
bin+lib thoth-cli

A terminal scratchpad akin to Heynote

19 releases

0.1.66 Oct 4, 2024
0.1.64 Oct 4, 2024
0.1.63 Sep 20, 2024
0.1.60 Aug 11, 2024
0.1.31 Jul 29, 2024

#638 in Command line utilities

Download history 177/week @ 2024-07-22 571/week @ 2024-07-29 163/week @ 2024-08-05 36/week @ 2024-08-12 235/week @ 2024-09-16 15/week @ 2024-09-23 260/week @ 2024-09-30 20/week @ 2024-10-07

530 downloads per month

MIT license



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A terminal scratchpad inspired by Heynote.


As mentioned on Heynote's GitHub page, it is "a dedicated scratchpad for developers. It functions as a large persistent text buffer where you can write down anything you like." This app is truly great, and I've quite enjoyed using it as dedicated scratchpad. However, I work in the terminal, and I was finding several workflows in which having a terminal based scratchpad would be nice. Enter Thoth! Thoth follows the same design philosophy as Heynote in terms of its simplicity, but with some key differences.

Differences Compared to Heynote

  • The persistent buffer in Thoth gets saved as a markdown file in your home directory. I did this since I use Obsidian for all of my notes, and I wanted my scratchpad to also be displayable in the app.
  • Blocks are titled and can be selected by title.
  • The ability to edit a block using your favorite terminal editor such as Neovim, Helix, Vim, and others via setting the $EDITOR or $VISUAL environment variables.
  • A CLI that allows one to pipe information via STDIN into a new block, or use STDOUT to get text out of a block.

Why the name Thoth?


In Egyptology, Thoth is the god of writing, wisdom, and magic. Thoth was in charge of messenging and recording knowledge and events for the Egyptian deities. Seems like a fitting name for a persistent scratchpad :).

Main tools used to build Thoth



brew tap jooaf/homebrew-thoth
brew install thoth


If you have cargo installed on your machine, you can download directly from crates.io

cargo install thoth-cli --locked

Arch Linux

You can install from the AUR using an AUR helper like so:

paru -S thoth


You can install the .deb for your platform by doing the following (note: the URL is an example. To get the latest release please look at the Releases section)

# x86-64
curl -LO https://github.com/jooaf/thoth/releases/download/v0.1.30/thoth_0.1.30_linux_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i thoth_0.1.30_linux_amd64.deb

# ARM64
curl -LO https://github.com/jooaf/thoth/releases/download/v0.1.30/thoth_0.1.30_linux_arm64.deb
sudo dpkg -i thoth_0.1.30_linux_arm64.deb


You can install the .rpm for your platform by doing the following (note: the URL is an example. To get the latest release please look at the Releases section)

# x86-64
sudo rpm -i thoth_0.1.30_linux_amd64.rpm

# ARM64
curl -LO https://github.com/jooaf/thoth/releases/download/v0.1.30/thoth_0.1.30_linux_arm64.rpm
sudo dpkg -i thoth_0.1.30_linux_arm64.rpm

From binaries via Release section

Go to the releases page, and download the .tar.gz associated with your OS (Note: currently supports Linux and MacOS). Once you have downloaded the zip file, go to the location where you downloaded the file, uncompress, and give the binary executable permissions by doing the following:

cd /path/to/binary
chmod +x thoth

You can then move binary if you choose so. Finally, add the path of the binary to your $PATH.

From Source

To build from source, please make sure that you have the Rust compiler installed (version 1.70.0 or higher), and the Cargo package manager. You can install both by installing rustup.

Once you have installed Rust, please do the following:

git clone https://github.com/jooaf/thoth.git
cd thoth
cargo build --release

The binary lives in thoth/target/release/thoth. You can add the binary to your $PATH.


This will show how to use the scratchpad via the CLI or the TUI.


To start the TUI, simple type thoth. Since it is a persistent buffer, thoth will save when you hit quit using q.

Commands for main mode

q: Quit 
<ctrl-n>: Add block in focus
<ctrl-d>: Delete block in focus
<ctrl-y>: Copy the complete block
Enter: Edit block 
<ctrl-f>: Full Screen 
Esc: Exit 
<ctrl-t>: Change title of block 
<ctrl-s>: Select block by title
<ctrl-j>: Format json
<ctrl-k>: Format markdown 

Commands for edit mode

Esc: Exit edit mode
<ctrl-g>: Move cursor top 
<ctrl-b>: Copy highlighted selection 
Shift-Up Arrow or Down: Make highlighted selection by line
<ctrl-y>: Copy the entire block
<ctrl-t>: Change title of block 
<ctrl-s>: Select block by title 
<ctrl-e>: Use external editor 
<ctrl-h>: Bring up other commands

The other commands are based off of the default keybindings for editing in tui-textarea.

Ctrl+H, Backspace Delete one character before cursor
Ctrl+K Delete from cursor until the end of line
Ctrl+W, Alt+Backspace Delete one word before cursor
Alt+D, Alt+Delete Delete one word next to cursor
Ctrl+U Undo
Ctrl+R Redo
Ctrl+C, Copy Copy selected text
Ctrl+X, Cut Cut selected text
Ctrl+P, ↑ Move cursor up by one line
Ctrl+→ Move cursor forward by word
Ctrl+← Move cursor backward by word
Ctrl+↑ Move cursor up by paragraph
Ctrl+↓ Move cursor down by paragraph
Ctrl+E, End, Ctrl+Alt+F, Ctrl+Alt+→ Move cursor to the end of line
Ctrl+A, Home, Ctrl+Alt+B, Ctrl+Alt+← Move cursor to the head of line
Ctrl+K Format markdown block
Ctrl+J Format JSON

If you would like to use your external editor -- such as NeoVim, Helix, etc. -- Thoth offers that functionality.


For accessing the CLI, one can use thoth followed by a command.

A terminal scratchpad akin to Heynote

Usage: thoth [COMMAND]

  add     Add a new block to the scratchpad
  list    List all of the blocks within your thoth scratchpad
  delete  Delete a block by name
  view    View (STDOUT) the contents of the block by name
  copy    Copy the contents of a block to the system clipboard
  help    Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version  


# For adding new blocks 
thoth add hello_world "Hello, World!";
# For adding new blocks with content from STDIN 
echo "Hello, World (from STDIN)" | thoth add hello_world_stdin;
# Using view to pipe contents into another command
thoth view hello_world_stdin | cat


Contributions are always welcomed :) !!! Please take a look at this doc for more information.


  • Inlcude light mode
  • Automatically saving backup thoth_notes.md files: Done!


~354K SLoC