#level #low-level #graphics #run-time #webgl

nightly web-glitz

Rusty low-level web-graphics library on top of WebGL 2.0

9 releases

0.3.0 Dec 24, 2021
0.2.5 Aug 31, 2021
0.2.3 May 31, 2021
0.2.2 Apr 20, 2021
0.1.1 Sep 23, 2019

#464 in Images

Download history 4/week @ 2024-02-28 1/week @ 2024-03-06 10/week @ 2024-03-13 23/week @ 2024-03-27 34/week @ 2024-04-03

57 downloads per month
Used in web-glitz-buffer-vec

MIT license

32K SLoC

WebGlitz - Low Level Web-Graphics Framework for Rust

WebGlitz is a "Rusty" abstraction on top of WebGL 2.0 that aims to make it safer and easier to interface with the GPU without much additional runtime overhead in the core render-loop. The API is inspired by modern graphics API's like Vulkan, Metal and the upcoming WebGPU/GPUWeb API.

Requires nightly Rust.

WIP: this API is still likely to change here and there, but the general shape of the API should now be stable. If you're at all interested in an API like this, please play around with it and share your thoughts and ideas (preferably through Github issues)!


The examples in the examples folder demonstrate WebGlitz's core functionality and are a good way to get started. For details, refer to the API documentation.




~211K SLoC