Cargo Features

WTX has no features set by default.

wtx = { version = "0.14.0", features = ["std", "ahash", "async-send", "async-std", "borsh", "client-api-framework", "database", "embedded-tls", "glommio", "http1", "miniserde", "orm", "pool-manager", "postgres", "protobuf", "schema-manager", "schema-manager-dev", "serde", "serde_json", "serde_yaml", "serde-xml-rs", "simd-json", "smol", "tokio", "tokio-rustls", "web-socket", "web-socket-handshake", "arbitrary", "atoi", "bytes", "embassy-net", "fastrand", "flate2", "futures", "memchr", "rand", "reqwest", "rkyv", "rust_decimal", "rustls-pemfile", "simdutf8", "test-strategy", "webpki-roots", "x509-certificate", "proptest"] }
std arbitrary? async-std? borsh? glommio? miniserde? protobuf? serde-xml-rs? serde_json? serde_yaml? simd-json? smol? tokio?

Enables std of optional ahash, optional arrayvec, optional atoi, optional cl-aux ^4.0, optional memchr, optional miniserde, optional serde, optional serde_json, and optional simdutf8


Enabling this will enable AHashMap and AHashSet.

Affects misc::files, misc::group_and_migrations_from_path, misc::parse_root_toml, misc::parse_root_toml_raw, schema_manager::migration_parser, schema_manager::toml_parser, error::VarError

ahash postgres?

Enables ahash and optional hashbrown


Affects async_bounds::AsyncBounds

async-std = std

Enables async-std

borsh = std

Enables borsh

client-api-framework = cl-aux

Affects wtx::client_api_framework

database orm? postgres? schema-manager? = arrayvec

Affects wtx::database


Enables embedded-io-async and embedded-tls ^0.16

glommio = futures-lite, std

Enables glommio ^0.8

http1 web-socket-handshake? = httparse
miniserde = std

Enables miniserde

orm = database

Enables smallvec

Affects database::orm


Affects wtx::pool_manager

postgres = ahash, base64, crypto-common, database, digest, hashbrown, hmac, md-5, sha2

Affects client::postgres

protobuf = std

Enables protobuf

schema-manager schema-manager-dev? = chrono, database

Affects database::schema_manager

schema-manager-dev = schema-manager
serde serde-xml-rs? serde_json? serde_yaml? simd-json?

Enables serde, serde of optional arrayvec and optional cl-aux ^4.0

serde_json = serde, std

Enables serde_json


serde_yaml = serde, std

Enables serde_yaml

serde-xml-rs = serde, std

Enables serde-xml-rs

simd-json = serde, std

Enables simd-json ^0.11

smol = std

Enables smol

tokio tokio-rustls? = std

Enables tokio

Affects static_pool::StaticPoolTokioMutex

tokio-rustls = ring, rustls-pki-types, tokio

Enables tokio-rustls ^0.25

web-socket web-socket-handshake?

Affects wtx::web_socket

web-socket-handshake = base64, http1, sha1, web-socket

Required by autobahn-client and autobahn-server binaries

_tracing-subscriber = tracing

Enables tracing-subscriber and tracing-tree ^0.3

Affects misc::tracing_subscriber_init

arbitrary = std

Enables arbitrary

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

arrayvec database?
atoi implicit feature

Enables atoi


Parse integers directly from [u8] slices in safe code

Affects optimization::atoi

base64 postgres? web-socket-handshake?

Enables base64 ^0.21

bytes implicit feature

Enables bytes


Types and traits for working with bytes

chrono schema-manager?
cl-aux client-api-framework?

Enables cl-aux ^4.0

crypto-common postgres?
digest postgres?
embassy-net implicit feature

Enables embassy-net


Async TCP/IP network stack for embedded systems

fastrand implicit feature

Enables fastrand


A simple and fast random number generator

flate2 implicit feature

Required by autobahn-client and autobahn-server binaries

futures implicit feature
futures-lite glommio?

Enables futures-lite ^1.0

hashbrown postgres?
hmac postgres?
httparse http1?
md-5 postgres?
memchr implicit feature
rand implicit feature

Enables rand


Random number generators and other randomness functionality

reqwest implicit feature

Enables reqwest ^0.11


higher level HTTP client library

ring tokio-rustls?
rkyv implicit feature

Enables rkyv


Zero-copy deserialization framework for Rust

rust_decimal implicit feature
rustls-pemfile implicit feature

Enables rustls-pemfile


Basic .pem file parser for keys and certificates

rustls-pki-types tokio-rustls?
sha1 web-socket-handshake?
sha2 postgres?
simdutf8 implicit feature

Enables simdutf8


SIMD-accelerated UTF-8 validation

test-strategy implicit feature

Enables test-strategy ^0.3


Procedural macro to easily write higher-order strategies in proptest

tracing _tracing-subscriber?
webpki-roots implicit feature

Enables webpki-roots


Mozilla's CA root certificates for use with webpki

x509-certificate implicit feature

Enables x509-certificate


X.509 certificate parser and utility functionality

proptest implicit feature

Enables proptest


Hypothesis-like property-based testing and shrinking