#template #cli #format #command-line #run #generate #tool

app template_rs_cli

A CLI tool to generate and run rust files from rust templates in the .tmrs format

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jan 15, 2025

#425 in Command line utilities

MIT license

124 lines

Template RS CLI

A command-line interface for managing and executing Rust code templates using the rust_templates library.


cargo install template_rs_cli

Or build from source:

git clone https://github.com/tristanpoland/template_rs_cli
cd template-cli
cargo install --path .


  • Rust 1.70 or higher
  • rust-script (for template execution)

For template execution, ensure rust-script is installed:

cargo install rust-script


Creating Templates

Create a new template file with inline content:

template_rs_cli new -o hello.template_rs -c 'fn main() { println!("@[message]@"); }'

Create a template from an existing file:

template_rs_cli new -o output.template_rs -f input.rs

Rendering Templates

Render a template with placeholder values:

template_rs_cli render \
    -t hello.template_rs \
    -v message="Hello, World!" \
    -o hello.rs

Multiple values can be provided:

template_rs_cli render \
    -t struct.template_rs \
    -v struct_name=User \
    -v fields="name: String, age: u32" \
    -o user.rs

Executing Templates

Execute a template with rust-script:

template_rs_cli execute \
    -t math.template_rs \
    -v number_type=f64 \
    -v value=42.0 \
    -d "num=0.4"

Add multiple dependencies:

template_rs_cli execute \
    -t web.template_rs \
    -v url="https://api.example.com" \
    -d "reqwest=0.11" \
    -d "tokio=1.0" \
    -d "serde_json=1.0"

Assembling Templates

Combine multiple templates with shared values:

template_rs_cli assemble \
    -t header.template_rs \
    -t implementation.template_rs \
    -t tests.template_rs \
    -v module_name=calculator \
    -o combined.rs

Template Format

Templates use @[placeholder_name]@ syntax for placeholders:

// Example template
fn @[function_name]@() -> @[return_type]@ {
    let value = @[value]@;
    println!("@[message]@: {}", value);

Value Formatting

Values are provided using key=value pairs:

  • Basic values: name=value
  • Strings with spaces: message="Hello World"
  • Multiple lines: Use \n for newlines
  • Rust code: Escape special characters as needed


Dependencies for template execution use name=version format:

-d "serde=1.0"
-d "tokio=1.0"

Error Handling

The CLI provides clear error messages for common issues:

  • Missing placeholder values
  • Invalid template syntax
  • File system errors
  • Execution errors
  • Invalid dependency specifications


Basic Hello World

# Create template
template_rs_cli new -o hello.template_rs -c '
fn main() {
    println!("@[greeting]@ @[name]@!");

# Render template
template_rs_cli render \
    -t hello.template_rs \
    -v greeting=Hello \
    -v name=World \
    -o hello.rs

# Execute template
template_rs_cli execute \
    -t hello.template_rs \
    -v greeting=Hello \
    -v name=World

Data Structure Template

# Create a struct template
template_rs_cli new -o struct.template_rs -c '
struct @[struct_name]@ {

fn main() {
    let instance = @[struct_name]@ {
    println!("{:?}", instance);

# Render with values
template_rs_cli render \
    -t struct.template_rs \
    -v struct_name=User \
    -v fields="name: String,\n    age: u32" \
    -v field_values="name: String::from(\"Alice\"),\n    age: 30" \
    -o user.rs

Web Request Template

# Create template with dependencies
template_rs_cli execute \
    -t api.template_rs \
    -v url="https://api.example.com" \
    -v method="get" \
    -d "reqwest=0.11" \
    -d "tokio=1.0"


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Safety Notes

  • Validate template content before execution
  • Be cautious with user-provided input
  • Review dependencies before execution
  • Consider using template sandboxing in production environments


~269K SLoC