1. open

    path or URL using the program configured on the system

    v5.1.2 298K #start #xdg-open #launch
  2. opener

    Open a file or link using the system default program

    v0.7.0 375K #default #open #browser #launcher #open-file
  3. webbrowser

    Open URLs in web browsers available on a platform

    v1.0.0 228K #browser #url #platform #local #web #android #ios
  4. Try searching with DuckDuckGo or on crates.io.

  5. open-enum

    An attribute for generating "open" fieldless enums, those that accept any integer value, by using a newtype struct and associated constants

    v0.5.0 16K #enums #open #integer #integer-value #newtype #enum
  6. rbxcloud

    CLI and SDK for the Roblox Open Cloud APIs

    v0.10.0 700 #roblox #api #open #cloud #sdk #cli #assets
  7. catapulte

    open source mailer you can host yourself. You can use it to quickly catapult your transactionnal emails to destination.

    v1.0.0-alpha.2 #email-template #open #source #host #yourself #destination #quickly
  8. upnp-daemon

    A daemon for continuously opening ports via UPnP

    v0.6.0 100 #upnp #open-ports #port #csv #daemon #file #opening
  9. open_secrets

    A client wrapper for the Open Secrets REST API

    v0.1.4 #secret #api-wrapper #open #rest-client
  10. os-query-builder-rs

    Open Search query builder

    v0.1.5 #query-builder #search-query #opensearch #open
  11. oscd

    interactive OSC (Open Sound Control) debugger for terminal

    v0.1.6 210 #debugging #osc #terminal #interactive #control #open #sound
  12. winterval

    Interval adapter for both open/closed implementations of intervals ( ranges )

    v0.3.0 5.5K #interval #range #general-purpose #fundamental #adapter #closed #open
  13. zopen

    Automatically open compressed files

    v1.0.0 #file-extension #compression #utility #write-file #automatic #xz #open
  14. interval_adapter

    Interval adapter for both open/closed implementations of intervals ( ranges )

    v0.18.0 1.8K #interval #adapter #fundamental #general-purpose #range #closed #open
  15. pub

    publish anything to the open web

    v0.2.9 #web #path #publish #url-path #directory #resource #open
  16. lcax

    open, machine and human-readable data format for exchanging LCA results

    v1.7.0 340 #open #format #lca #results #human-readable #machine #standardized
  17. librespot

    An open source client library for Spotify, with support for Spotify Connect

    v0.4.2 7.3K #spotify #client #connect #open #source #music #receiver
  18. aeruginous-io

    A set of input / output utilities for the Aeruginous Open Source Development Toolbox

    v0.8.0 9.3K #io #aeruginous #toolbox #source #open #utilities
  19. memorix-client-redis

    Memorix is an open source next-generation in-memory ORM

    v1.5.4 1.4K #orm #redis #next-generation #language #memorix #source #open
  20. cerbos

    Rust SDK for working with Cerbos: an open core, language-agnostic, scalable authorization solution

    v0.4.5 #access-control #authorization #security #sdk #open #scalable #documentation
  21. open-feature

    The official OpenFeature Rust SDK

    v0.2.3 110 #flags #provider #feature #sdk #management #open #client
  22. crabby-merge

    poll open Bitbucket PR's and merge them based on a configurable trigger

    v0.6.0 #bitbucket #pull-request #merge #trigger #pr #open #async
  23. stem-cell

    project to demonstrate the cross-platform release management process I use for my open source work

    v0.0.7 #cross-platform #management #open #source #process #demonstrate #cell
  24. rocs

    Rust OSB client

    v1.0.21 #api-service #broker #api-client #org #platform #osb #open
  25. tauri-plugin-aptabase

    Tauri Plugin for Aptabase: Open Source, Privacy-First and Simple Analytics for Mobile, Desktop and Web Apps

    v0.5.1 370 #tauri-app #tauri-plugin #analytics #web-apps #aptabase #mobile #open
  26. gluesql-shared-memory-storage

    GlueSQL - Open source SQL database engine fully written in Rust with pure functional execution layer, easily swappable storage and web assembly support!

    v0.15.0 4.9K #sql-database #glue-sql #shared-memory #database-engine #environments #open #source
  27. openat

    A wrapper around openat, symlinkat, and similar system calls

    v0.1.21 1.4K #filesystem #open #fs #open-file #file-descriptor #system-interface #api-bindings
  28. dove

    open source Rust implementation of the AMQP 1.0 OASIS standard (http://www.amqp.org/)

    v0.3.0 #amqp-client #open #source #standard #connection #oasis #org
  29. fbinit

    Facebook init token

    v0.2.0 28K #facebook #init #token #eden #repository #source #open
  30. gen-license

    A very easy-to-use and fast command line license generator!

    v0.1.3 #command-line #generator #projects #source #open #productivity #generate
  31. enjo

    Minimalist workspace assistant

    v0.1.1 #workspace #projects #management #minimalist #manage #open #assistant
  32. esp32p4

    Peripheral access crate for the ESP32-P4

    v0.2.0 4.2K #information #module #open
  33. lib-cargo-crate

    The lib for cargo-crate

    v0.2.2 4.3K #search #cargo-command #open #io #documentation #package #information
  34. fb_cloned

    Cloned macro

    v0.1.3 #macro #facebook #cloned #projects #repository #open #source
  35. lock_ext

    Extensions to std::sync::Mutex

    v0.1.3 #extensions #projects #source #repository #open #facebook #mononoke
  36. lenra_cli

    The Lenra command line interface

    v1.3.0 170 #lenra #command-line-interface #deployment #framework #open #source #values
  37. libsql_replication

    libSQL replication protocol

    v0.3.1 1.8K #sqlite #libsql #replication #open #source #sql #database
  38. slog_glog_fmt

    slog Drain for glog-formatted logs

    v0.1.5 #logging #slog #facebook #drain #open #source #glog-formatted
  39. utuntap

    A low level Rust library for Tun/Tap devices

    v0.3.1 #tun-tap #devices #low-level #open #cross-platform #packet-info #well-tested
  40. fb_futures_ext

    future crate extensions

    v0.2.0 #future #extensions #facebook #projects #open #source #mononoke
  41. osv

    parsing the OSV schema and client API

    v0.1.5 310 #vulnerabilities #security #open #source #schema #foundation #api-client
  42. ovsdb

    schema and wire protocol

    v0.0.6 #protocols #interface #open #database-interface #database-interfaces #vswitch #schema
  43. fb_failure_ext

    Extensions to the anyhow crate

    v0.2.0 #anyhow #extensions #facebook #open #source #projects #mononoke
  44. libsql-ffi

    Native bindings to libSQL

    v0.2.1 1.7K #sqlite #libsql #native-bindings #open #embedded-database #source #fork
  45. mimalloc2-rust

    the fork of the best binding for mimalloc in rust

    v0.3.1 370 #binding #mi-malloc #pull-request #requests #allocator #open #functionalities
  46. librespot-audio

    The audio fetching logic for librespot

    v0.4.2 9.3K #spotify #librespot #audio #connect #back-end #receiver #open
  47. askalono

    detect the contents of license files

    v0.4.6 36K #licensing #detect #source #open #text #accurate #command-line-tool
  48. chapaty

    A software to backtest trading strategies

    v0.1.8 #market-data #trading #historical #strategies #open #source #directory
  49. ovsdb-build

    OVSDB schema compiler

    v0.0.6 #schema #ovsdb #struct #codec #models #open #serde
  50. tract-tflite

    Tiny, no-nonsense, self contained, TensorFlow and ONNX inference

    v0.21.4 420 #tensorflow #inference #model #onnx #self-contained #tract #open
  51. zigbee2mqtt-types

    Struct definitions for zigbee2mqtt json messages

    v0.4.0 #zigbee2mqtt-json #definition #mqtt #message #types #data #open
  52. oci-spec

    Open Container Initiative Specifictions in Rust

    v0.6.5 42K #oci #container-image #run-time #spec #specification #image-format #container
  53. gogo

    A mnemonic terminal url opener

    v2.0.5 190 #terminal #url #mnemonic #manager #website #bookmarks #opener
  54. prometheus-client

    Open Metrics client library allowing users to natively instrument applications

    v0.22.2 389K #open-metrics #prometheus-metrics #metrics #prometheus #instrumentation #monitoring
  55. open-meteo-cli

    CLI to extract meteorology data from Open Meteo

    v0.1.6 #weather #temperature #cli #open-meteo #latitude-longitude
  56. edit

    Open a file in the default text editor

    v0.1.5 11K #editor #text-file #open-file #editing #env-var
  57. open-ambient

    Open files and directories with constant paths

    v0.5.0 #path #file-path #open-file #constant #io #clippy #ambient
  58. open-meteo-rs

    HTTP client for open-meteo.com api

    v0.0.4 #http-client #com #open-meteo #api-client #forecast
  59. openrr

    Open Rust Robotics framework

    v0.1.0 #robotics #robot #framework #arci #language #linux #format
  60. tokio-tfo

    TCP Fast Open (TFO) in Rust for tokio

    v0.2.2 50K #tokio #tcp #networking #tfo #macos-ios #sockets #async
  61. aeruginous

    Open Source Development Toolbox

    v3.7.12 600 #changelog #toolbox #linter #time-tracking #citation-file-format #reflection
  62. hko

    Hong Kong Observatory Open Data API

    v1.11.4 500 #weather #observatory #hong-kong #opendata
  63. telemetry-rust

    Open Telemetry fox Axum and Tracing

    v3.0.0 420 #axum #open-telemetry #tracing #instrumentation #request #trace #middleware
  64. open-metrics-client

    Open Metrics client library allowing users to natively instrument applications

    v0.14.0 2.1K #open-metrics #metrics #prometheus-metrics #monitoring #instrumentation #prometheus
  65. open-coroutine

    efficient and generic stackful-coroutine library

    v0.5.0 100 #stackful-coroutine #coroutine #stackful #fiber #hook
  66. kattis-rs

    Competitive programming checker for open.kattis.com

    v1.6.6 #competitive-programming #kattis #competitive #programming #checker
  67. struqture

    HQS tool for representing operators, Hamiltonians and open systems

    v2.0.0-alpha.0 3.9K #sparse-matrix #operator #quantum-computing #object #quantum-simulation #system #numbers
  68. close_fds

    that makes it easy to close all open file descriptors

    v0.3.2 14K #file-descriptor #os
  69. ode-rs

    ODE Open Dynamics Engine for Rust

    v1.0.4 170 #dynamics #kinetics #physics #opengl #3d
  70. ode-rs-0000

    OYK sample for ODE (Open Dynamics Engine)

    v1.0.4 130 #dynamics #kinetics #physics #opengl #3d
  71. oqs

    interface to Open-Quantum-Safe's liboqs

    v0.9.0 3.6K #post-quantum-cryptography #bindings #interface #liboqs #open-quantum-safe #default #scheme
  72. fastobo

    Faultless AST for Open Biomedical Ontologies

    v0.15.2 200 #ast-parser #obo #ast #ontology #syntax #parser #file-format
  73. dmux

    fast and easy tmux workspace opener

    v0.6.4 #tmux #tmux-session #search #setup #filesystem
  74. oclif

    Rust Open CLI Framework (based on oclif.io)

    v0.4.0 3.2K #io #framework #cli
  75. shrs_manpages

    keybinding to open man page currently typed command

    v0.0.5 #shrs #shell #posix #unix
  76. mdbook-open-on-gh

    mdbook preprocessor to add a open-on-github link on every page

    v2.4.2 #mdbook #github #link #page #add #linker #edit
  77. openaws-vpn-client

    Unofficial open-source AWS VPN client written in Rust

    v0.1.8 #vpn #vpn-client #openaws
  78. revolt_api

    Open source user-first chat platform

    v0.6.5 #revolt #api-client #server #api-server #generate #chat #platform
  79. portmonitor

    command to wait for a TCP port to open

    v0.1.0 #tcp-port #port #tcp #port-wait
  80. egui_sdl2_gl

    Backend for Egui to use with sdl2-rs and open gl

    v0.27.0 280 #opengl-rendering #opengl #sdl2 #egui #gamedev #gui #graphics
  81. philips-isyntax-rs

    Rust bindings to the Philips Open Pathology C++ library

    v1.2.0 480 #philips #isyntax #microscopy #histopathology
  82. galileo-osnma

    Galileo OSNMA (Open Service Navigation Message Authentication)

    v0.8.0 #message-authentication #galileo #gnss #osnma #authentication #tree-root #cryptography
  83. libredr-worker

    LibreDR is an open-source ray-tracing differentiable renderer

    v0.0.18 #ray-tracing #renderer #differentiable #gpu #worker #node #libre-dr
  84. opening-hours

    A parser and evaluation tool for the opening_hours fields in OpenStreetMap

    v0.6.18 #openstreetmap #opening #hours #parser #evaluation #osm #fields
  85. rustpotter-cli

    CLI for Rustpotter, an open source wakeword spotter forged in rust

    v3.0.2 #command-line #record #wav #audio #wakeword #command-line-tool #source
  86. oso

    open source policy engine for authorization that’s embedded in your application

    v0.27.3 14K #access-control #authorization #nodejs #policy #applications #rbac #primitive
  87. iamgroot

    Rust code generation from Open-RPC spec

    v0.1.5 #generation #spec #open-rpc #generate #api #generator #json

Narrow the search: open api, …source, …file