#web #browser #extension #hint #page #login #titanium


Web extension for the web titanium

1 unstable release

Uses old Rust 2015

0.1.0 Aug 15, 2017

#853 in Authentication

MIT license

1.5K SLoC

Titanium Web Browser

A keyboard-driven web browser written in Rust

//link //link link link

Titanium is written in Rust and uses WebKit2GTK to render web pages.

It is inspired on Vimperator and qutebrowser.py.


Titanium,300,link="doc/screenshots/titanium.png" Titanium-Follow-Links,300,link="doc/screenshots/titanium-follow-links.png"


  • vim-like keybindings
  • follow links/scroll from the keyboard
  • pop-up blocker with blacklist and whitelist
  • user scripts and user style sheet
  • page search
  • search engines
  • download manager
  • bookmarks (with completions)
  • ad blocker


[source, bash]

cargo build
cd titanium-web-extension
cargo build

if you have issues compiling due to requiring an environment variable, set it to the web extension path

Installing Titanium

Set the TITANIUM_EXTENSION_INSTALL_PATH environment variable and compile in release mode. Then copy the executable and the library in /usr/local.

[source, bash]

sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/titanium/web-extensions
export TITANIUM_EXTENSION_INSTALL_PATH=/usr/local/lib/titanium/web-extensions
cargo build --release
sudo cp target/release/titanium /usr/local/bin
cd titanium-web-extension
cargo build --release
sudo cp target/release/libtitanium_web_extension.so /usr/local/lib/titanium/web-extensions/


If you appreciate this project and want new features to be implemented, please support me on Patreon.



Web extension for the titanium web browser. It provides an ad blocker, scrolling support, hints, navigation and login credentials load/save.


~609K SLoC