Did you mean rgb? pgx? ngx?

  1. rgx

    A 2D graphics toolkit for rust

    v0.9.0 #2d-graphics #graphics #toolkit
  2. palette

    Convert and manage colors with a focus on correctness, flexibility and ease of use

    v0.7.5 77K #color-space #rgb #color-palette #color-conversion #color #convert #conversion
  3. Try searching with DuckDuckGo or on crates.io.

  4. rgx-lyon

    A 2d graphics pipeline for rgx utilizing lyon

    v0.1.2 #2d-graphics #lyon #2d #graphics #rgx #graphics-pipeline
  5. rgb

    struct RGB/RGBA/etc. for sharing pixels between crates + convenience methods for color manipulation. Allows no-copy high-level interoperability. Also adds common convenience methods…

    v0.8.37 716K #pixel #color #rgba #graphics #bgra #byte-slice
  6. colorsys

    A module for color conversion and mutation. Works with RGB(a)( as hexadecimal too), HSL(a), CMYK color models and with ANSI color codes

    v0.6.7 21K #rgb #hsl #ansi-colors #color-conversion #converter #cmyk #color
  7. dcv-color-primitives

    perform image color model conversion

    v0.6.1 6.0K #color-conversion #format-conversion #rgb #yuv #image-conversion #video #converter
  8. ansi_colours

    true-colour ↔ ANSI terminal palette converter

    v1.2.2 79K #ansi-term #ansi-colors #terminal-colors #rgb #color-palette #ansi #terminal
  9. easygpu

    wrapper around wgpu aiming to make some common operations easier

    v0.5.0 #wgpu #graphics #buffer #abstraction #time #projects #index-buffer
  10. pgx

    framework for creating Postgres extensions

    v0.7.4 460 #postgresql #extension #postgres #database
  11. ngx

    FFI bindings to NGINX

    v0.4.1 #nginx #module #sys #web-server #log-debug #proxy-server #setup
  12. rgp

    Enabling E2EE for a broad range of applications

    v0.3.2 #encryption #security #e2ee #generate-keys #key-pair #cryptography #crypto
  13. sgx

    Intel SGX

    v0.6.1 300 #intel-sgx #intel #enclave #module #signature #parameters #page
  14. cart-tmp-wgpu

    WebGPU API wrapper

    v0.1.0 130 #graphics #web-gpu #wrapper #wgpu #target #api-wrapper #bindings