#sudoku #puzzle #tui #game

app tsudoku

A terminal-friendly version of sudoku

9 releases (breaking)

new 0.7.0 Jun 29, 2024
0.6.0 Jun 23, 2024
0.5.0 Jun 23, 2024
0.4.0 Jun 23, 2024
0.1.0 Jun 16, 2024

#6 in Games

Download history 107/week @ 2024-06-14 356/week @ 2024-06-21

463 downloads per month


1.5K SLoC


Status Update: 16 June 2024

tsudoku is currently in the transition process of converted from C++ to Rust. For a fully playable version, the latest C++ version can be built from the main branch of the tsudoku Github repository mentioned later in this README. Once the Rust port has been completed, the C++ version will no longer be maintained.. This README will be updated once the Rust version is fully playable.


tsudoku (both short for "terminal sudoku" and inspired phonetically by other Japanese words such as "tsunami") is a user-friendly implementation of the classic game of sudoku that you can play in your terminal.

Supported systems

The below operating systems have been tested for working condition. Other Unix-based OSs are also likely to also be supported.

- Debian Linux
- MacOS
- WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)

Note for MacOS users: It's possible that certain (e.g. the Makefile and this README) will be marked as executable during the install process and prevent you from easily viewing the file in a text editor. Alternative ways to view the files marked this way include the Unix command line utility less or terminal-based text editors such as vim/view or nano. The easiest and simplest to use is less. Examples are below:

$ less README.md
$ view README.md
$ nano -v README.md

Note for inexperienced WSL users: tsudoku will not be compilable or playable unless a WSL shell is opened first. A WSL shell should be easily accessible from either a PowerShell or Windows Command Prompt by running wsl.exe at the current terminal prompt. Also see the example below. If you are unsure how to install or setup WSL, please reference https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install .

  • Ex: Running tsudoku from Windows Command Prompt

$ tsudoku


NOTE: These are likely already installed depending on your operating system. If not, you should be able to download them easily using your OS's package manager (see Prerequisites Installation section).

- The GNU C++ compiler g++ (tsudoku compiles using the C++17 standard)
- NCurses C API

Prerequisites Installation

If either of the prerquisites are not pre-installed by your operating system, you can install them from your package manager.

$ sudo apt install g++
$ sudo apt install libncurses-dev

Note for MacOS Users: The best option for a MacOS package manager is Homebrew and is relatively similar to a Linux package manager such as that found on Linux and WSL. MacOS should come pre-installed with clang++, which should be mapped to g++. You can use this instead if you wish. Homebrew's version of an NCurses package is likely just called ncurses.


From source

Step 1: Clone the project from Github.

  • Option 1: Git via HTTPS

$ git clone https://github.com/TheOGChips/tsudoku.git && cd tsudoku

  • Option 2: Git via SSH

$ git clone git@github.com:TheOGChips/tsudoku.git && cd tsudoku

  • Option 3: Direct download from the main branch

$ wget https://github.com/TheOGChips/tsudoku/archive/refs/heads/main.zip -O tsudoku.zip
$ unzip tsudoku.zip && mv tsudoku-main tsudoku && cd tsudoku

Step 2: Compile the source code using the provided makefile. Performing any of the three methods above should have already placed you inside the tsudoku directory of the cloned source code.

$ make

Step 3: Source your shell's RC file to allow running tsudoku in the current shell instance.

  • Examples:

$ source ~/.bashrc # if using bash
$ source ~/.zshrc # if using zsh


With in-game menu enabled:

$ tsudoku

With in-game menu disabled:

$ tsudoku -n
$ tsudoku --no-in-game-menu

Display usage information:

$ tsudoku --help

Remove all saved games

$ tsudoku -d
$ tsudoku --delete-saved-games


From source

If installed using Git via HTTPS or SSH (options 1 or 2), navigate to the tsudoku directory, then perform the following steps:

$ git pull
$ make upgrade

If installed via direct downloaded (option 3), delete the tsudoku directory and repeat the installation process as described in the Installation section again.

$ rm -rf tsudoku
$ wget https://github.com/TheOGChips/tsudoku/archive/refs/heads/main.zip -O tsudoku.zip
$ unzip tsudoku.zip && mv tsudoku-main tsudoku && cd tsudoku
$ make

Status update: 3 March 2023

tsudoku is now ready for official release! Barring any potential future bug fixes, this will be the last update until either the documentation is finished or this project has been officially added to the Debian APT repository. Anyone is welcome to notify me of a bug fix by email at: swindell.christian.g@gmail.com . If you have played tsudoku and enjoyed your experience, and you feel obligated to compensate me for my time working on this, you can also email me to ask about setting up a one-time donation. Have fun playing!


~92K SLoC