#elevator #tcp-server #real-time #hardware #lab #ttk4145 #comedi

app ttk4145_elevator_server

TCP based API for the elevator hardware at NTNU RealTime lab

4 releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.1.3 Feb 12, 2018
0.1.2 Feb 12, 2018
0.1.1 Feb 4, 2018
0.1.0 Jan 7, 2018

#759 in Hardware support


436 lines

Elevator server

In the TTK4145 elevator project the elevator hardware is communicated with over TCP. Every elevator expose a server that clients (elevator logic) can connect to. This repo contains the code for the server part of the elevator interface.



Hardware & comedi

For this program to work elevator hardware needs to be connected through an io card supported by comedi in the same way as it is in the NTNU real time lab. It is made specially to work with the elevator hardware in this lab, and it is not recommended to use this software for outside this lab. For a solution that will work outside the real time lab, have a look at one of the simulators (Simulator v2, Simulator v3).

Cargo & Rust

To compile and install the elevator server, cargo and rust is needed. Both are best installed by using rustup.

HW Access

For a process to access the io card (elevator hw) on the real time lab the user running the user running the process must be in the iocard group. To add user student to the iocard group run sudo usermod -a -G iocard student.


If the software is not installed you can run cargo install ttk4145_elevator_server to run install it. If an old version is installed and you wish to upgrade to the newest version cargo install --force ttk4145_elevator_server will do.


The server can be started by running ElevatorServer. Once started, the server will start listening on localhost:15657. You can then connect to it by using a client that adhers to the protocol.



  • All TCP messages must have a length of 4 bytes
  • The instructions for reading from the hardware send replies that are 4 bytes long, where the last byte is always 0
  • The instructions for writing to the hardware do not send any replies


Writing command[0] command[1] command[2] command[3]
Reserved x x x x
Motor direction 1 direction[-1(255),0,1] x x
Order button light 2 button[0,1,2] floor
Floor indicator 3 floor[0..NF] x x
Door open light 4 value[0,1] x x
Stop button light 5 value[0,1] x x


Reading command[0] command[1] command[2] command[3] response[0] response[1] response[2] response[3]
Order button 6 button[0,1,2] floor[0..NF] x 6 active[0,1] 0 0
Floor sensor 7 x x x 7 at floor[0,1] floor[0..NF] 0
Stop button 8 x x x 8 active[0,1] 0 0
Obstruction switch 9 x x x 9 active[0,1] 0 0

