  98. wasmer-types

    Wasmer Common Types

    v4.3.0-alpha.1 104K #wasm-module #type #wasm #web-assembly #types #define
  99. pulldown-cmark-to-cmark

    Convert pulldown-cmark Events back to the string they were parsed from

    v13.0.0 292K #markdown #common-mark #converter #render #test-suite
  100. shell-rs

    Rust reimplementation of common coreutils APIs

    v0.2.6 #coreutils #shell #directory #api #mkdir #recursively #mk-dir-options
  101. pulldown-cmark

    A pull parser for CommonMark

    v0.10.3 1.0M #markdown-parser #pull-parser #markdown #common-mark #html #allocation #markdown-text
  102. htsget-test

    Common test functions and utilities used by htsget-rs

    v0.5.4 #testing #bioinformatics #htsget #shared #http #interact #testing-http
  103. auto_impl

    Automatically implement traits for common smart pointers and closures

    v1.2.0 586K #closures #traits #impl #smart-pointers #proc-macro #proc-macro-attributes #impl-block
  104. mountpoint-s3-crt

    Rust interface to the AWS Common Runtime for Mountpoint for Amazon S3

    v0.7.0 1.2K #amazon-s3 #run-time #aws #mountpoint #aws-sdk #client #filesystem
  105. common_uu


    v1.6.2 170 #公共工具库 #欢迎指正 #常用的工具方法
  106. psl-types

    Common types for the public suffix implementation crates

    v2.0.11 578K #domain-name #tld #psl #gtld #no-std #cctld
  107. cel-parser

    A parser for the Common Expression Language (CEL)

    v0.6.0 420 #expression-language #expression-parser #cel
  108. wasmer-types-unc

    Wasmer Common Types

    v2.4.1 320 #wasm-module #type #types #wasm
  109. winstructs

    Common structures used in parsing various windows protocols

    v0.3.2 12K #structures #parser #guid #protocols #format #across #windows
  110. axum-route-error

    A common error response for Axum servers

    v5.0.1 110 #error-response #error #axum #json-error #error-handling #json-response #error-message
  111. pulldown-cmark-toc

    Generate a table of contents from a Markdown document

    v0.4.0 190 #markdown-tables #markdown #generate-markdown #github #generate-table #common-mark #pulldown-cmark
  112. naia-socket-shared

    Common data types shared between naia-server-socket & naia-client-socket crates

    v0.22.0 260 #udp-server #interactive-applications #networking #web-rtc #server #udp #gamedev
  113. comrak

    A 100% CommonMark-compatible GitHub Flavored Markdown parser and formatter

    v0.22.0 35K #markdown-parser #markdown #common-mark
  114. fastcrypto

    Common cryptographic library used at Mysten Labs

    v0.1.8 2.4K #public-key #private-key #key-pair #signature #elliptic-curve #hash #ecdsa-signature
  115. markdown-it

    Rust port of popular markdown-it.js library

    v0.6.0 1.4K #markdown #markdown-html #markdown-syntax #common-mark
  116. cel-interpreter

    An interpreter for the Common Expression Language (CEL)

    v0.7.0 550 #expression-language #interpreter #cel #evaluation #duration #variables #how
  117. wayland-csd-frame

    Common trait and types for wayland CSD interop

    v0.3.0 144K #wayland #windowing #client-side #frame #interface #decorations #bare-bones

Narrow the search: common parser, …mark, …web