6 releases (3 breaking)
0.4.0 | Nov 9, 2023 |
0.3.0 | May 26, 2022 |
0.2.2 | Aug 12, 2021 |
0.1.0 | Aug 10, 2021 |
#552 in Programming languages
Have fucked Python 2.7 bytecode? Let's unfuck
unfuck is a utility and library for deobfuscating obfuscated Python 2.7 bytecode. It is essentially a reimplementation of the Python VM with taint tracking. Some of the things unfuck can do:
- Remove opaque predicates
- Dead code elimination
- Restore some lost function names
- Cleanup obfuscated variable names
#1 and #2 are the two biggest items that Python decompilers trip over when attempting to reconstruct original Python source code.
unfuck basically makes your bytecode go from this to this:
Or from this to this:
Yes, these are real-world examples.
Useful Wiki Resources
unfuck can either be used as a library or a command-line utility.
unfuck 0.2.0
unfuck [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <input-obfuscated-file> <output-path> [graphs-dir] [SUBCOMMAND]
--dry Dry run only -- do not write any files
-g Enable outputting code graphs to dot format
-h, --help Prints help information
-q Disable all logging
-V, --version Prints version information
-v Enable verbose logging
--decompiler <decompiler> Your favorite Python 2.7 bytecode decompiler. This program assumes the decompiler's
first positional argument is the file to decompile, and it prints the decompiled
output to stdout [env: UNFUCK_DECOMPILER=] [default: uncompyle6]
<input-obfuscated-file> Input obfuscated file
<output-path> Output file name or directory name. If this path is a directory, a file will be
created with the same name as the input. When the `strings-only` subcommand is
applied, this will be where the output strings file is placed
<graphs-dir> An optional directory for graphs to be written to [default: .]
help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
To unfuck a single file:
# deobfuscated.pyc can also be a directory
unfuck obfuscated.pyc deobfuscated.pyc
You can also provide additional flags to dump strings to a file, or dump dot
graphs that can be viewed in graphviz:
# -g is for printing graphs
unfuck -g obfuscated.pyc deobfuscated.pyc
# use the strings-only subcommand for dumping just dumping strings -- no deobfuscation is performed
unfuck deobfuscated.pyc ./strings.csv strings-only
unfuck requires Python 2.7 in your system's PATH
. After ensuring it's present, you should be able to just cargo build
. If for some reason the correct interpreter cannot be found, try setting the PYTHON_SYS_EXECUTABLE
env var to your Python 2.7 interpreter path.
cargo install --force unfuck
Library Usage
NOTE: unfuck was not originally designed with library usage in mind, and therefore brings its own multithreading platform (in this case, Rayon).
Usage is fairly straightforward:
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::fs::File;
let mut pyc_contents = vec![];
let pyc_file = File::open("obfuscated.pyc")?;
pyc_file.read_to_end(&mut pyc_contents)?;
// magic/moddate are specific to the PYC header and are required to be
// a valid PYC file
let magic = u32::from_le_bytes(pyc_contents[0..4].try_into().unwrap());
let moddate = u32::from_le_bytes(pyc_contents[4..8].try_into().unwrap());
let pyc_contents = &pyc_contents[8..];
// Use a standard Python 2.7 opcode table
let deobfuscator = unfuck::Deobfuscator::<pydis::opcode::py27::Standard>::new(pyc_contents);
let deobfuscator = if enable_graphs {
} else {
let deobfuscated_code = deobfuscator.deobfuscate()?;
let mut deobfuscated_file = File::create("deobfuscated.pyc")?;
gabe_k, yrp, lpcvoid, folks from the WD disc, squif, ian, pie doom, saruhan
~236K SLoC