#tauri-app #events #tauri-apps-tray-icon


Create tray icons for desktop applications on Windows (fork of tauri-apps/tray-icon)

6 releases

0.1.5 Dec 25, 2024
0.1.4 Dec 24, 2024

#302 in GUI



tray-icon-win lets you create tray icons for desktop applications on Windows.

This is a personal fork of tray-icon. For general use, please consider using the original.


  • An event loop must be running on the thread, on Windows, a win32 event loop. It doesn't need to be the main thread but you have to create the tray icon on the same thread as the event loop.

Cargo Features

  • common-controls-v6: Use TaskDialogIndirect API from ComCtl32.dll v6 on Windows for showing the predefined About menu item dialog.
  • libxdo: Enables linking to libxdo which is used for the predfined Copy, Cut, Paste and SelectAll menu item, see https://github.com/tauri-apps/muda#cargo-features
  • serde: Enables de/serializing derives.


Create a tray icon without a menu.

use tray_icon_win::TrayIconBuilder;

let tray_icon = TrayIconBuilder::new()
    .with_tooltip("system-tray - tray icon library!")

Create a tray icon with a menu.

use tray_icon_icon::{TrayIconBuilder, menu::Menu};

let tray_menu = Menu::new();
let tray_icon = TrayIconBuilder::new()
    .with_tooltip("system-tray - tray icon library!")

Processing tray events

You can use TrayIconEvent::receiver to get a reference to the TrayIconEventReceiver which you can use to listen to events when a click happens on the tray icon

use tray_icon_win::TrayIconEvent;

if let Ok(event) = TrayIconEvent::receiver().try_recv() {
    println!("{:?}", event);

You can also listen for the menu events using MenuEvent::receiver to get events for the tray context menu.

use tray_icon_win::{TrayIconEvent, menu::{MenuEvent}};

if let Ok(event) = TrayIconEvent::receiver().try_recv() {
    println!("tray event: {:?}", event);

if let Ok(event) = MenuEvent::receiver().try_recv() {
    println!("menu event: {:?}", event);

Note for winit or tao users:

You should use TrayIconEvent::set_event_handler and forward the tray icon events to the event loop by using EventLoopProxy so that the event loop is awakened on each tray icon event. Same can be done for menu events using MenuEvent::set_event_handler.

enum UserEvent {

let event_loop = EventLoop::<UserEvent>::with_user_event().build().unwrap();

let proxy = event_loop.create_proxy();
tray_icon_win::TrayIconEvent::set_event_handler(Some(move |event| {

let proxy = event_loop.create_proxy();
tray_icon_win::menu::MenuEvent::set_event_handler(Some(move |event| {




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